>>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000280520) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFDB0111A1, hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA <<>>WM_AWT_GETDC: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFDB0111A1, hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x000000000023025E) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) < hDC = 0xFFFFFFFF8A0118E2, hWnd = 0x000000000023025E <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFDB0111A1, hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x000000000023025E) <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFDB0111A1, hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA) hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFDB0111A1, hWnd = 0x0000000000C301FA <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400) hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFF10134EC, hWnd = 0x0000000000C71400 <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0) hDC = 0x000000003801206E, hWnd = 0x00000000004112A0 <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE) hDC = 0xFFFFFFFFC0012871, hWnd = 0x00000000006804BE <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E) hDC = 0x0000000063011C4A, hWnd = 0x00000000003A123E <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E) hDC = 0x000000001801267C, hWnd = 0x00000000002E0A0E <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E) hDC = 0x000000001C0136F7, hWnd = 0x0000000000230A8E <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x0000000000280520) hDC = 0x00000000020136B0, hWnd = 0x0000000000280520 <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<>>WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS: PassiveDCList: >>> DCList::PrintDCs() hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs() to remove: >>> DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270) hDC = 0x000000001F012936, hWnd = 0x00000000003F0270 <<< DCList::PrintDCs(hWnd) <<