TEST: compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java TEST JDK: /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk ACTION: build -- Passed. Build successful REASON: Named class compiled on demand TIME: 15.356 seconds messages: command: build compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect reason: Named class compiled on demand started: Mon Feb 05 20:21:12 CST 2024 Test directory: compile: compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect finished: Mon Feb 05 20:21:28 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 15.356 ACTION: compile -- Passed. Compilation successful REASON: .class file out of date or does not exist TIME: 15.356 seconds messages: command: compile /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java reason: .class file out of date or does not exist started: Mon Feb 05 20:21:12 CST 2024 Mode: othervm finished: Mon Feb 05 20:21:28 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 15.356 configuration: javac compilation environment source path: /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264 /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg class path: /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264 /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6 rerun: cd /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect && \ DISPLAY=:7 \ HOME=/home/testUserForTone \ LANG=C \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH= \ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin \ TEST_IMAGE_DIR=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images \ /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/javac \ -J-Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true \ -J-Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com \ -J-Xmixed \ -J-ea \ -J-esa \ -J-Dtest.vm.opts='-Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -Xmixed -ea -esa' \ -J-Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -J-Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -J-Xmixed -J-ea -J-esa' \ -J-Dtest.compiler.opts= \ -J-Dtest.java.opts= \ -J-Dtest.jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk \ -J-Dcompile.jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk \ -J-Dtest.timeout.factor=10.0 \ -J-Dtest.nativepath=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ -J-Dtest.root=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg \ -J-Dtest.name=compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java \ -J-Dtest.file=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java \ -J-Dtest.src=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264 \ -J-Dtest.src.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg \ -J-Dtest.classes=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d \ -J-Dtest.class.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6 \ -d /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d \ -sourcepath /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg \ -classpath /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6 /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java STDOUT: STDERR: Note: /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/Asserts.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. ACTION: driver -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. REASON: User specified action: run driver compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect TIME: 7.699 seconds messages: command: driver compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect reason: User specified action: run driver compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect started: Mon Feb 05 20:21:28 CST 2024 Mode: othervm finished: Mon Feb 05 20:21:35 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 7.699 configuration: STDOUT: Run Flag VM: Command line: [/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java -cp /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar -Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -Xmixed -ea -esa -Dtest.jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk -Djava.library.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native -cp /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6 -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI compiler.lib.ir_framework.flag.FlagVM compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect ] [2024-02-05T12:21:29.319317189Z] Gathering output for process 173989 [2024-02-05T12:21:29.508071049Z] Waiting for completion for process 173989 [2024-02-05T12:21:30.167824580Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 173989 Output and diagnostic info for process 173989 was saved into 'pid-173989-output.log' Run Test VM: Command line: [/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java -cp /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar -Djava.library.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -Xmixed -ea -esa -Dir.framework.server.port=37269 -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:CompilerDirectivesFile=test-vm-compile-commands-pid-173989.log -XX:CompilerDirectivesLimit=431 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -DShouldDoIRVerification=true -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=quiet compiler.lib.ir_framework.test.TestVM compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect ] [2024-02-05T12:21:30.384675912Z] Gathering output for process 174041 [2024-02-05T12:21:30.385385616Z] Waiting for completion for process 174041 [2024-02-05T12:21:34.179566235Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 174041 Output and diagnostic info for process 174041 was saved into 'pid-174041-output.log' Messages from Test VM --------------------- [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 2 of 2 in test_divc: Not all feature constraints are met (applyIfCPUFeatureAnd): asimd, true, sve, false [IREncodingPrinter] Disabling IR matching for rule 2 of 2 in test_divc_n: Not all feature constraints are met (applyIfCPUFeatureAnd): asimd, true, sve, false Compilations (2) of Failed Methods (2) -------------------------------------- 1) Compilation of "void compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect.test_divc(int[],int[])": > Phase "PrintIdeal": AFTER: print_ideal 0 Root === 0 37 65 492 473 199 398 652 633 436 [[ 0 1 3 23 24 32 39 55 60 71 82 736 127 131 182 145 148 152 154 181 288 735 719 614 613 740 743 744 761 762 770 798 803 ]] 1 Con === 0 [[ ]] #top 3 Start === 3 0 [[ 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 11 ]] #{0:control, 1:abIO, 2:memory, 3:rawptr:BotPTR, 4:return_address, 5:compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect:NotNull *, 6:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact *, 7:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact *} 5 Parm === 3 [[ 29 ]] Control !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 6 Parm === 3 [[ 61 33 199 ]] I_O !orig=[90] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 7 Parm === 3 [[ 196 113 215 348 180 33 61 41 195 202 378 358 ]] Memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !orig=[91],[201],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 8 Parm === 3 [[ 199 473 652 633 37 33 492 65 61 398 436 ]] FramePtr !orig=[397] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 9 Parm === 3 [[ 199 33 61 ]] ReturnAdr !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 11 Parm === 3 [[ 671 25 554 349 349 322 322 311 214 175 688 688 61 682 40 40 ]] Parm1: int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact * !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 12 Parm === 3 [[ 99 61 214 684 564 689 689 359 359 323 323 133 681 112 112 321 ]] Parm2: int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact * !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:-1 (line 532) 18 MergeMem === _ 1 195 1 1 196 [[ 199 ]] { - - N196:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; 23 ConI === 0 [[ 61 769 282 61 47 ]] #int:0 24 ConP === 0 [[ 25 33 99 ]] #null 25 CmpP === _ 11 24 [[ 26 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 26 Bool === _ 25 [[ 29 ]] [ne] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 29 If === 5 26 [[ 30 31 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 30 IfTrue === 29 [[ 49 553 670 41 660 177 310 348 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 31 IfFalse === 29 [[ 33 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 32 ConI === 0 [[ 33 ]] #int:-10 33 CallStaticJava === 31 6 7 8 9 (32 1 1 1 1 1 24 ) [[ 34 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='null_check' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 34 Proj === 33 [[ 37 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 37 Halt === 34 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 39 ConL === 0 [[ 40 112 ]] #long:12 40 AddP === _ 11 11 39 [[ 41 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 41 LoadRange === 30 7 40 [[ 720 340 751 47 61 753 289 485 259 308 806 ]] @bottom[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable)+12 * [narrow], idx=4; #int:>=0 !orig=[602] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:4 (line 532) 47 CmpU === _ 41 23 [[ 48 ]] !orig=[296],[253] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 48 Bool === _ 47 [[ 49 ]] [le] !orig=[298] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 49 If === 30 48 [[ 50 51 ]] P=0.001000, C=102002.000000 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 50 IfTrue === 49 [[ 54 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 51 IfFalse === 49 [[ 218 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 54 Region === 54 334 50 [[ 54 199 196 195 ]] #reducible !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:23 (line 535) 55 ConI === 0 [[ 763 753 749 374 309 741 ]] #int:1 60 ConI === 0 [[ 61 ]] #int:-138 61 CallStaticJava === 216 6 7 8 9 (60 1 11 12 23 23 41 ) [[ 62 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='predicate' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) reexecute !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 62 Proj === 61 [[ 65 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 65 Halt === 62 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 99 CmpP === _ 12 24 [[ 100 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 100 Bool === _ 99 [[ 218 ]] [ne] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 112 AddP === _ 12 12 39 [[ 113 ]] !orig=[221],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 113 LoadRange === 219 7 112 [[ 282 757 466 229 749 ]] @bottom[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable)+12 * [narrow], idx=4; #int:>=0 !orig=[222],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 127 ConL === 0 [[ 671 681 311 321 349 359 ]] #long:16 131 ConI === 0 [[ 690 324 ]] #int:2 133 AddP === _ 12 689 736 [[ 252 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 145 ConL === 0 [[ 147 317 355 560 666 677 ]] #long:-2004318071 146 ConvI2L === _ 252 [[ 147 ]] #long:minint..maxint !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 147 MulL === _ 146 145 [[ 149 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 148 ConI === 0 [[ 149 316 354 559 665 676 ]] #int:32 149 RShiftL === _ 147 148 [[ 150 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 150 ConvL2I === _ 149 [[ 151 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 151 AddI === _ 150 252 [[ 153 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 152 ConI === 0 [[ 153 313 351 556 662 673 ]] #int:3 153 RShiftI === _ 151 152 [[ 156 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 154 ConI === 0 [[ 155 319 357 562 668 679 ]] #int:31 155 RShiftI === _ 252 154 [[ 156 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 156 SubI === _ 153 155 [[ 177 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 175 AddP === _ 11 688 736 [[ 177 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 177 StoreI === 691 553 175 156 |30 [[ 697 376 180 764 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 178 AddI === _ 696 614 [[ 214 206 696 374 763 776 ]] !orig=[205],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:17 (line 532) 180 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 1 177 [[ 214 ]] { - - N177:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:20 (line 532) 181 ThreadLocal === 0 [[ 183 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:20 (line 532) 182 ConL === 0 [[ 183 ]] #long:1184 183 AddP === _ 1 181 182 [[ 215 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:20 (line 532) 190 IfTrue === 208 [[ 691 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 195 Phi === 54 202 7 [[ 18 ]] #memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 196 Phi === 54 336 7 [[ 18 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=195 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 199 Return === 54 6 18 8 9 [[ 0 ]] 202 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 1 337 [[ 195 ]] { - - N337:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !orig=[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 206 CmpI === _ 178 720 [[ 207 ]] !orig=[187] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 207 Bool === _ 206 [[ 817 ]] [lt] !orig=[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 208 CountedLoopEnd === 691 777 [[ 700 190 ]] [lt] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 !orig=[189] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 211 IfTrue === 817 [[ 212 ]] #1 212 OuterStripMinedLoop === 212 780 211 [[ 212 691 763 764 ]] 214 SafePoint === 700 1 180 1 1 215 1 11 12 178 [[ 817 ]] SafePoint !orig=179 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:20 (line 532) 215 LoadP === 700 7 183 [[ 214 ]] @rawptr:BotPTR, idx=Raw; #rawptr:BotPTR (does not depend only on test, raw access) !orig=[184] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:20 (line 532) 216 Region === 216 263 220 287 233 [[ 216 61 ]] !orig=[57] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 218 If === 51 100 [[ 219 220 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 219 IfTrue === 218 [[ 808 669 113 680 252 320 358 563 ]] #1 220 IfFalse === 218 [[ 216 ]] #0 229 CmpU === _ 289 113 [[ 230 ]] 230 Bool === _ 229 [[ 809 ]] [lt] 232 IfTrue === 809 [[ 810 358 ]] #1 !orig=[239] 233 IfFalse === 809 [[ 216 ]] #0 252 LoadI === 747 553 133 |219 [[ 146 151 155 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 259 CmpU === _ 289 41 [[ 260 ]] 260 Bool === _ 259 [[ 810 ]] [lt] 262 IfTrue === 810 [[ 348 746 ]] #1 !orig=[269],[279] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 263 IfFalse === 810 [[ 216 ]] #0 282 CmpU === _ 113 23 [[ 284 ]] !orig=[223] 284 Bool === _ 282 [[ 808 ]] [le] 286 IfFalse === 808 [[ 809 ]] #0 !orig=[226] 287 IfTrue === 808 [[ 216 ]] #1 !orig=[227] 288 ConI === 0 [[ 289 ]] #int:-1 289 AddI === _ 41 288 [[ 229 259 ]] !orig=[228] 307 Bool === _ 308 [[ 329 ]] [lt] !orig=207,[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 308 CmpI === _ 309 41 [[ 307 ]] !orig=206,[187] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 309 AddI === _ 328 55 [[ 308 328 ]] !orig=178,... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:17 (line 532) 310 StoreI === 325 326 311 312 |30 [[ 326 336 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=177,579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 311 AddP === _ 11 322 127 [[ 310 ]] !orig=175 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 312 SubI === _ 313 319 [[ 310 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 313 RShiftI === _ 314 152 [[ 312 ]] !orig=153 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 314 AddI === _ 315 320 [[ 313 ]] !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 315 ConvL2I === _ 316 [[ 314 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 316 RShiftL === _ 317 148 [[ 315 ]] !orig=149 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 317 MulL === _ 318 145 [[ 316 ]] !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 318 ConvI2L === _ 320 [[ 317 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=146 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 319 RShiftI === _ 320 154 [[ 312 ]] !orig=155 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 320 LoadI === 343 326 321 |219 [[ 314 318 319 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=252,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 321 AddP === _ 12 323 127 [[ 320 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 322 AddP === _ 11 11 324 [[ 311 ]] !orig=[176] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 323 AddP === _ 12 12 324 [[ 321 ]] !orig=[134] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 324 LShiftL === _ 327 131 [[ 322 323 ]] !orig=[174],[132] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 325 CountedLoop === 325 488 330 [[ 310 325 326 328 329 ]] inner stride: 1 post of N213 !orig=[213],[204],[93] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 326 Phi === 325 376 310 [[ 310 320 337 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=203,[201],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 327 ConvI2L === _ 328 [[ 324 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=[173],[130] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 328 Phi === 325 344 309 [[ 309 327 ]] #int:1..max-1:www #tripcount !orig=96,[281],[172] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 329 CountedLoopEnd === 325 307 [[ 330 331 ]] [lt] P=0.500000, C=101898.000000 !orig=208,[189] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 330 IfTrue === 329 [[ 325 ]] #1 !orig=190 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 331 IfFalse === 329 [[ 334 ]] #0 !orig=[209],[191] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 334 Region === 334 331 335 [[ 334 54 336 337 ]] !orig=[191] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 335 IfFalse === 342 [[ 334 ]] #0 !orig=[191] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 336 Phi === 334 310 376 [[ 196 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 337 Phi === 334 326 378 [[ 202 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 340 CmpI === _ 374 41 [[ 341 ]] 341 Bool === _ 340 [[ 342 ]] [lt] 342 If === 372 341 [[ 335 343 ]] P=0.500000, C=-1.000000 343 IfTrue === 342 [[ 815 344 320 ]] #1 344 CastII === 343 374 [[ 328 466 485 ]] #int:>=1:www unconditional dependency !orig=[598],[476],[428],[294],[244] 348 StoreI === 262 7 349 350 |30 [[ 376 764 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact[0] *, idx=5; !orig=177,579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 349 AddP === _ 11 11 127 [[ 348 ]] !orig=175 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 350 SubI === _ 351 357 [[ 348 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 351 RShiftI === _ 352 152 [[ 350 ]] !orig=153 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 352 AddI === _ 353 358 [[ 351 ]] !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 353 ConvL2I === _ 354 [[ 352 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 354 RShiftL === _ 355 148 [[ 353 ]] !orig=149 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 355 MulL === _ 356 145 [[ 354 ]] !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 356 ConvI2L === _ 358 [[ 355 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=146 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 357 RShiftI === _ 358 154 [[ 350 ]] !orig=155 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 358 LoadI === 232 7 359 |219 [[ 352 356 357 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=252,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 359 AddP === _ 12 12 127 [[ 358 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 372 Region === 372 748 373 [[ 372 342 374 376 378 ]] !orig=[338] 373 IfFalse === 817 [[ 372 ]] #0 !orig=[338] 374 Phi === 372 55 178 [[ 344 340 ]] #int:>=1:www !orig=[339] 376 Phi === 372 348 177 [[ 326 336 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 378 Phi === 372 7 553 [[ 337 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 398 Halt === 802 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 436 Halt === 789 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 466 CmpU === _ 344 113 [[ 467 ]] !orig=[448],[235] 467 Bool === _ 466 [[ 815 ]] [lt] !orig=[449],[236] 469 IfTrue === 815 [[ 816 ]] #1 !orig=[451],[239] 470 IfFalse === 815 [[ 473 ]] #0 !orig=[452],[240] 473 Halt === 470 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 485 CmpU === _ 344 41 [[ 486 ]] !orig=[410],[265] 486 Bool === _ 485 [[ 816 ]] [lt] !orig=[411],[266] 488 IfTrue === 816 [[ 325 ]] #1 !orig=[413],[269],[279] 489 IfFalse === 816 [[ 492 ]] #0 !orig=[414],[270] 492 Halt === 489 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 553 StoreI === 691 660 554 555 |30 [[ 378 177 252 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=177,579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 554 AddP === _ 11 688 735 [[ 553 ]] !orig=175 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 555 SubI === _ 556 562 [[ 553 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 556 RShiftI === _ 557 152 [[ 555 ]] !orig=153 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 557 AddI === _ 558 563 [[ 556 ]] !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 558 ConvL2I === _ 559 [[ 557 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 559 RShiftL === _ 560 148 [[ 558 ]] !orig=149 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 560 MulL === _ 561 145 [[ 559 ]] !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 561 ConvI2L === _ 563 [[ 560 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=146 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 562 RShiftI === _ 563 154 [[ 555 ]] !orig=155 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 563 LoadI === 747 660 564 |219 [[ 557 561 562 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=252,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 564 AddP === _ 12 689 735 [[ 563 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 613 ConL === 0 [[ 682 684 ]] #long:20 614 ConI === 0 [[ 757 178 751 ]] #int:4 633 Halt === 785 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 652 Halt === 781 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 660 StoreI === 691 670 682 661 |30 [[ 553 563 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=177,579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 661 SubI === _ 662 668 [[ 660 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 662 RShiftI === _ 663 152 [[ 661 ]] !orig=153 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 663 AddI === _ 664 669 [[ 662 ]] !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 664 ConvL2I === _ 665 [[ 663 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 665 RShiftL === _ 666 148 [[ 664 ]] !orig=149 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 666 MulL === _ 667 145 [[ 665 ]] !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 667 ConvI2L === _ 669 [[ 666 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=146 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 668 RShiftI === _ 669 154 [[ 661 ]] !orig=155 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 669 LoadI === 747 670 684 |219 [[ 663 667 668 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=252,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 670 StoreI === 691 697 671 672 |30 [[ 660 669 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=553,177,579 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 671 AddP === _ 11 688 127 [[ 670 ]] !orig=554,175 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 672 SubI === _ 673 679 [[ 670 ]] !orig=555,156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 673 RShiftI === _ 674 152 [[ 672 ]] !orig=556,153 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 674 AddI === _ 675 680 [[ 673 ]] !orig=557,151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 675 ConvL2I === _ 676 [[ 674 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=558,150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 676 RShiftL === _ 677 148 [[ 675 ]] !orig=559,149 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 677 MulL === _ 678 145 [[ 676 ]] !orig=560,147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 678 ConvI2L === _ 680 [[ 677 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=561,146 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 679 RShiftI === _ 680 154 [[ 672 ]] !orig=562,155 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:15 (line 533) 680 LoadI === 747 697 681 |219 [[ 674 678 679 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=563,252,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 681 AddP === _ 12 689 127 [[ 680 ]] !orig=564,133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 682 AddP === _ 11 688 613 [[ 660 ]] !orig=175 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 684 AddP === _ 12 689 613 [[ 669 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 688 AddP === _ 11 11 690 [[ 671 175 554 682 ]] !orig=[565],[176] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 689 AddP === _ 12 12 690 [[ 681 684 564 133 ]] !orig=[566],[134] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:12 (line 533) 690 LShiftL === _ 694 131 [[ 688 689 ]] !orig=[567],[174],[132] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 691 CountedLoop === 691 212 190 [[ 660 670 691 553 696 697 208 177 ]] inner stride: 4 main of N691 strip mined !orig=[568],[213],[204],[93] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 694 ConvI2L === _ 696 [[ 690 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=[570],[173],[130] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:16 (line 533) 696 Phi === 691 763 178 [[ 178 694 ]] #int:1..max-4:www #tripcount !orig=[571],96,[281],[172] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 697 Phi === 691 764 177 [[ 670 680 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=[569],203,[201],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 700 IfFalse === 208 [[ 214 215 ]] #0 !orig=[576],[209],[191] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 719 ConI === 0 [[ 720 807 ]] #int:-3 720 AddI === _ 41 719 [[ 206 741 766 ]] !orig=[657] 735 ConL === 0 [[ 564 554 ]] #long:24 736 ConL === 0 [[ 175 133 ]] #long:28 741 CmpI === _ 720 55 [[ 745 ]] !orig=[381] 745 Bool === _ 741 [[ 746 ]] [le] 746 If === 262 745 [[ 747 748 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 !orig=[383] 747 IfFalse === 746 [[ 669 563 811 680 252 ]] #0 !orig=[384] 748 IfTrue === 746 [[ 372 ]] #1 !orig=[369],[209],[191] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 749 CmpU === _ 113 55 [[ 786 ]] !orig=[429],[245] 751 CmpU === _ 41 614 [[ 778 ]] !orig=[645],[391],[275] 753 CmpU === _ 41 55 [[ 790 ]] !orig=[634],[410],[265] 757 CmpU === _ 113 614 [[ 782 ]] !orig=[626],[429],[245] 763 Phi === 212 55 178 [[ 696 806 766 775 ]] #int:1..max-4:www !orig=696,[571],96,[281],[172] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 764 Phi === 212 348 177 [[ 697 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=697,[569],203,[201],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:8 (line 533) 766 CmpI === _ 720 763 [[ 768 ]] 768 Bool === _ 766 [[ 769 ]] [lt] 769 CMoveI === _ 768 807 23 [[ 774 804 ]] #int:min+2..max-4:www 770 ConI === 0 [[ 774 804 ]] #int:4000 774 CMoveI === _ 805 769 770 [[ 775 ]] #int:0..4000:www 775 AddI === _ 774 763 [[ 776 ]] 776 CmpI === _ 178 775 [[ 777 ]] !orig=206,[187] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 777 Bool === _ 776 [[ 208 ]] [lt] !orig=207,[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc @ bci:5 (line 532) 778 Bool === _ 751 [[ 814 ]] [le] 780 IfFalse === 814 [[ 212 ]] #0 !orig=[648],[394],[279] 781 IfTrue === 814 [[ 652 ]] #1 !orig=[649],[395],[280] 782 Bool === _ 757 [[ 813 ]] [le] 784 IfFalse === 813 [[ 814 ]] #0 !orig=[629],[432],[249] 785 IfTrue === 813 [[ 633 ]] #1 !orig=[630],[433],[250] 786 Bool === _ 749 [[ 812 ]] [le] 788 IfFalse === 812 [[ 813 ]] #0 !orig=[432],[249] 789 IfTrue === 812 [[ 436 ]] #1 !orig=[433],[250] 790 Bool === _ 753 [[ 811 ]] [le] !orig=[794] 801 IfFalse === 811 [[ 812 ]] #0 !orig=[394],[279] 802 IfTrue === 811 [[ 398 ]] #1 !orig=[395],[280] 804 CmpU === _ 769 770 [[ 805 ]] !orig=[772] 805 Bool === _ 804 [[ 774 ]] [gt] !orig=[773] 806 SubI === _ 41 763 [[ 807 ]] 807 AddI === _ 806 719 [[ 769 ]] !orig=[767] 808 If === 219 284 [[ 287 286 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 809 If === 286 230 [[ 233 232 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 810 If === 232 260 [[ 263 262 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 811 If === 747 790 [[ 802 801 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 812 If === 801 786 [[ 789 788 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 813 If === 788 782 [[ 785 784 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 814 If === 784 778 [[ 781 780 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 815 If === 343 467 [[ 470 469 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 816 If === 469 486 [[ 489 488 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 817 If === 214 207 [[ 373 211 ]] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 2) Compilation of "void compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect.test_divc_n(int[],int[])": > Phase "PrintIdeal": AFTER: print_ideal 0 Root === 0 37 65 493 474 200 399 653 634 437 [[ 0 1 3 23 24 32 39 55 60 71 82 737 127 131 183 182 146 149 153 155 289 736 720 615 614 741 744 745 762 763 771 799 804 ]] 1 Con === 0 [[ ]] #top 3 Start === 3 0 [[ 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 11 ]] #{0:control, 1:abIO, 2:memory, 3:rawptr:BotPTR, 4:return_address, 5:compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect:NotNull *, 6:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact *, 7:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact *} 5 Parm === 3 [[ 29 ]] Control !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 6 Parm === 3 [[ 61 33 200 ]] I_O !orig=[90] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 7 Parm === 3 [[ 197 113 216 349 181 33 61 41 196 203 379 359 ]] Memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !orig=[91],[202],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 8 Parm === 3 [[ 200 474 653 634 37 33 493 65 61 399 437 ]] FramePtr !orig=[398] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 9 Parm === 3 [[ 200 33 61 ]] ReturnAdr !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 11 Parm === 3 [[ 672 25 555 350 350 323 323 312 215 176 689 689 61 683 40 40 ]] Parm1: int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact * !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 12 Parm === 3 [[ 99 61 215 685 565 690 690 360 360 324 324 133 682 112 112 322 ]] Parm2: int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact * !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:-1 (line 552) 18 MergeMem === _ 1 196 1 1 197 [[ 200 ]] { - - N197:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; 23 ConI === 0 [[ 61 770 283 61 47 ]] #int:0 24 ConP === 0 [[ 25 33 99 ]] #null 25 CmpP === _ 11 24 [[ 26 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 26 Bool === _ 25 [[ 29 ]] [ne] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 29 If === 5 26 [[ 30 31 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 30 IfTrue === 29 [[ 49 554 671 41 661 178 311 349 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 31 IfFalse === 29 [[ 33 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 32 ConI === 0 [[ 33 ]] #int:-10 33 CallStaticJava === 31 6 7 8 9 (32 1 1 1 1 1 24 ) [[ 34 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='null_check' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 34 Proj === 33 [[ 37 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 37 Halt === 34 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 39 ConL === 0 [[ 40 112 ]] #long:12 40 AddP === _ 11 11 39 [[ 41 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 41 LoadRange === 30 7 40 [[ 721 341 752 47 61 754 290 486 260 309 807 ]] @bottom[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable)+12 * [narrow], idx=4; #int:>=0 !orig=[603] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:4 (line 552) 47 CmpU === _ 41 23 [[ 48 ]] !orig=[297],[254] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 48 Bool === _ 47 [[ 49 ]] [le] !orig=[299] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 49 If === 30 48 [[ 50 51 ]] P=0.001000, C=102002.000000 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 50 IfTrue === 49 [[ 54 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 51 IfFalse === 49 [[ 219 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 54 Region === 54 335 50 [[ 54 200 197 196 ]] #reducible !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:23 (line 555) 55 ConI === 0 [[ 764 754 750 375 310 742 ]] #int:1 60 ConI === 0 [[ 61 ]] #int:-138 61 CallStaticJava === 217 6 7 8 9 (60 1 11 12 23 23 41 ) [[ 62 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='predicate' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) reexecute !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 62 Proj === 61 [[ 65 ]] #0 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 65 Halt === 62 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 99 CmpP === _ 12 24 [[ 100 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 100 Bool === _ 99 [[ 219 ]] [ne] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 112 AddP === _ 12 12 39 [[ 113 ]] !orig=[222],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 113 LoadRange === 220 7 112 [[ 283 758 467 230 750 ]] @bottom[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable)+12 * [narrow], idx=4; #int:>=0 !orig=[223],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 127 ConL === 0 [[ 672 682 312 322 350 360 ]] #long:16 131 ConI === 0 [[ 691 325 ]] #int:2 133 AddP === _ 12 690 737 [[ 253 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 146 ConL === 0 [[ 148 318 356 561 667 678 ]] #long:-2004318071 147 ConvI2L === _ 253 [[ 148 ]] #long:minint..maxint !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 148 MulL === _ 147 146 [[ 150 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 149 ConI === 0 [[ 150 317 355 560 666 677 ]] #int:32 150 RShiftL === _ 148 149 [[ 151 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 151 ConvL2I === _ 150 [[ 152 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 152 AddI === _ 151 253 [[ 154 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 153 ConI === 0 [[ 154 314 352 557 663 674 ]] #int:3 154 RShiftI === _ 152 153 [[ 157 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 155 ConI === 0 [[ 156 320 358 563 669 680 ]] #int:31 156 RShiftI === _ 253 155 [[ 157 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 157 SubI === _ 156 154 [[ 178 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 176 AddP === _ 11 689 737 [[ 178 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 178 StoreI === 692 554 176 157 |30 [[ 698 377 181 765 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 179 AddI === _ 697 615 [[ 215 207 697 375 764 777 ]] !orig=[206],... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:17 (line 552) 181 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 1 178 [[ 215 ]] { - - N178:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:20 (line 552) 182 ThreadLocal === 0 [[ 184 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:20 (line 552) 183 ConL === 0 [[ 184 ]] #long:1184 184 AddP === _ 1 182 183 [[ 216 ]] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:20 (line 552) 191 IfTrue === 209 [[ 692 ]] #1 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 196 Phi === 54 203 7 [[ 18 ]] #memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 197 Phi === 54 337 7 [[ 18 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=196 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 200 Return === 54 6 18 8 9 [[ 0 ]] 203 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 1 338 [[ 196 ]] { - - N338:int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !orig=[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 207 CmpI === _ 179 721 [[ 208 ]] !orig=[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 208 Bool === _ 207 [[ 818 ]] [lt] !orig=[189] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 209 CountedLoopEnd === 692 778 [[ 701 191 ]] [lt] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 !orig=[190] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 212 IfTrue === 818 [[ 213 ]] #1 213 OuterStripMinedLoop === 213 781 212 [[ 213 692 764 765 ]] 215 SafePoint === 701 1 181 1 1 216 1 11 12 179 [[ 818 ]] SafePoint !orig=180 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:20 (line 552) 216 LoadP === 701 7 184 [[ 215 ]] @rawptr:BotPTR, idx=Raw; #rawptr:BotPTR (does not depend only on test, raw access) !orig=[185] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:20 (line 552) 217 Region === 217 264 221 288 234 [[ 217 61 ]] !orig=[57] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 219 If === 51 100 [[ 220 221 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 220 IfTrue === 219 [[ 809 670 113 681 253 321 359 564 ]] #1 221 IfFalse === 219 [[ 217 ]] #0 230 CmpU === _ 290 113 [[ 231 ]] 231 Bool === _ 230 [[ 810 ]] [lt] 233 IfTrue === 810 [[ 811 359 ]] #1 !orig=[240] 234 IfFalse === 810 [[ 217 ]] #0 253 LoadI === 748 554 133 |220 [[ 147 152 156 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 260 CmpU === _ 290 41 [[ 261 ]] 261 Bool === _ 260 [[ 811 ]] [lt] 263 IfTrue === 811 [[ 349 747 ]] #1 !orig=[270],[280] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 264 IfFalse === 811 [[ 217 ]] #0 283 CmpU === _ 113 23 [[ 285 ]] !orig=[224] 285 Bool === _ 283 [[ 809 ]] [le] 287 IfFalse === 809 [[ 810 ]] #0 !orig=[227] 288 IfTrue === 809 [[ 217 ]] #1 !orig=[228] 289 ConI === 0 [[ 290 ]] #int:-1 290 AddI === _ 41 289 [[ 230 260 ]] !orig=[229] 308 Bool === _ 309 [[ 330 ]] [lt] !orig=208,[189] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 309 CmpI === _ 310 41 [[ 308 ]] !orig=207,[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 310 AddI === _ 329 55 [[ 309 329 ]] !orig=179,... !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:17 (line 552) 311 StoreI === 326 327 312 313 |30 [[ 327 337 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=178,580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 312 AddP === _ 11 323 127 [[ 311 ]] !orig=176 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 313 SubI === _ 320 314 [[ 311 ]] !orig=157 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 314 RShiftI === _ 315 153 [[ 313 ]] !orig=154 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 315 AddI === _ 316 321 [[ 314 ]] !orig=152 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 316 ConvL2I === _ 317 [[ 315 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 317 RShiftL === _ 318 149 [[ 316 ]] !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 318 MulL === _ 319 146 [[ 317 ]] !orig=148 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 319 ConvI2L === _ 321 [[ 318 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 320 RShiftI === _ 321 155 [[ 313 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 321 LoadI === 344 327 322 |220 [[ 315 319 320 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=253,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 322 AddP === _ 12 324 127 [[ 321 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 323 AddP === _ 11 11 325 [[ 312 ]] !orig=[177] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 324 AddP === _ 12 12 325 [[ 322 ]] !orig=[134] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 325 LShiftL === _ 328 131 [[ 323 324 ]] !orig=[175],[132] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 326 CountedLoop === 326 489 331 [[ 311 326 327 329 330 ]] inner stride: 1 post of N214 !orig=[214],[205],[93] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 327 Phi === 326 377 311 [[ 311 321 338 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=204,[202],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 328 ConvI2L === _ 329 [[ 325 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=[174],[130] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 329 Phi === 326 345 310 [[ 310 328 ]] #int:1..max-1:www #tripcount !orig=96,[282],[173] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 330 CountedLoopEnd === 326 308 [[ 331 332 ]] [lt] P=0.500000, C=101898.000000 !orig=209,[190] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 331 IfTrue === 330 [[ 326 ]] #1 !orig=191 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 332 IfFalse === 330 [[ 335 ]] #0 !orig=[210],[192] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 335 Region === 335 332 336 [[ 335 54 337 338 ]] !orig=[192] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 336 IfFalse === 343 [[ 335 ]] #0 !orig=[192] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 337 Phi === 335 311 377 [[ 197 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 338 Phi === 335 327 379 [[ 203 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 341 CmpI === _ 375 41 [[ 342 ]] 342 Bool === _ 341 [[ 343 ]] [lt] 343 If === 373 342 [[ 336 344 ]] P=0.500000, C=-1.000000 344 IfTrue === 343 [[ 816 345 321 ]] #1 345 CastII === 344 375 [[ 329 467 486 ]] #int:>=1:www unconditional dependency !orig=[599],[477],[429],[295],[245] 349 StoreI === 263 7 350 351 |30 [[ 377 765 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact[0] *, idx=5; !orig=178,580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 350 AddP === _ 11 11 127 [[ 349 ]] !orig=176 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 351 SubI === _ 358 352 [[ 349 ]] !orig=157 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 352 RShiftI === _ 353 153 [[ 351 ]] !orig=154 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 353 AddI === _ 354 359 [[ 352 ]] !orig=152 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 354 ConvL2I === _ 355 [[ 353 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 355 RShiftL === _ 356 149 [[ 354 ]] !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 356 MulL === _ 357 146 [[ 355 ]] !orig=148 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 357 ConvI2L === _ 359 [[ 356 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 358 RShiftI === _ 359 155 [[ 351 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 359 LoadI === 233 7 360 |220 [[ 353 357 358 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=253,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 360 AddP === _ 12 12 127 [[ 359 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 373 Region === 373 749 374 [[ 373 343 375 377 379 ]] !orig=[339] 374 IfFalse === 818 [[ 373 ]] #0 !orig=[339] 375 Phi === 373 55 179 [[ 345 341 ]] #int:>=1:www !orig=[340] 377 Phi === 373 349 178 [[ 327 337 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 379 Phi === 373 7 554 [[ 338 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; 399 Halt === 803 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 437 Halt === 790 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 467 CmpU === _ 345 113 [[ 468 ]] !orig=[449],[236] 468 Bool === _ 467 [[ 816 ]] [lt] !orig=[450],[237] 470 IfTrue === 816 [[ 817 ]] #1 !orig=[452],[240] 471 IfFalse === 816 [[ 474 ]] #0 !orig=[453],[241] 474 Halt === 471 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 486 CmpU === _ 345 41 [[ 487 ]] !orig=[411],[266] 487 Bool === _ 486 [[ 817 ]] [lt] !orig=[412],[267] 489 IfTrue === 817 [[ 326 ]] #1 !orig=[414],[270],[280] 490 IfFalse === 817 [[ 493 ]] #0 !orig=[415],[271] 493 Halt === 490 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 554 StoreI === 692 661 555 556 |30 [[ 379 178 253 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=178,580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 555 AddP === _ 11 689 736 [[ 554 ]] !orig=176 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 556 SubI === _ 563 557 [[ 554 ]] !orig=157 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 557 RShiftI === _ 558 153 [[ 556 ]] !orig=154 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 558 AddI === _ 559 564 [[ 557 ]] !orig=152 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 559 ConvL2I === _ 560 [[ 558 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 560 RShiftL === _ 561 149 [[ 559 ]] !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 561 MulL === _ 562 146 [[ 560 ]] !orig=148 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 562 ConvI2L === _ 564 [[ 561 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 563 RShiftI === _ 564 155 [[ 556 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 564 LoadI === 748 661 565 |220 [[ 558 562 563 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=253,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 565 AddP === _ 12 690 736 [[ 564 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 614 ConL === 0 [[ 683 685 ]] #long:20 615 ConI === 0 [[ 758 179 752 ]] #int:4 634 Halt === 786 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 653 Halt === 782 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 661 StoreI === 692 671 683 662 |30 [[ 554 564 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=178,580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 662 SubI === _ 669 663 [[ 661 ]] !orig=157 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 663 RShiftI === _ 664 153 [[ 662 ]] !orig=154 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 664 AddI === _ 665 670 [[ 663 ]] !orig=152 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 665 ConvL2I === _ 666 [[ 664 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 666 RShiftL === _ 667 149 [[ 665 ]] !orig=150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 667 MulL === _ 668 146 [[ 666 ]] !orig=148 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 668 ConvI2L === _ 670 [[ 667 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 669 RShiftI === _ 670 155 [[ 662 ]] !orig=156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 670 LoadI === 748 671 685 |220 [[ 664 668 669 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=253,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 671 StoreI === 692 698 672 673 |30 [[ 661 670 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=554,178,580 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 672 AddP === _ 11 689 127 [[ 671 ]] !orig=555,176 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 673 SubI === _ 680 674 [[ 671 ]] !orig=556,157 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 674 RShiftI === _ 675 153 [[ 673 ]] !orig=557,154 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 675 AddI === _ 676 681 [[ 674 ]] !orig=558,152 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 676 ConvL2I === _ 677 [[ 675 ]] #int:-1002159036..1002159035:www !orig=559,151 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 677 RShiftL === _ 678 149 [[ 676 ]] !orig=560,150 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 678 MulL === _ 679 146 [[ 677 ]] !orig=561,148 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 679 ConvI2L === _ 681 [[ 678 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=562,147 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 680 RShiftI === _ 681 155 [[ 673 ]] !orig=563,156 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:15 (line 553) 681 LoadI === 748 698 682 |220 [[ 675 679 680 ]] @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; #int (does not depend only on test, unknown control) !orig=564,253,[135] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 682 AddP === _ 12 690 127 [[ 681 ]] !orig=565,133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 683 AddP === _ 11 689 614 [[ 661 ]] !orig=176 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 685 AddP === _ 12 690 614 [[ 670 ]] !orig=133 !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 689 AddP === _ 11 11 691 [[ 672 176 555 683 ]] !orig=[566],[177] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 690 AddP === _ 12 12 691 [[ 682 685 565 133 ]] !orig=[567],[134] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:12 (line 553) 691 LShiftL === _ 695 131 [[ 689 690 ]] !orig=[568],[175],[132] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 692 CountedLoop === 692 213 191 [[ 661 671 692 554 697 698 209 178 ]] inner stride: 4 main of N692 strip mined !orig=[569],[214],[205],[93] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 695 ConvI2L === _ 697 [[ 691 ]] #long:minint..maxint !orig=[571],[174],[130] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:16 (line 553) 697 Phi === 692 764 179 [[ 179 695 ]] #int:1..max-4:www #tripcount !orig=[572],96,[282],[173] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 698 Phi === 692 765 178 [[ 671 681 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=[570],204,[202],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 701 IfFalse === 209 [[ 215 216 ]] #0 !orig=[577],[210],[192] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 720 ConI === 0 [[ 721 808 ]] #int:-3 721 AddI === _ 41 720 [[ 207 742 767 ]] !orig=[658] 736 ConL === 0 [[ 565 555 ]] #long:24 737 ConL === 0 [[ 176 133 ]] #long:28 742 CmpI === _ 721 55 [[ 746 ]] !orig=[382] 746 Bool === _ 742 [[ 747 ]] [le] 747 If === 263 746 [[ 748 749 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 !orig=[384] 748 IfFalse === 747 [[ 670 564 812 681 253 ]] #0 !orig=[385] 749 IfTrue === 747 [[ 373 ]] #1 !orig=[370],[210],[192] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 750 CmpU === _ 113 55 [[ 787 ]] !orig=[430],[246] 752 CmpU === _ 41 615 [[ 779 ]] !orig=[646],[392],[276] 754 CmpU === _ 41 55 [[ 791 ]] !orig=[635],[411],[266] 758 CmpU === _ 113 615 [[ 783 ]] !orig=[627],[430],[246] 764 Phi === 213 55 179 [[ 697 807 767 776 ]] #int:1..max-4:www !orig=697,[572],96,[282],[173] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 765 Phi === 213 349 178 [[ 698 ]] #memory Memory: @int[int:>=0] (java/lang/Cloneable,java/io/Serializable):exact+any *, idx=5; !orig=698,[570],204,[202],[95] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:8 (line 553) 767 CmpI === _ 721 764 [[ 769 ]] 769 Bool === _ 767 [[ 770 ]] [lt] 770 CMoveI === _ 769 808 23 [[ 775 805 ]] #int:min+2..max-4:www 771 ConI === 0 [[ 775 805 ]] #int:4000 775 CMoveI === _ 806 770 771 [[ 776 ]] #int:0..4000:www 776 AddI === _ 775 764 [[ 777 ]] 777 CmpI === _ 179 776 [[ 778 ]] !orig=207,[188] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 778 Bool === _ 777 [[ 209 ]] [lt] !orig=208,[189] !jvms: TestIntVect::test_divc_n @ bci:5 (line 552) 779 Bool === _ 752 [[ 815 ]] [le] 781 IfFalse === 815 [[ 213 ]] #0 !orig=[649],[395],[280] 782 IfTrue === 815 [[ 653 ]] #1 !orig=[650],[396],[281] 783 Bool === _ 758 [[ 814 ]] [le] 785 IfFalse === 814 [[ 815 ]] #0 !orig=[630],[433],[250] 786 IfTrue === 814 [[ 634 ]] #1 !orig=[631],[434],[251] 787 Bool === _ 750 [[ 813 ]] [le] 789 IfFalse === 813 [[ 814 ]] #0 !orig=[433],[250] 790 IfTrue === 813 [[ 437 ]] #1 !orig=[434],[251] 791 Bool === _ 754 [[ 812 ]] [le] !orig=[795] 802 IfFalse === 812 [[ 813 ]] #0 !orig=[395],[280] 803 IfTrue === 812 [[ 399 ]] #1 !orig=[396],[281] 805 CmpU === _ 770 771 [[ 806 ]] !orig=[773] 806 Bool === _ 805 [[ 775 ]] [gt] !orig=[774] 807 SubI === _ 41 764 [[ 808 ]] 808 AddI === _ 807 720 [[ 770 ]] !orig=[768] 809 If === 220 285 [[ 288 287 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 810 If === 287 231 [[ 234 233 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 811 If === 233 261 [[ 264 263 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 812 If === 748 791 [[ 803 802 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 813 If === 802 787 [[ 790 789 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 814 If === 789 783 [[ 786 785 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 815 If === 785 779 [[ 782 781 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 816 If === 344 468 [[ 471 470 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 817 If === 470 487 [[ 490 489 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 818 If === 215 208 [[ 374 212 ]] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 STDERR: Command Line: /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java -DReproduce=true -cp /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar -Djava.library.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -Xmixed -ea -esa -Dir.framework.server.port=37269 -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:CompilerDirectivesFile=test-vm-compile-commands-pid-173989.log -XX:CompilerDirectivesLimit=431 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -DShouldDoIRVerification=true -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=quiet compiler.lib.ir_framework.test.TestVM compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect One or more @IR rules failed: Failed IR Rules (2) of Methods (2) ---------------------------------- 1) Method "void compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect.test_divc(int[],int[])" - [Failed IR rules: 1]: * @IR rule 1: "@compiler.lib.ir_framework.IR(phase={DEFAULT}, applyIfPlatformAnd={}, applyIfCPUFeatureOr={"avx2", "true", "sve", "true"}, counts={"_#V#ADD_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0", "_#V#RSHIFT_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0", "_#V#SUB_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0"}, failOn={}, applyIfPlatform={}, applyIfPlatformOr={}, applyIfOr={}, applyIfCPUFeatureAnd={}, applyIf={}, applyIfCPUFeature={}, applyIfAnd={}, applyIfNot={})" > Phase "PrintIdeal": - counts: Graph contains wrong number of nodes: * Constraint 1: "(\d+(\s){2}(AddVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! * Constraint 2: "(\d+(\s){2}(RShiftVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! * Constraint 3: "(\d+(\s){2}(SubVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! 2) Method "void compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect.test_divc_n(int[],int[])" - [Failed IR rules: 1]: * @IR rule 1: "@compiler.lib.ir_framework.IR(phase={DEFAULT}, applyIfPlatformAnd={}, applyIfCPUFeatureOr={"avx2", "true", "sve", "true"}, counts={"_#V#ADD_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0", "_#V#RSHIFT_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0", "_#V#SUB_VI#_", "_@min(max_int, max_long)", "> 0"}, failOn={}, applyIfPlatform={}, applyIfPlatformOr={}, applyIfOr={}, applyIfCPUFeatureAnd={}, applyIf={}, applyIfCPUFeature={}, applyIfAnd={}, applyIfNot={})" > Phase "PrintIdeal": - counts: Graph contains wrong number of nodes: * Constraint 1: "(\d+(\s){2}(AddVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! * Constraint 2: "(\d+(\s){2}(RShiftVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! * Constraint 3: "(\d+(\s){2}(SubVI.*)+(\s){2}===.*vector[A-Za-z]\[2\]:\{int\})" - Failed comparison: [found] 0 > 0 [given] - No nodes matched! >>> Check stdout for compilation output of the failed methods ############################################################# - To only run the failed tests use -DTest, -DExclude, and/or -DScenarios. - To also get the standard output of the test VM run with -DReportStdout=true or for even more fine-grained logging use -DVerbose=true. ############################################################# compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.reportFailures(IRMatcher.java:61) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.match(IRMatcher.java:49) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.runTestVM(TestFramework.java:754) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.start(TestFramework.java:719) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.start(TestFramework.java:339) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.run(TestFramework.java:223) at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.run(TestFramework.java:212) at compiler.c2.cr7200264.TestIntVect.main(TestIntVect.java:49) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:103) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:580) at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainTask.run(MainWrapper.java:138) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1575) JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. JavaTest Message: shutting down test STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. rerun: cd /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect && \ DISPLAY=:7 \ HOME=/home/testUserForTone \ LANG=C \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH= \ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin \ TEST_IMAGE_DIR=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images \ CLASSPATH=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar \ /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/bin/java \ -Dtest.vm.opts='-Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -Xmixed -ea -esa' \ -Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true -J-Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com -J-Xmixed -J-ea -J-esa' \ -Dtest.compiler.opts= \ -Dtest.java.opts= \ -Dtest.jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk \ -Dcompile.jdk=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk \ -Dtest.timeout.factor=10.0 \ -Dtest.nativepath=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ -Dtest.root=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg \ -Dtest.name=compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java \ -Dtest.file=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.java \ -Dtest.src=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264 \ -Dtest.src.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/hotspot/jtreg \ -Dtest.classes=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d \ -Dtest.class.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6/test/lib:/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/classes/6 \ -Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true \ -Dtest.wisp.socketAddress=www.alibabacloud.com \ -Xmixed \ -ea \ -esa \ -Djava.library.path=/var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper /var/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/hotspot_jtreg/compiler/c2/cr7200264/TestIntVect.d/driver.0.jta TEST RESULT: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information.