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- JDK-8346541
java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java and java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/visibility/VisibilityTest.java timeout after passing - JDK-8345965
Refactor java.util.Currency:i18n shell tests to plain java tests - JDK-8345756
Calendar.HOUR should get deprecated - JDK-8345213
JVM Prefers /etc/timezone Over /etc/localtime on Debian 12 - JDK-8344589
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-11-19 - JDK-8343983
java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java and java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/visibility/VisibilityTest.java timeout after passing - JDK-8343804
Show the default time zone with -XshowSettings option - JDK-8343788
Provide means to alter lib/tzmappings entries on Windows - JDK-8343579
user.region for formatting number no longer works for 21.0.5 - JDK-8343445
java.util.Locale class specification improvements - JDK-8343313
Use @apiNote and @implSpec in j.util.Currency - JDK-8343237
Improve the copying of the available set of Currencies - JDK-8343236
Use @apiNote and @implSpec in j.util.Currency - JDK-8342582
user.region for formatting number no longer works for 21.0.5 - JDK-8342039
Support "%z" time zone abbreviation format in TZ files - JDK-8342030
RISC-V: Test DateFormatProviderTest.java run timeouted - JDK-8341923
java.util.Locale class specification improvements - JDK-8341684
Typo in External Specifications link of java.util.Currency - JDK-8341658
RISC-V: Test DateFormatProviderTest.java run timeouted - JDK-8341484
TimeZone.toZoneId() throws exception when using old mapping for "HST" - JDK-8341366
Suspicious check in Locale.getDisplayName(Locale inLocale) - JDK-8341285
Clarify LocaleServiceProvider deployment on application module path - JDK-8340488
Clarify LocaleServiceProvider deployment on application module path - JDK-8340478
Remove JDK1.1 compatible behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" time zones - JDK-8340477
Remove JDK1.1 compatible behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" time zones - JDK-8340073
Support "%z" time zone abbreviation format in TZ files - JDK-8339284
Invalid character in OtherCommonLocales.properties - JDK-8339105
Update Supported Locales document for JDK23 - JDK-8338905
ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update - JDK-8338687
ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update - JDK-8338563
ISO 4217 Amendment 175 Update - JDK-8338467
Make Locale related system properties `StaticProperty` - JDK-8338092
TEST_BUG java/util/Locale/LocaleEnhanceTest.java - JDK-8337908
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8337603
Change in behavior with -Djava.locale.useOldISOCodes=true - JDK-8337362
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8337256
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8337092
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-05-16 - JDK-8336955
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-03-07 - JDK-8336890
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8336806
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-05-16 - JDK-8336719
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8336432
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-05-16 - JDK-8336416
ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update - JDK-8336335
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8336266
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-05-16 - JDK-8336265
Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 - JDK-8336122
ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update - JDK-8336078
Daylight saving information for `Africa/Casablanca` are incorrect - JDK-8336077
Daylight saving information for `Africa/Casablanca` are incorrect
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