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- JDK-8080393
(1000000000000000128).toString() evaluates "1000000000000000130" - JDK-8080385
eval("function " + Array.apply(null,Array(0x10000)).join("a") + "(){}") crashes in codegen - JDK-8047371
function f(){ var a=1; with({ get a() { return false } }) return a }; f() throws TypeError with optimistic compilation - JDK-8047369
Add regression tests for passing test cases of JDK-8024971 - JDK-8047366
(1000000000000000128).toString() and (1000000000000000128).toFixed() don't evaluate to expected values. - JDK-8047365
Very long function names break codegen - JDK-8047364
function f() { L1:try { return } finally { break L1 } } f() results in VerifyError - JDK-8047359
large string size RangeError should be thrown rather than reporting negative length - JDK-8047357
Function("switch((null >> x3)) { default: {var x; break ; }\nthrow x; }")() results in AssertionError in LocalVariableTypesCalculator - JDK-8026317
$ in the function name results in wrong function being invoked - JDK-8026302
source representation of getter and setter methods is wrong - JDK-8026264
Getter, setter function name mangling issues - JDK-8026167
Class cache/reuse of 'eval' scripts results in ClassCastException in some cases. - JDK-8026125
Array.prototype.slice.call(Java.type("java.util.HashMap")) throws ClassCastException: jdk.internal.dynalink.beans.StaticClass cannot be cast to jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject - JDK-8026112
Function("with(x ? 1e81 : (x2.constructor = 0.1)){}") throws AssertionError: double is not compatible with object - JDK-8026048
Function constructor should convert arguments to String before performing any syntax checks - JDK-8026039
future strict names are allowed as function name and argument name of a strict function - JDK-8026033
Switch should load expression even when there are no cases in it - JDK-8025090
'while' statement with 'test' using var before being declared in body results in VerifyError - JDK-8025080
Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError - JDK-8025048
true as case label results in ClassCastException - JDK-8024972
for (LeftHandSideExpression in Expression) crashes the compiler
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