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- JDK-8176335
Release Note: Deprecation of Boxed Primitive Constructors - JDK-8176334
Release Note: Deprecation Warnings Introduced - JDK-8171395
(jdeprscan) add comments to L10N message file - JDK-8165646
(jdeprscan) adjust output to improve clarity - JDK-8164837
(jdeprscan) fix TestLoad and TestScan failures on Windows - JDK-8164835
(jdeprscan) add a few tools tests to the problem list - JDK-8164834
(jdeprscan) remove jdeprscan from tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java - JDK-8164833
(jdeprscan) re-integrate jdk build changes for jdeprscan - JDK-8164831
(jdeprscan) re-integrate deprecation static analysis tool - JDK-8164830
(jdeprscan) back out jdeprscan makefile changes because of tier1 failures - JDK-8164829
(jdeprscan) back out jdeprscan source code because of tier1 failures - JDK-8164698
(jdeprscan) modify jdk makefiles to build jdeprscan - JDK-8162674
change javadoc output text and style emitted by for-removal deprecations - JDK-8161887
(jdeprscan) support dot-separated binary names of class files - JDK-8161338
(jdeprscan) remove JEP 293 non-conforming -cp option - JDK-8157055
consider unified release notes for deprecated APIs - JDK-8154801
deprecate Observer and Observable - JDK-8153330
deprecate Runtime.traceInstructions() and traceMethodCalls() - JDK-8152114
(jdeprscan) internationalization: move messages from source code to properties file - JDK-8145716 Clarify relationship of "enhanced" deprecation to traditional deprecation - JDK-8145471
javac changes for enhanced deprecation - JDK-8145470
enhance javadoc treatment of deprecated APIs - JDK-8145468
update java.lang APIs with new deprecations - JDK-8145465
(jdeprscan) implement static deprecation usage analyzer - JDK-8145464
(jdeprscan) implement deprecation static analysis tool - JDK-8145461
finalize and integrate @Deprecated annotation specification change - JDK-8145460
develop draft API specification for @Deprecated annotation and post for review
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