From: Vasiliy Baranov [] Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 1:43 PM To: Adrian Raybould Cc: Peter Zhelezniakov; Andrey Pikalev Subject: Re: JavaFX crashing JVM (RT-15172) Hi Adrian, Thank you for the problem report. Presidio is a code name for JavaFX 2.0, so the fix for RT-15172 is already included in 2.0 GA. You are probably hitting a regression or a new bug. Could you please file a new issue in Jira? Is this issue easily reproducible? If so, can you please describe the procedure to reproduce it? Also, is the attached file a verbatim copy of the crash dump generated by the JVM? I am asking because the method listed last on the Java stack - com.sun.webpane.platform.WebPage.twkProcessMouseWheelEvent - should never call the Java_com_sun_webpane_webkit_network_URLProcessor_headerCallback native function under normal circumstances. If what the crash dump shows is indeed what happened, it indicates some sort of corruption in the JVM caused by some yet unknown problem. Thank you, -- Vasiliy On 21.10.2011 23:56, Adrian Raybould wrote: > Hello Vasiliy, > > My name is Adrian Raybould and I just started working on some heavy > duty JavaFX WebPane stuff and we’re seeing JVM crashes that look > remarkably similar to the RT-15333/RT-15172 issue (see attached JVM dump if you want). > > Specifically I see – > > Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, > C=native code) > > C [WebPaneJava.dll+0x30b468] > Java_com_sun_webpane_webkit_network_URLProcessor_headerCallback+0x3238 > > And RT-15333 log 5880 shows > > Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, > C=native code) > > C [WebPaneJava.dll+0x3092de] > Java_com_sun_webpane_webkit_network_URLProcessor_headerCallback+0x4e > > What is the process for obtaining this fix ? When is “Presidio” > scheduled for general availability ? > > Let me know thanks, > > Adrian > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > -- This message may contain confidential information and is intended > for specific recipients unless explicitly noted otherwise. If you have > reason to believe you are not an intended recipient of this message, > please delete it and notify the sender. This message may not represent > the opinion of IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. (ICE), its subsidiaries > or affiliates, and does not constitute a contract or guarantee. > Unencrypted electronic mail is not secure and the recipient of this > message is expected to provide safeguards from viruses and pursue > alternate means of communication where privacy or a binding message is desired.