Usage: javafxpackager -command [-options] where command is one of: -createjar The packager produces jar archive according to other parameters. -deploy The packager generates the jnlp and html files according to other parameters. -createbss Converts css file into binary form -signJar Signs jar file(s) with a provided certificate. -makeall Performs compilation, createjar and deploy steps as one call with most arguments predefined. The sources must be located in "src" folder, the resulting files (jar, jnlp, html) are put in "dist" folder. This command may be configured only in a minimal way and is as automated as possible. Options for createjar command include: -appclass qualified name of the application class to be executed. -preloader qualified name of the preloader class to be executed. -paramfile properties file with default named application parameters. -argument arg An unnamed argument to be put in element in the JNLP file. -classpath list of dependent jar file names. -manifestAttrs List of additional manifest attributes. Syntax: "name1=value1, name2=value2,name3=value3. -noembedlauncher If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes to the jarfile. -nocss2bin The packager won't convert CSS files to binary form before copying to jar. -runtimeversion version of the required JavaFX Runtime. -outdir name of the directory to generate output file to. -outfile The name (without the extension) of the resulting file. -srcdir Base dir of the files to pack. -srcfiles List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be packed. Options for deploy command include: -title title of the application. -vendor <vendor> vendor of the application. -description <description> description of the application. -appclass <application class> qualified name of the application class to be executed. -preloader <preloader class> qualified name of the preloader class to be executed. -paramfile <file> properties file with default named application parameters. -htmlparamfile <file> properties file with parameters for the resulting applet. -width <width> width of the application. -height <height> height of the application. -native <type> generate self-contained application bundles (if possible). If type is specified then only bundle of this type is created. List of supported types includes: installer, image, exe, msi, dmg, rpm, deb. -name <name> name of the application. -embedjnlp If present, the jnlp file will be embedded in the html document. -embedCertificates If present, the certificates will be embedded in the jnlp file. -allpermissions If present, the application will require all security permissions in the jnlp file. -updatemode <updatemode> sets the update mode for the jnlp file. -isExtension if present, the srcfiles are treated as extensions. -callbacks specifies user callback methods in generated HTML. The format is "name1:value1,name2:value2,..." -templateInFilename name of the html template file. Placeholders are in form of #XXXX.YYYY(APPID)# -templateOutFilename name of the html file to write the filled-in template to. -templateId Application ID of the application for template processing. -argument arg An unnamed argument to be put in <fx:argument> element in the JNLP file. -outdir <dir> name of the directory to generate output file to. -outfile <filename> The name (without the extension) of the resulting file. -srcdir <dir> Base dir of the files to pack. -srcfiles <files> List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Options for createbss command include: -outdir <dir> name of the directory to generate output file to. -srcdir <dir> Base dir of the files to pack. -srcfiles <files> List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used. Options for signJar command include: -keyStore <file> Keystore filename. -alias Alias for the key. -storePass Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore. -keyPass Password for recovering the key. -storeType Keystore type, the default value is "jks". -outdir <dir> name of the directory to generate output file(s) to. -srcdir <dir> Base dir of the files to signed. -srcfiles <files> List of files in srcdir. If omitted, all files in srcdir (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be signed. Options for makeAll command include: -appclass <application class> qualified name of the application class to be executed. -preloader <preloader class> qualified name of the preloader class to be executed. -classpath <files> list of dependent jar file names. -name <name> name of the application. -width <width> width of the application. -height <height> height of the application. -v enable verbose output. Sample usages: -------------- javafxpackager -createjar -appclass package.ClassName -srcdir classes -outdir out -outfile outjar -v Packages the content of the classes directory to outjar.jar, sets the application class to package.ClassName. javafxpackager -deploy -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43 -name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled Generates outfile.jnlp and corresponding outfile.html files in outdir for aplication AppName that is started by package.ClassName class and has dimensions of 34x43. javafxpackager -makeall -appclass brickbreaker.Main -name BrickBreaker -width 600 -height 600 This command does all the packaging work including compilation: compile, createjar, deploy.