TEST: javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java TEST JDK: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk ACTION: build -- Passed. Build successful REASON: Named class compiled on demand TIME: 24.374 seconds messages: command: build DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest reason: Named class compiled on demand started: Thu Dec 12 20:05:03 CST 2024 Test directory: compile: DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest finished: Thu Dec 12 20:05:27 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 24.374 ACTION: compile -- Passed. Compilation successful REASON: .class file out of date or does not exist TIME: 24.374 seconds messages: command: compile /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java reason: .class file out of date or does not exist started: Thu Dec 12 20:05:03 CST 2024 Additional options from @modules: --add-modules java.security.jgss,jdk.security.auth,java.base --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/sun.security.util=ALL-UNNAMED Mode: othervm finished: Thu Dec 12 20:05:27 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 24.374 configuration: javac compilation environment add modules: java.security.jgss jdk.security.auth java.base add exports: java.base/sun.security.util ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5 ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5 ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab ALL-UNNAMED source path: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib class path: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/sun/security/krb5/auto /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/test/lib rerun: cd /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest && \ DISPLAY=:7 \ HOME=/home/testUserForTone \ JTREG_VERSION=jtreg-7.4.1 \ LANG=C \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/tools/lib \ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin \ TEST_IMAGE_DIR=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images \ /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/javac \ -J-Xcomp \ -J-ea \ -J-esa \ -J-Dtest.vm.opts='-Xcomp -ea -esa' \ -J-Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-Xcomp -J-ea -J-esa' \ -J-Dtest.compiler.opts= \ -J-Dtest.java.opts= \ -J-Dtest.jdk=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk \ -J-Dcompile.jdk=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk \ -J-Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 \ -J-Dtest.nativepath=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ -J-Dtest.root=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk \ -J-Dtest.name=javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java \ -J-Dtest.file=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java \ -J-Dtest.src=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS \ -J-Dtest.src.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib \ -J-Dtest.classes=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d \ -J-Dtest.class.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/test/lib \ -J-Dtest.modules='java.security.jgss jdk.security.auth java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5 java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5:+open java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal:+open java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab java.base/sun.security.util' \ @/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d/compile.0.jta STDOUT: STDERR: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto/KDC.java:1649: warning: [removal] stop() in Thread has been deprecated and marked for removal thread1.stop(); ^ /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto/KDC.java:1650: warning: [removal] stop() in Thread has been deprecated and marked for removal thread2.stop(); ^ /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto/KDC.java:1651: warning: [removal] stop() in Thread has been deprecated and marked for removal thread3.stop(); ^ Note: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto/Context.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto/KDC.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 3 warnings ACTION: main -- Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 1 of 74 tests failed! REASON: User specified action: run main/othervm -Dtest.security.protocol=DTLS -Dtest.mode=norm DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest TIME: 22.999 seconds messages: command: main -Dtest.security.protocol=DTLS -Dtest.mode=norm DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -Dtest.security.protocol=DTLS -Dtest.mode=norm DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest started: Thu Dec 12 20:05:27 CST 2024 Mode: othervm [/othervm specified] Additional options from @modules: --add-modules java.security.jgss,jdk.security.auth,java.base --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/sun.security.util=ALL-UNNAMED finished: Thu Dec 12 20:05:50 CST 2024 elapsed time (seconds): 22.999 configuration: Boot Layer add modules: java.security.jgss jdk.security.auth java.base add exports: java.base/sun.security.util ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5 ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5 ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab ALL-UNNAMED add opens: java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5 ALL-UNNAMED java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal ALL-UNNAMED STDOUT: =============================================== Supported non kerberos ciphers testing =========================================== --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 136 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 136 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 136 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 136 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 135 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 135 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1553 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1553 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1585 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1585 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1307 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1307 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 41 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 41 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1553 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1553 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1585 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1585 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1307 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1307 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 31 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 31 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 31 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 31 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1912 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1912 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1944 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1944 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1912 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1912 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1944 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1944 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1904 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1904 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1936 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1936 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 41 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 41 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1904 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1904 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1936 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1936 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 31 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 31 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 31 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 31 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1912 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1912 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1944 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1944 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1912 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1912 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1944 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1944 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1906 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1906 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1938 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1938 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1906 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1906 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1938 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1938 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1898 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1898 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1930 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1930 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 41 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 41 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1898 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1898 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1930 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1930 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 31 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 31 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 31 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 31 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 595 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 595 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1883 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1883 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1915 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1915 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1643 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1643 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1883 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1883 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1915 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1915 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1643 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1643 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1906 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1906 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1938 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1938 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1906 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1906 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1938 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1938 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 595 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 595 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1883 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1883 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1915 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1915 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1643 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1643 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1883 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1883 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1915 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1915 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1643 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1643 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 135 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 135 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1997 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1997 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1709 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1709 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1997 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1997 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1709 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1709 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 136 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 136 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1981 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1981 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1981 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1981 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 594 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 594 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 595 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 595 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1561 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1561 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1593 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1593 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1315 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1315 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 125 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 125 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1645 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1645 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 205 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 205 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1357 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1357 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 109 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 109 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 233 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 233 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 265 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 265 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1629 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1629 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 137 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 137 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 137 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 137 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 594 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 594 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1661 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1661 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1661 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1661 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1965 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1965 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 594 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 594 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1661 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1661 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1661 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1661 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1581 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1581 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1613 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1613 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1341 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1341 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 211 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 211 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 243 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 243 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1890 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1890 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1922 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1922 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1890 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1890 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1922 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1922 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 211 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 211 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 243 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 243 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1890 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1890 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1922 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1922 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1890 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1890 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1922 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1922 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1666 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1666 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 211 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 211 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 243 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 243 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 211 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 211 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 243 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 243 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 213 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 213 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 245 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 245 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 213 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 213 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 245 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 245 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1693 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1693 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 554 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 554 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 586 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 586 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 314 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 314 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 554 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 554 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 586 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 586 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 314 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 314 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 554 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 554 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 586 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 586 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 314 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 314 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 554 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 554 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 84 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 84 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 586 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 586 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 158 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 158 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 314 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 314 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 38 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 38 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 38 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 38 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 39 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 39 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 39 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 39 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 349 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 349 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 189 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 189 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 349 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 349 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 227 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 227 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 259 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 259 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 93 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 93 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 35: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 36: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 36: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 37: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 37: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 38: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 38: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 39: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 39: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 40: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 40: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 41: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 41: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 42: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 42: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 43: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 43: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 44: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 44: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 45: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 45: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 46: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 46: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 47: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 47: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 48: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 48: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 49: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 49: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 50: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 50: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 51: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 51: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 52: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 52: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 53: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 53: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 54: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 54: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 55: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 55: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 56: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 56: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 57: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 57: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 58: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 58: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 59: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 59: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 60: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 60: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 61: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 61: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 62: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 62: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 63: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 63: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 64: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 64: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 65: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 65: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 66: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 66: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 67: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 67: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 68: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 68: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 69: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 69: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 70: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 70: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 71: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 71: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 72: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 72: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 73: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 73: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 74: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 74: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 75: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 75: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 76: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 76: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 77: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 77: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 78: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 78: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 79: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 79: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 80: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 80: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 81: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 81: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 82: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 82: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 83: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 83: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 84: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 84: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 85: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 85: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 86: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 86: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 87: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 87: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 88: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 88: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 89: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 89: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 90: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 90: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 91: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 91: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 92: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 92: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 93: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 93: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 94: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 94: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 95: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 95: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 96: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 96: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 97: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 97: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 98: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 98: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 99: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 99: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 100: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 100: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Test Failed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 589 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 589 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 621 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 621 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 109 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 109 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 173 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 173 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 333 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 333 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 77 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 77 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 77 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 77 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 61 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 61 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 136 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 136 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1925 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1925 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1957 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1957 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1925 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1925 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1957 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1957 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 804 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 804 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1917 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1917 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1949 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1949 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 596 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 596 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1619 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1619 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1893 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1893 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1925 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1925 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1653 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1653 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1893 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1893 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1925 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1925 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1653 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1653 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 213 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 213 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 245 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 245 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1901 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1901 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1933 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1933 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1677 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1677 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 573 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 573 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 605 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 605 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 229 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 229 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 261 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 261 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 565 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 565 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 565 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 565 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 597 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 597 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 325 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 325 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 111 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 111 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 143 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 143 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 471 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 471 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 98 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 98 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1582 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1582 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1582 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1741 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1741 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1773 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1773 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1589 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1589 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1709 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1709 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1741 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1741 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1589 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1589 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 127 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 127 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 159 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 159 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 802 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 802 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 471 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 471 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1582 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1582 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1582 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1757 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1757 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1789 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1789 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1589 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1589 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1725 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1725 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1757 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1757 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1589 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1589 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 127 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 127 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 159 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 159 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 855 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 855 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 593 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 593 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 471 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 471 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 98 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 98 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1559 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1559 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1559 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1733 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1733 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1765 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1765 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1565 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1565 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1701 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1701 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1733 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1733 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1565 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1565 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 127 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 127 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 159 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 159 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 544 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 544 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 230 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 230 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 230 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 405 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 405 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 437 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 437 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 237 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 237 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 373 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 373 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 93 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 93 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 405 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 405 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 165 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 165 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 237 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 237 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 45 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 45 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 211 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 211 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 243 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 243 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 65 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 65 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 65 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 65 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1898 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1898 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 92 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 92 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1930 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1930 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 166 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 166 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1674 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1674 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 46 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 46 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 46 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 46 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 46 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 65 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 65 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 65 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 65 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1898 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1898 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 92 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 92 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1930 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1930 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 166 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 166 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1674 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1674 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 46 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 46 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 69 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 69 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 46 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 46 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 69 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 46 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 69 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 65 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 65 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 65 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 65 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 47 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 47 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 47 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 47 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 136 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 136 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 101 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 101 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 321 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 321 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 32: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 33: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 33: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 34: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 34: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 35: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1910 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1910 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1942 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1942 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1662 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1662 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1910 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1910 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1942 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1942 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1662 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1662 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 213 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 213 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 245 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 245 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1888 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1888 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1920 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1920 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1662 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1662 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1888 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1888 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1920 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1920 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1662 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1662 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 527 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 527 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 91 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 91 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 100 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 100 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1291 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1291 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1559 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1559 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1591 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1591 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1311 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1311 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 235 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 235 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 267 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 267 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 61 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 61 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 58 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 58 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 290 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 290 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 558 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 558 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 590 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 590 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 310 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 310 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 45 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 45 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 558 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 558 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 80 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 80 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 590 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 590 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 154 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 154 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 310 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 310 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 34 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 34 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 57 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 57 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 34 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 57 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 34 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 57 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 35 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 35 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 35 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 35 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA --------------------------------------- Testing cipher suite SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 --------------------------------------- ============================================= Starting handshake INITIAL_HANDSHAKE ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 213 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 213 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 60 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 60 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 245 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 245 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 110 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 110 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 878 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 878 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 517 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 517 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 25 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 25 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 527 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 527 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 283 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 283 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 17: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 18: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 99 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 99 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 18: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 19: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 14 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 14 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 19: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 20: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 20: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 21: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 21: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 22: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 22: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 23: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 23: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 24: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_TASK Handshake loop 24: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 25: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 25: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 26: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 26: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 27: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 27: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1642 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 28: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 28: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 14 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 29: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 29: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 30: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 30: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server wrapped 1642 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 31: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 31: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 14 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 32: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_CLIENT ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 1884 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Server unwrapping 1884 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1916 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1916 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Starting handshake REHANDSHAKE_BEGIN_SERVER ============================================ Handshake loop 1: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Server wrapped 41 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Not handshake status unwrap Client unwrapping 41 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 1: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 2: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 2: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1884 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1884 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 3: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 3: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 4: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 76 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 76 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 4: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 5: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 5: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 1916 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 1916 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 6: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... Handshake loop 6: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 7: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 150 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 150 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 7: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 8: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 1658 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 1658 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 8: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 9: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 30 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 30 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Handshake loop 9: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP ============================================ Handshake loop 10: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Server wrapped 53 bytes. Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_TASK Result is OK Handshake loop 10: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_TASK Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Running delegated tasks... ============================================ Handshake loop 11: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 11: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 53 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 12: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 12: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 13: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Handshake loop 13: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client unwrapping 0 bytes... Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 14: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 14: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 30 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 15: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Handshake loop 15: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NEED_UNWRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 16: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Server unwrapping 53 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake loop 16: round 2 ========================== Client handshake (wrap) status NEED_WRAP Server handshake (unwrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client wrapped 30 bytes. Client handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is OK ============================================ Handshake loop 17: round 1 ========================== Server handshake (wrap) status NOT_HANDSHAKING Client handshake (unwrap) status NEED_WRAP Client wrapped 53 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Handshake is completed ============================================= Trying to send application data from Client to Server Client wrapped 49 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Server unwrapping 49 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Client to Server ============================================= Trying to send application data from Server to Client Server wrapped 49 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Client unwrapping 49 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is OK Successful sending application data from Server to Client ============================================= Trying to close engines from Client to Server Client wrapped 31 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 31 bytes... Server handshake status is NEED_WRAP Result is CLOSED Server wrapped 31 bytes. Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client unwrapping 31 bytes... Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Client wrapped 0 bytes. Client handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Server unwrapping 0 bytes... Server handshake status is NOT_HANDSHAKING Result is CLOSED Successful closing from Client to Server Test Passed: SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 STDERR: Test Exception for TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 java.lang.Error: Too much loops for handshaking at SSLEngineTestCase.doHandshake(SSLEngineTestCase.java:593) at SSLEngineTestCase.doHandshake(SSLEngineTestCase.java:531) at RehandshakeWithDataExTest.testOneCipher(RehandshakeWithDataExTest.java:63) at SSLEngineTestCase.testSomeCiphers(SSLEngineTestCase.java:936) at SSLEngineTestCase.runTests(SSLEngineTestCase.java:720) at SSLEngineTestCase.runTests(SSLEngineTestCase.java:745) at RehandshakeWithDataExTest.main(RehandshakeWithDataExTest.java:39) at DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.main(DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java:55) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:565) at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainTask.run(MainWrapper.java:138) at java.base/java.lang.VirtualThread.run(VirtualThread.java:467) java.lang.AssertionError: 1 of 74 tests failed! at SSLEngineTestCase.runTests(SSLEngineTestCase.java:722) at SSLEngineTestCase.runTests(SSLEngineTestCase.java:745) at RehandshakeWithDataExTest.main(RehandshakeWithDataExTest.java:39) at DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.main(DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java:55) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104) at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:565) at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainTask.run(MainWrapper.java:138) at java.base/java.lang.VirtualThread.run(VirtualThread.java:467) JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 1 of 74 tests failed! JavaTest Message: shutting down test STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 1 of 74 tests failed! rerun: cd /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest && \ DISPLAY=:7 \ HOME=/home/testUserForTone \ JTREG_VERSION=jtreg-7.4.1 \ LANG=C \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/tools/lib \ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin \ TEST_IMAGE_DIR=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images \ CLASSPATH=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/test/lib:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/javatest.jar:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jtreg/lib/jtreg.jar \ /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java \ -Dtest.vm.opts='-Xcomp -ea -esa' \ -Dtest.tool.vm.opts='-J-Xcomp -J-ea -J-esa' \ -Dtest.compiler.opts= \ -Dtest.java.opts= \ -Dtest.jdk=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk \ -Dcompile.jdk=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/jdk \ -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 \ -Dtest.nativepath=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ -Dtest.root=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk \ -Dtest.name=javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java \ -Dtest.file=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.java \ -Dtest.src=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS \ -Dtest.src.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/test/lib \ -Dtest.classes=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d \ -Dtest.class.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/sun/security/krb5/auto:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon:/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/classes/83/test/lib \ -Dtest.modules='java.security.jgss jdk.security.auth java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5 java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5:+open java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal:+open java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab java.base/sun.security.util' \ -Djtreg.test.thread.factory=Virtual \ -Djtreg.test.thread.factory.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jdk-repo/build/linux-aarch64-server-release/images/test/jtreg_test_thread_factory/jtregTestThreadFactory.jar \ --add-modules java.security.jgss,jdk.security.auth,java.base \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.jgss.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.security.jgss/sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-exports java.base/sun.security.util=ALL-UNNAMED \ -Xcomp \ -ea \ -esa \ -Djava.library.path=/tmp/tone/run/jtreg/test-images/hotspot/jtreg/native \ -Dtest.security.protocol=DTLS \ -Dtest.mode=norm \ com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper /tmp/tone/run/jtreg/jt-work/jtreg/test_jdk/javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSRehandshakeWithDataExTest.d/main.1.jta TEST RESULT: Failed. Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 1 of 74 tests failed!