java.awt.Button: 1 getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this Button. java.awt.Component: 7 getForeground() bound: true setBackground(Color) bound: true setFont(Font) bound: true setFocusable(boolean) bound: true setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set) bound: true setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(boolean) bound: true setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation) bound: true java.awt.Container: 5 setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set) bound: true setFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy) bound: true setFocusCycleRoot(boolean) bound: true setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(boolean) bound: true isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider() bound: true java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager: 7 setGlobalFocusOwner(Component) bound: true setGlobalPermanentFocusOwner(Component) bound: true setGlobalFocusedWindow(Window) bound: true setGlobalActiveWindow(Window) bound: true setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy) bound: true setDefaultFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set) bound: true setGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot(Container) bound: true javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext: 3 attribute: isContainer false description: Minimal information that all accessible objects return setAccessibleName(String) preferred: true description: Sets the accessible name for the component. setAccessibleDescription(String) preferred: true description: Sets the accessible description for the component. javax.swing.AbstractButton: 26 setHideActionText(boolean) bound: true expert: true description: Whether the text of the button should come from the Action. setText(String) bound: true preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The button's text. setMargin(Insets) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The space between the button's border and the label. setIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The button's default icon setPressedIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The pressed icon for the button. setSelectedIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The selected icon for the button. setRolloverIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The rollover icon for the button. setRolloverSelectedIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The rollover selected icon for the button. setDisabledIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The disabled icon for the button. setDisabledSelectedIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The disabled selection icon for the button. setVerticalAlignment(int) bound: true enum: TOP SwingConstants.TOP CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER BOTTOM SwingConstants.BOTTOM attribute: visualUpdate true description: The vertical alignment of the icon and text. setHorizontalAlignment(int) bound: true enum: LEFT SwingConstants.LEFT CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER RIGHT SwingConstants.RIGHT LEADING SwingConstants.LEADING TRAILING SwingConstants.TRAILING attribute: visualUpdate true description: The horizontal alignment of the icon and text. setVerticalTextPosition(int) bound: true enum: TOP SwingConstants.TOP CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER BOTTOM SwingConstants.BOTTOM attribute: visualUpdate true description: The vertical position of the text relative to the icon. setHorizontalTextPosition(int) bound: true enum: LEFT SwingConstants.LEFT CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER RIGHT SwingConstants.RIGHT LEADING SwingConstants.LEADING TRAILING SwingConstants.TRAILING attribute: visualUpdate true description: The horizontal position of the text relative to the icon. setIconTextGap(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If both the icon and text properties are set, this property defines the space between them. setAction(Action) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the Action instance connected with this ActionEvent source setBorderPainted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the border should be painted. setFocusPainted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether focus should be painted setContentAreaFilled(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the button should paint the content area or leave it transparent. setRolloverEnabled(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether rollover effects should be enabled. setMnemonic(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the keyboard character mnemonic setMnemonic(char) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the keyboard character mnemonic setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the index into the String to draw the keyboard character mnemonic at setModel(ButtonModel) bound: true description: Model that the Button uses. setUI(ButtonUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the LookAndFeel. setLabel(String) @Deprecated bound: true description: Replace by setText(text) javax.swing.ImageIcon: 1 getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this ImageIcon. javax.swing.JApplet: 8 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getContentPane description: Swing's Applet subclass. setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) bound: true hidden: true description: Mechanism for transfer of data into the component setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) hidden: true description: The menubar for accessing pulldown menus from this applet. setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) hidden: true description: Whether the add and setLayout methods are forwarded setRootPane(JRootPane) hidden: true description: the RootPane object for this applet. setContentPane(Container) hidden: true description: The client area of the applet where child components are normally inserted. setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) hidden: true description: The pane which holds the various applet layers. setGlassPane(Component) hidden: true description: A transparent pane used for menu rendering. javax.swing.JButton: 5 attribute: isContainer false description: An implementation of a \"push\" button. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class. isDefaultButton() description: Whether or not this button is the default button setDefaultCapable(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether or not this button can be the default button getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this Button. javax.swing.JCheckBox: 4 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which can be selected or deselected. setBorderPaintedFlat(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the border is painted flat. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this CheckBox. javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem: 2 attribute: isContainer false description: A menu item which can be selected or deselected. setState(boolean) description: The selection state of the check box menu item hidden: true javax.swing.JColorChooser: 7 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that supports selecting a Color. setUI(ColorChooserUI) bound: true hidden: true description: The UI object that implements the color chooser's LookAndFeel. setColor(Color) bound: false hidden: false description: The current color the chooser is to display. setDragEnabled(boolean) description: Determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled. bound: false setPreviewPanel(JComponent) bound: true hidden: true description: The UI component which displays the current color. setChooserPanels(AbstractColorChooserPanel[]) bound: true hidden: true description: An array of different chooser types. setSelectionModel(ColorSelectionModel) bound: true hidden: true description: The model which contains the currently selected color. javax.swing.JComboBox: 16 attribute: isContainer false description: A combination of a text field and a drop-down list. setUI(ComboBoxUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setModel(ComboBoxModel) bound: true description: Model that the combo box uses to get data to display. setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) bound: true expert: true description: Set to false to require heavyweight popups. setEditable(boolean) bound: true preferred: true description: If true, the user can type a new value in the combo box. setMaximumRowCount(int) bound: true preferred: true description: The maximum number of rows the popup should have setRenderer(ListCellRenderer) bound: true expert: true description: The renderer that paints the item selected in the list. setEditor(ComboBoxEditor) bound: true expert: true description: The editor that combo box uses to edit the current value setSelectedItem(Object) preferred: true description: Sets the selected item in the JComboBox. setSelectedIndex(int) preferred: true description: The item at index is selected. setPrototypeDisplayValue(E) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The display prototype value, used to compute display width and height. setAction(Action) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the Action instance connected with this ActionEvent source setEnabled(boolean) bound: true preferred: true description: Whether the combo box is enabled. setKeySelectionManager(KeySelectionManager) expert: true description: The objects that changes the selection when a key is pressed. EditorAccessibleContext.setAccessibleName(String) preferred: true description: Sets the accessible name for the component. EditorAccessibleContext.setAccessibleDescription(String) preferred: true description: Sets the accessible description for the component. javax.swing.JComponent: 24 setInheritsPopupMenu(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not the JPopupMenu is inherited setComponentPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) bound: true preferred: true description: Popup to show setUI(ComponentUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The component's look and feel delegate. getUIClassID() expert: true description: UIClassID setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the Component verifies input before accepting focus. setPreferredSize(Dimension) preferred: true bound: true description: The preferred size of the component. setMaximumSize(Dimension) bound: true description: The maximum size of the component. setMinimumSize(Dimension) bound: true description: The minimum size of the component. setBorder(Border) bound: true preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The component's border. getInsets(Insets) expert: true setAlignmentY(float) description: The preferred vertical alignment of the component. setAlignmentX(float) description: The preferred horizontal alignment of the component. setInputVerifier(InputVerifier) bound: true description: The component's input verifier. setDebugGraphicsOptions(int) preferred: true enum: NONE_OPTION DebugGraphics.NONE_OPTION LOG_OPTION DebugGraphics.LOG_OPTION FLASH_OPTION DebugGraphics.FLASH_OPTION BUFFERED_OPTION DebugGraphics.BUFFERED_OPTION description: Diagnostic options for graphics operations. setVisible(boolean) attribute: visualUpdate true setEnabled(boolean) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The enabled state of the component. setForeground(Color) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The foreground color of the component. setBackground(Color) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The background color of the component. setFont(Font) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The font for the component. setToolTipText(String) preferred: true description: The text to display in a tool tip. setAutoscrolls(boolean) expert: true description: Determines if this component automatically scrolls its contents when dragged. setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) bound: true hidden: true description: Mechanism for transfer of data to and from the component setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set) bound: true setOpaque(boolean) bound: true expert: true description: The component's opacity javax.swing.JDesktopPane: 3 setUI(DesktopPaneUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setDragMode(int) bound: true description: Dragging style for internal frame children. enum: LIVE_DRAG_MODE JDesktopPane.LIVE_DRAG_MODE OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE setDesktopManager(DesktopManager) bound: true description: Desktop manager to handle the internal frames in the desktop pane. javax.swing.JDialog: 9 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getContentPane description: A toplevel window for creating dialog boxes. setDefaultCloseOperation(int) preferred: true bound: true enum: DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE HIDE_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE description: The dialog's default close operation. setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) bound: true hidden: true description: Mechanism for transfer of data into the component setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) hidden: true description: The menubar for accessing pulldown menus from this dialog. setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean enabled) hidden: true description: Whether the add and setLayout methods are forwarded setRootPane(JRootPane) hidden: true description: the RootPane object for this dialog. setContentPane(Container) hidden: true description: The client area of the dialog where child components are normally inserted. setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) hidden: true description: The pane which holds the various dialog layers. setGlassPane(Component) hidden: true description: A transparent pane used for menu rendering. javax.swing.JEditorPane: 5 attribute: isContainer false description: A text component to edit various types of content. setPage(URL) description: the URL used to set content bound: true expert: true setContentType(String) description: the type of content setEditorKit(EditorKit) description: the currently installed kit for handling content bound: true expert: true setText(String) description: the text of this component javax.swing.JFileChooser: 21 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which allows for the interactive selection of a file. setDragEnabled(boolean) description: determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled bound: false setSelectedFile(File) preferred: true bound: true setSelectedFiles(File[]) bound: true description: The list of selected files if the chooser is in multiple selection mode. setCurrentDirectory(File) preferred: true bound: true description: The directory that the JFileChooser is showing files of. setControlButtonsAreShown(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets whether the approve & cancel buttons are shown. setDialogType(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The type (open, save, custom) of the JFileChooser. enum: OPEN_DIALOG JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG SAVE_DIALOG JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG CUSTOM_DIALOG JFileChooser.CUSTOM_DIALOG setDialogTitle(String) preferred: true bound: true description: The title of the JFileChooser dialog window. setApproveButtonToolTipText(String) preferred: true bound: true description: The tooltip text for the ApproveButton. setApproveButtonMnemonic(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The mnemonic key accelerator for the ApproveButton. setApproveButtonText(String) preferred: true bound: true description: The text that goes in the ApproveButton. addChoosableFileFilter(FileFilter) preferred: true bound: true description: Adds a filter to the list of user choosable file filters. setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets whether the AcceptAll FileFilter is used as an available choice in the choosable filter list. setAccessory(JComponent) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets the accessory component on the JFileChooser. setFileSelectionMode(int) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets the types of files that the JFileChooser can choose. enum: FILES_ONLY JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY DIRECTORIES_ONLY JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean) bound: true description: Sets multiple file selection mode. setFileHidingEnabled(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets file hiding on or off. setFileFilter(FileFilter) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets the File Filter used to filter out files of type. setFileView(FileView) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets the File View used to get file type information. setFileSystemView(FileSystemView) expert: true bound: true description: Sets the FileSytemView used to get filesystem information. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class. javax.swing.JFormattedTextField: 6 setFocusLostBehavior(int) enum: COMMIT JFormattedTextField.COMMIT COMMIT_OR_REVERT JFormattedTextField.COMMIT_OR_REVERT REVERT JFormattedTextField.REVERT PERSIST JFormattedTextField.PERSIST description: Behavior when component loses focus setFormatterFactory(AbstractFormatterFactory) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: AbstractFormatterFactory, responsible for returning an AbstractFormatter that can format the current value. setFormatter(AbstractFormatter) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: TextFormatter, responsible for formatting the current value setValue(Object) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The value to be formatted. setEditValid(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: True indicates the edited value is valid setDocument(Document) description: the text document model bound: true expert: true javax.swing.JFrame: 9 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getContentPane description: A toplevel window which can be minimized to an icon. setDefaultCloseOperation(int) preferred: true bound: true enum: DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE HIDE_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE EXIT_ON_CLOSE WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE description: The frame's default close operation. setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) bound: true hidden: true description: Mechanism for transfer of data into the component setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) hidden: true description: The menubar for accessing pulldown menus from this frame. setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) hidden: true description: Whether the add and setLayout methods are forwarded setRootPane(JRootPane) hidden: true description: the RootPane object for this frame. setContentPane(Container) hidden: true description: The client area of the frame where child components are normally inserted. setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) hidden: true description: The pane that holds the various frame layers. setGlassPane(Component) hidden: true description: A transparent pane used for menu rendering. javax.swing.JInternalFrame: 22 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getContentPane description: A frame container which is contained within another window. setUI(InternalFrameUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getUIClassID() description: UIClassID setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) hidden: true description: Whether the add and setLayout methods are forwarded setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) bound: true preferred: true description: The menu bar for accessing pulldown menus from this internal frame. setContentPane(Container) bound: true hidden: true description: The client area of the internal frame where child components are normally inserted. setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) hidden: true bound: true description: The pane which holds the various desktop layers. setGlassPane(Component) bound: true hidden: true description: A transparent pane used for menu rendering. setRootPane(JRootPane) bound: true hidden: true description: The root pane used by this internal frame. setClosable(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Indicates whether this internal frame can be closed. setClosed(boolean) bound: true constrained: true description: Indicates whether this internal frame has been closed. setResizable(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Determines whether this internal frame can be resized by the user. setIconifiable(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Determines whether this internal frame can be iconified. setIcon(boolean) bound: true constrained: true description: The image displayed when this internal frame is minimized. setMaximizable(boolean) bound: true preferred: true description: Determines whether this internal frame can be maximized. setMaximum(boolean) bound: true constrained: true description: Indicates whether this internal frame is maximized. setTitle(String) preferred: true bound: true description: The text displayed in the title bar. setSelected(boolean) constrained: true bound: true description: Indicates whether this internal frame is currently the active frame. setFrameIcon(Icon) bound: true description: The icon shown in the top-left corner of this internal frame. setLayer(Integer) expert: true description: Specifies what desktop layer is used. setLayer(int) expert: true description: Specifies what desktop layer is used. setDesktopIcon(JDesktopIcon) bound: true description: The icon shown when this internal frame is minimized. javax.swing.JLabel: 14 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that displays a short string and an icon. setUI(LabelUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setText(String) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Defines the single line of text this component will display. setIcon(Icon) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The icon this component will display. setDisabledIcon(Icon) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The icon to display if the label is disabled. setDisplayedMnemonic(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The mnemonic keycode. setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the index into the String to draw the keyboard character mnemonic at setIconTextGap(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If both the icon and text properties are set, this property defines the space between them. setVerticalAlignment(int) bound: true enum: TOP SwingConstants.TOP CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER BOTTOM SwingConstants.BOTTOM attribute: visualUpdate true description: The alignment of the label's contents along the Y axis. setHorizontalAlignment(int) bound: true enum: LEFT SwingConstants.LEFT CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER RIGHT SwingConstants.RIGHT LEADING SwingConstants.LEADING TRAILING SwingConstants.TRAILING attribute: visualUpdate true description: The alignment of the label's content along the X axis. setVerticalTextPosition(int) bound: true enum: TOP SwingConstants.TOP CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER BOTTOM SwingConstants.BOTTOM expert: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The vertical position of the text relative to it's image. setHorizontalTextPosition(int) expert: true bound: true enum: LEFT SwingConstants.LEFT CENTER SwingConstants.CENTER RIGHT SwingConstants.RIGHT LEADING SwingConstants.LEADING TRAILING SwingConstants.TRAILING attribute: visualUpdate true description: The horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its image. setLabelFor(Component) bound: true description: The component this is labelling. getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this Label. javax.swing.JList: 16 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which allows for the selection of one or more objects from a list. setUI(ListUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setPrototypeCellValue(E) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The cell prototype value, used to compute cell width and height. setFixedCellWidth(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Defines a fixed cell width when greater than zero. setFixedCellHeight(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Defines a fixed cell height when greater than zero. setCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The component used to draw the cells. setSelectionForeground(Color) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The foreground color of selected cells. setSelectionBackground(Color) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The background color of selected cells. setVisibleRowCount(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The preferred number of rows to display without requiring scrolling setLayoutOrientation(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Defines the way list cells are layed out. enum: VERTICAL JList.VERTICAL HORIZONTAL_WRAP JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP VERTICAL_WRAP JList.VERTICAL_WRAP setDragEnabled(boolean) description: determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled bound: false setModel(ListModel) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The object that contains the data to be drawn by this JList. setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) bound: true description: The selection model, recording which cells are selected. setSelectionMode(int) description: The selection mode. enum: SINGLE_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION getLeadSelectionIndex() description: The lead selection index. setSelectedIndex(int) description: The index of the selected cell. javax.swing.JMenu: 6 attribute: isContainer true description: A popup window containing menu items displayed in a menu bar. setModel(ButtonModel) description: The menu's model bound: true expert: true hidden: true setSelected(boolean) description: When the menu is selected, its popup child is shown. expert: true hidden: true setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) description: The popup menu's visibility expert: true hidden: true setDelay(int) description: The delay between menu selection and making the popup menu visible expert: true setAccelerator(KeyStroke) description: The keystroke combination which will invoke the JMenuItem's actionlisteners without navigating the menu hierarchy hidden: true javax.swing.JMenuBar: 5 attribute: isContainer true description: A container for holding and displaying menus. setUI(MenuBarUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) bound: true description: The selection model, recording which child is selected. setBorderPainted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the border should be painted. setMargin(Insets) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The space between the menubar's border and its contents javax.swing.JMenuItem: 5 attribute: isContainer false description: An item which can be selected in a menu. setUI(MenuItemUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setArmed(boolean) description: Mouse release will fire an action event hidden: true setEnabled(boolean) description: Does the component react to user interaction bound: true preferred: true setAccelerator(KeyStroke) description: The keystroke combination which will invoke the JMenuItem's actionlisteners without navigating the menu hierarchy bound: true preferred: true javax.swing.JOptionPane: 14 attribute: isContainer true description: A component which implements standard dialog box controls. setUI(OptionPaneUI) bound: true hidden: true description: The UI object that implements the optionpane's LookAndFeel setMessage(Object) preferred: true bound: true description: The optionpane's message object. setIcon(Icon) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's type icon. setValue(Object) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's value object. setOptions(Object[] newOptions) bound: true description: The option pane's options objects. setInitialValue(Object) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's initial value object. setMessageType(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's message type. setOptionType(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's option type. setSelectionValues(Object[]) bound: true description: The option pane's selection values. setInitialSelectionValue(Object) bound: true description: The option pane's initial selection value object. setInputValue(Object) preferred: true bound: true description: The option pane's input value object. setWantsInput(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: Flag which allows the user to input a value. getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this option pane javax.swing.JPanel: 3 description: A generic lightweight container. setUI(PanelUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class. javax.swing.JPasswordField: 2 attribute: isContainer false description: Allows the editing of a line of text but doesn't show the characters. setEchoChar(char) description: character to display in place of the real characters attribute: visualUpdate true javax.swing.JPopupMenu: 12 attribute: isContainer false description: A small window that pops up and displays a series of choices. setUI(PopupMenuUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) description: The selection model for the popup menu expert: true setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) description: Determines whether lightweight popups are used when possible expert: true setLabel(String) description: The label for the popup menu. bound: true setVisible(boolean) bound: true description: Makes the popup visible setLocation(int, int) description: The location of the popup menu. setInvoker(Component) description: The invoking component for the popup menu expert: true setPopupSize(Dimension) description: The size of the popup menu setPopupSize(int, int) description: The size of the popup menu setSelected(Component) description: The selected component on the popup menu expert: true hidden: true setBorderPainted(boolean) description: Is the border of the popup menu painted javax.swing.JProgressBar: 15 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that displays an integer value. setOrientation(int) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Set the progress bar's orientation. setStringPainted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the progress bar should render a string. setString(String) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Specifies the progress string to paint isBorderPainted() { description: Does the progress bar paint its border setBorderPainted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Whether the progress bar should paint its border. setUI(ProgressBarUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the look-and-feel class. setModel(BoundedRangeModel) expert: true description: The data model used by the JProgressBar. setValue(int) preferred: true description: The progress bar's current value. setMinimum(int) preferred: true description: The progress bar's minimum value. setMaximum(int) preferred: true description: The progress bar's maximum value. setIndeterminate(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Set whether the progress bar is indeterminate (true) or normal (false). isIndeterminate() description: Is the progress bar indeterminate (true) or normal (false)? getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this ProgressBar. javax.swing.JRadioButton: 3 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which can display it's state as selected or deselected. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class. getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this Button javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem: 1 attribute: isContainer false description: A component within a group of menu items which can be selected. javax.swing.JRootPane: 3 setWindowDecorationStyle(int) bound: true enum: NONE JRootPane.NONE FRAME JRootPane.FRAME PLAIN_DIALOG JRootPane.PLAIN_DIALOG INFORMATION_DIALOG JRootPane.INFORMATION_DIALOG ERROR_DIALOG JRootPane.ERROR_DIALOG COLOR_CHOOSER_DIALOG JRootPane.COLOR_CHOOSER_DIALOG FILE_CHOOSER_DIALOG JRootPane.FILE_CHOOSER_DIALOG QUESTION_DIALOG JRootPane.QUESTION_DIALOG WARNING_DIALOG JRootPane.WARNING_DIALOG expert: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Identifies the type of Window decorations to provide setUI(RootPaneUI) bound: true hidden: true expert: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setDefaultButton(JButton) description: The button activated by default in this root pane javax.swing.JScrollBar: 11 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that helps determine the visible content range of an area. setUI(ScrollBarUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel setOrientation(int) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The scrollbar's orientation. enum: VERTICAL JScrollBar.VERTICAL HORIZONTAL JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL setModel(BoundedRangeModel) bound: true expert: true description: The scrollbar's BoundedRangeModel. setUnitIncrement(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The scrollbar's unit increment. setBlockIncrement(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The scrollbar's block increment. setValue(int) preferred: true description: The scrollbar's current value. setVisibleAmount(int) preferred: true description: The amount of the view that is currently visible. setMinimum(int) preferred: true description: The scrollbar's minimum value. setMaximum(int) preferred: true description: The scrollbar's maximum value. setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) expert: true description: True if the scrollbar thumb is being dragged. javax.swing.JScrollPane: 15 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getViewport description: A specialized container that manages a viewport, optional scrollbars and headers getUI() bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getUIClassID() hidden: true setLayout(LayoutManager) hidden: true isValidateRoot() hidden: true setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The scrollpane vertical scrollbar policy enum: VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) preferred: true bound: true description: The scrollpane scrollbar policy enum: HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS setViewportBorder(Border) preferred: true bound: true description: The border around the viewport. setHorizontalScrollBar(JScrollBar) expert: true bound: true description: The horizontal scrollbar. setVerticalScrollBar(JScrollBar) expert: true bound: true description: The vertical scrollbar. setViewport(JViewport) expert: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The viewport child for this scrollpane setRowHeader(JViewport) bound: true expert: true description: The row header child for this scrollpane setColumnHeader(JViewport) bound: true description: The column header child for this scrollpane attribute: visualUpdate true isWheelScrollingEnabled() bound: true description: Flag for enabling/disabling mouse wheel scrolling setWheelScrollingEnabled(boolean) bound: true description: Flag for enabling/disabling mouse wheel scrolling javax.swing.JSeparator: 3 attribute: isContainer false description: A divider between menu items. setUI(SeparatorUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setOrientation(int) bound: true preferred: true enum: HORIZONTAL SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SwingConstants.VERTICAL attribute: visualUpdate true description: The orientation of the separator. javax.swing.JSlider: 18 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that supports selecting a integer value from a range. setUI(SliderUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the slider's LookAndFeel. setModel(BoundedRangeModel) bound: true description: The sliders BoundedRangeModel. setValue(int) preferred: true description: The sliders current value. setMinimum(int) bound: true preferred: true description: The sliders minimum value. setMaximum(int) bound: true preferred: true description: The sliders maximum value. setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) expert: true description: True if the slider knob is being dragged. setExtent(int) expert: true description: Size of the range covered by the knob. setOrientation(int) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Set the scrollbars orientation to either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL. enum: VERTICAL JSlider.VERTICAL HORIZONTAL JSlider.HORIZONTAL setLabelTable(Dictionary) hidden: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Specifies what labels will be drawn for any given value. setInverted(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true reverses the slider values from their normal order setMajorTickSpacing(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Sets the number of values between major tick marks. setMinorTickSpacing(int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Sets the number of values between minor tick marks. setSnapToTicks(boolean) bound: true description: If true snap the knob to the nearest tick mark. setSnapToValue(boolean) bound: true description: If true snap the knob to the nearest slider value. setPaintTicks(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true tick marks are painted on the slider. setPaintTrack(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true, the track is painted on the slider. setPaintLabels(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true labels are painted on the slider. javax.swing.JSpinner: 3 attribute: isContainer false description: A single line input field that lets the user select a number or an object value from an ordered set. setModel(SpinnerModel) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Model that represents the value of this spinner. setEditor(JComponent) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: JComponent that displays the current value of the model javax.swing.JSplitPane: 18 setUI(SplitPaneUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getUI() expert: true description: The L&F object that renders this component. getUIClassID() expert: true description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class. setDividerSize(int) bound: true description: The size of the divider. getLeftComponent() preferred: true description: The component to the left (or above) the divider. setTopComponent(Component) description: The component above, or to the left of the divider. setRightComponent(Component) preferred: true description: The component to the right (or below) the divider. setBottomComponent(Component) description: The component below, or to the right of the divider. setOneTouchExpandable(boolean) bound: true description: UI widget on the divider to quickly expand/collapse the divider. setLastDividerLocation(int) bound: true description: The last location the divider was at. setOrientation(int) bound: true description: The orientation, or how the splitter is divided. enum: HORIZONTAL_SPLIT JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT VERTICAL_SPLIT JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT setContinuousLayout(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the child components are continuously redisplayed and laid out during user intervention. setResizeWeight(double) bound: true description: Specifies how to distribute extra space when the split pane resizes. setDividerLocation(double) description: The location of the divider. setDividerLocation(int) bound: true description: The location of the divider. getMinimumDividerLocation() description: The minimum location of the divider from the L&F. isValidateRoot() hidden: true getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this SplitPane. javax.swing.JTabbedPane: 17 attribute: isContainer true description: A component which provides a tab folder metaphor for displaying one component from a set of components. setUI(TabbedPaneUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the tabbedpane's LookAndFeel setModel(SingleSelectionModel) bound: true description: The tabbedpane's SingleSelectionModel. setTabPlacement(int) { preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true enum: TOP JTabbedPane.TOP LEFT JTabbedPane.LEFT BOTTOM JTabbedPane.BOTTOM RIGHT JTabbedPane.RIGHT description: The tabbedpane's tab placement. setTabLayoutPolicy(int) preferred: true bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true enum: WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT description: The tabbedpane's policy for laying out the tabs setSelectedIndex(int) preferred: true description: The tabbedpane's selected tab index. setSelectedComponent(Component) preferred: true description: The tabbedpane's selected component. setTitleAt(int, String) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The title at the specified tab index. setIconAt(int, Icon) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The icon at the specified tab index. setDisabledIconAt(int, Icon) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The disabled icon at the specified tab index. setToolTipTextAt(int, String) preferred: true description: The tooltip text at the specified tab index. setBackgroundAt(int, Color) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The background color at the specified tab index. setForegroundAt(int, Color) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The foreground color at the specified tab index. setComponentAt(int, Component) attribute: visualUpdate true description: The component at the specified tab index. setDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(int, int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the index into the String to draw the keyboard character mnemonic at setMnemonicAt(int, int) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The keyboard mnenmonic, as a KeyEvent VK constant, for the specified tab setTabComponentAt(int, Component) preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The tab component at the specified tab index. javax.swing.JTable: 29 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which displays data in a two dimensional grid. setTableHeader(JTableHeader) bound: true description: The JTableHeader instance which renders the column headers. setRowHeight(int) bound: true description: The height of the specified row. setRowHeight(int, int) bound: true description: The height in pixels of the cells in row setRowMargin(int) bound: true description: The amount of space between cells. setIntercellSpacing(Dimension) description: The spacing between the cells, drawn in the background color of the JTable. setGridColor(Color) bound: true description: The grid color. setShowGrid(boolean) description: The color used to draw the grid lines. setShowHorizontalLines(boolean) bound: true description: Whether horizontal lines should be drawn in between the cells. setShowVerticalLines(boolean) bound: true description: Whether vertical lines should be drawn in between the cells. setAutoResizeMode(int) bound: true description: Whether the columns should adjust themselves automatically. enum: AUTO_RESIZE_OFF JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(boolean) bound: true description: Automatically populates the columnModel when a new TableModel is submitted. setDragEnabled(boolean) description: determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled bound: false setAutoCreateRowSorter(boolean) bound: true preferred: true description: Whether or not to turn on sorting by default. setUpdateSelectionOnSort(boolean) bound: true expert: true description: Whether or not to update the selection on sorting setRowSorter(RowSorter) bound: true description: The table's RowSorter setSelectionMode(int) description: The selection mode used by the row and column selection models. enum: SINGLE_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION setRowSelectionAllowed(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true, an entire row is selected for each selected cell. setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: If true, an entire column is selected for each selected cell. setCellSelectionEnabled(boolean) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Select a rectangular region of cells rather than rows or columns. setSelectionForeground(Color) bound: true description: A default foreground color for selected cells. setSelectionBackground(Color) bound: true description: A default background color for selected cells. setUI(TableUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setModel(TableModel) bound: true description: The model that is the source of the data for this view. setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) bound: true description: The object governing the way columns appear in the view. setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) bound: true description: The selection model for rows. setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) description: The preferred size of the viewport. setFillsViewportHeight(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not this table is always made large enough to fill the height of an enclosing viewport setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) bound: true description: The table's active cell editor. javax.swing.JTextArea: 6 attribute: isContainer false description: A multi-line area that displays plain text. setTabSize(int) preferred: true bound: true description: the number of characters to expand tabs to setLineWrap(boolean) preferred: true bound: true description: should lines be wrapped setWrapStyleWord(boolean) preferred: false bound: true description: should wrapping occur at word boundaries setRows(int) description: the number of rows preferred for display setColumns(int) description: the number of columns preferred for display javax.swing.JTextField: 5 attribute: isContainer false description: A component which allows for the editing of a single line of text. setDocument(Document) description: the text document model bound: true expert: true setHorizontalAlignment(int) preferred: true bound: true description: Set the field alignment to LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, LEADING (the default) or TRAILING enum: LEFT JTextField.LEFT CENTER JTextField.CENTER RIGHT JTextField.RIGHT LEADING JTextField.LEADING TRAILING JTextField.TRAILING setColumns(int) description: the number of columns preferred for display setAction(Action) bound: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: the Action instance connected with this ActionEvent source javax.swing.JTextPane: 1 attribute: isContainer true description: A text component that can be marked up with attributes that are graphically represented. javax.swing.JToggleButton: 3 attribute: isContainer false description: An implementation of a two-state button. getUIClassID() description: A string that specifies the name of the L&F class getAccessibleContext() expert: true description: The AccessibleContext associated with this ToggleButton. javax.swing.JToolBar: 7 attribute: isContainer true description: A component which displays commonly used controls or Actions. setUI(ToolBarUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setMargin(Insets) description: The margin between the tool bar's border and contents bound: true expert: true setBorderPainted(boolean) description: Does the tool bar paint its borders? bound: true expert: true setFloatable(boolean) description: Can the tool bar be made to float by the user? bound: true preferred: true setOrientation(int) description: The current orientation of the tool bar bound: true preferred: true enum: HORIZONTAL SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SwingConstants.VERTICAL setRollover(boolean) bound: true preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: Will draw rollover button borders in the toolbar. javax.swing.JToolTip: 2 setTipText(String) preferred: true bound: true description: Sets the text of the tooltip setComponent(JComponent) bound: true description: Sets the component that the tooltip describes. javax.swing.JTree: 19 attribute: isContainer false description: A component that displays a set of hierarchical data as an outline. setUI(TreeUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) bound: true description: The TreeCellRenderer that will be used to draw each cell. setEditable(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the tree is editable. setCellEditor(TreeCellEditor) bound: true description: The cell editor. A null value implies the tree cannot be edited. setModel(TreeModel) bound: true description: The TreeModel that will provide the data. setRootVisible(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not the root node from the TreeModel is visible. setShowsRootHandles(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the node handles are to be displayed. setRowHeight(int) bound: true description: The height of each cell. setLargeModel(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the UI should use a large model. setInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean) bound: true description: Determines what happens when editing is interrupted, selecting another node in the tree, a change in the tree's data, or some other means. setScrollsOnExpand(boolean) bound: true description: Indicates if a node descendant should be scrolled when expanded. setToggleClickCount(int) bound: true description: Number of clicks before a node will expand/collapse. setExpandsSelectedPaths(boolean) bound: true description: Indicates whether changes to the selection should make the parent of the path visible. setDragEnabled(boolean) description: determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled bound: false setLeadSelectionPath(TreePath) bound: true description: Lead selection path setAnchorSelectionPath(TreePath) bound: true description: Anchor selection path setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel) bound: true description: The tree's selection model. setVisibleRowCount(int) bound: true description: The number of rows that are to be displayed. javax.swing.JViewport: 3 setUI(ViewportUI) bound: true hidden: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The UI object that implements the Component's LookAndFeel. getInsets(Insets insets) expert: true setScrollMode(int) bound: false description: Method of moving contents for incremental scrolls. enum: BLIT_SCROLL_MODE JViewport.BLIT_SCROLL_MODE BACKINGSTORE_SCROLL_MODE JViewport.BACKINGSTORE_SCROLL_MODE SIMPLE_SCROLL_MODE JViewport.SIMPLE_SCROLL_MODE javax.swing.JWindow: 7 attribute: isContainer true attribute: containerDelegate getContentPane description: A toplevel window which has no system border or controls. setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) bound: true hidden: true description: Mechanism for transfer of data into the component setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) hidden: true description: Whether the add and setLayout methods are forwarded setRootPane(JRootPane) hidden: true description: the RootPane object for this window. setContentPane(Container) hidden: true description: The client area of the window where child components are normally inserted. setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) hidden: true description: The pane which holds the various window layers. setGlassPane(Component) hidden: true description: A transparent pane used for menu rendering. javax.swing.table.JTableHeader: 4 setTable(JTable) bound: true description: The table associated with this header. setReorderingAllowed(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the user can drag column headers to reorder columns. setResizingAllowed(boolean) bound: true description: Whether the user can resize columns by dragging between headers. setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) bound: true description: The object governing the way columns appear in the view. javax.swing.table.TableColumn: 11 setModelIndex(int) bound: true description: The model index. setIdentifier(Object) bound: true description: A unique identifier for this column. setHeaderValue(Object) bound: true description: The text to be used by the header renderer. setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer) bound: true description: The header renderer. setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer) bound: true description: The renderer to use for cell values. setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) bound: true description: The editor to use for cell values. setWidth(int) bound: true description: The width of the column. setPreferredWidth(int) bound: true description: The preferred width of the column. setMinWidth(int) bound: true description: The minimum width of the column. setMaxWidth(int) bound: true description: The maximum width of the column. setResizable(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not this column can be resized. javax.swing.text.JTextComponent: 17 attribute: isContainer false setDocument(Document) description: the text document model bound: true expert: true setMargin(Insets) description: desired space between the border and text area bound: true setCaret(Caret) description: the caret used to select/navigate bound: true expert: true setHighlighter(Highlighter) description: object responsible for background highlights bound: true expert: true setKeymap(Keymap) description: set of key event to action bindings to use bound: true setDragEnabled(boolean) description: determines whether automatic drag handling is enabled bound: false setCaretColor(Color) description: the color used to render the caret bound: true preferred: true setSelectionColor(Color) description: color used to render selection background bound: true preferred: true setSelectedTextColor(Color) description: color used to render selected text bound: true preferred: true setDisabledTextColor(Color) description: color used to render disabled text bound: true preferred: true setFocusAccelerator(char) description: accelerator character used to grab focus bound: true setCaretPosition(int) description: the caret position setText(String) description: the text of this component setEditable(boolean) description: specifies if the text can be edited bound: true setSelectionStart(int) description: starting location of the selection. setSelectionEnd(int) description: ending location of the selection. javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache: 2 setRootVisible(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not the root node from the TreeModel is visible. setRowHeight(int) bound: true description: The height of each cell. javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor: 1 DefaultTextField.setBorder(Border) bound: true preferred: true attribute: visualUpdate true description: The component's border. javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache: 3 setModel(TreeModel) bound: true description: The TreeModel that will provide the data. setRootVisible(boolean) bound: true description: Whether or not the root node from the TreeModel is visible. setRowHeight(int) bound: true description: The height of each cell.