MenuBar ------- 1) Create a menubar add couple of menus. check whether the menus are visible. Expected Behavior : All the specified menus should be seen. 2) Create a menubar with the specified width and add menus to it. Expected Behavior : Menus should be seen with in the widht of the menubar, few menus may not be seen since the specified width of the menubar smaller than the number of menus. 3) Dynamically make toolbar visible and invisible. Expected Behavior : Non of the menus should be seen when menubar is invisible and all the menus should be visible when menubar is make visible. You should not see any change in the order of the menus or any rendering issues. 4) Dynamically change the widht and the height of the menubar. Expected Behavior : a) No painting artifacts should be seem b) There should not be any change in the either menus or in the components on the stage. c) If Height is increated you can see the components or graphics shapes on the stage will be covered by menubar, but you should see this componens 5) Enable and disable the menubar Expected Behavior : Disabling the menubar, a) All the menus should be diabled. b) If any menu is highlighted, they should change its color this includes text or font color too. c) Click on the disabled menu should not highlight the menu. Enable the menubar a) All the menus should be enable. b) If any menu is highlighted , they should change its color to default enabled color this includes text or font color too. c) Moving the mouse pointer on the menu should highlight the menus. 6) Change the label ( text )of the menu either to a longer text and to a shorter text Expected Behavior : a) New Menu label(text) should be seen. b) There should not be any change in the behaviour or painting artifacts. 7) Add n number of menus and delete one by one or all once. Expected Behavior : a) Newly added menu should be added at the last. b) Specified menu should be deleted and the next menu 2) Change the font attributes of the menu and check whether they are changed to the specified value. 3)