Dynamic CDS archive map for /tmp/foo.jsa [header 0x0000000000000000 - 0x0000000000000428 1064 bytes] - magic: 0xf00baba8 - crc: 0x5cdef42f - version: 10 ============ region ============= 0 "mc" - crc: 0x2d28a891 - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 1 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x1000 - mapping_offset: 0xba2000 - used: 336 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 1 "rw" - crc: 0x5f9bf1cc - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x2000 - mapping_offset: 0xba3000 - used: 4056 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 2 "ro" - crc: 0x568fc1fe - read_only: 1 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x3000 - mapping_offset: 0xba4000 - used: 3568 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 3 "bm" - crc: 0xdaac0352 - read_only: 1 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 1 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x4000 - mapping_offset: 0x0 - used: 184 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 4 "ca0" - crc: 0x00000000 - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x0 - mapping_offset: 0x0 - used: 0 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 5 "ca1" - crc: 0x00000000 - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x0 - mapping_offset: 0x0 - used: 0 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 6 "oa0" - crc: 0x00000000 - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x0 - mapping_offset: 0x0 - used: 0 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ region ============= 7 "oa1" - crc: 0x00000000 - read_only: 0 - allow_exec: 0 - is_heap_region: 0 - is_bitmap_region: 0 - mapped_from_file: 0 - file_offset: 0x0 - mapping_offset: 0x0 - used: 0 - oopmap_offset: 0x0 - oopmap_size_in_bits: 0 - mapped_base: 0x0000000000000000 ============ end regions ======== - header_size: 1064 - alignment: 4096 - obj_alignment: 8 - narrow_oop_base: 0x0000000000000000 - narrow_oop_base: 0x0000000000000000 - narrow_oop_shift 3 - compact_strings: 1 - max_heap_size: 16877879296 - narrow_oop_mode: 1 - narrow_klass_shift: 3 - compressed_oops: 1 - compressed_class_ptrs: 1 - cloned_vtables_offset: 0x0 - serialized_data_offset: 0xba4d70 - i2i_entry_code_buffers_offset: 0x0 - i2i_entry_code_buffers_size: 0 - heap_end: 0x0000000800000000 - base_archive_is_default: 1 - jvm_ident: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (slowdebug 16-internal+0-adhoc.iklam.open) for linux-amd64 JRE (16-internal+0-adhoc.iklam.open), built on Oct 2 2020 21:20:12 by "iklam" with gcc 8.3.0 - base_archive_name_size: 54 - shared_path_table_offset: 0xba4618 - shared_path_table_size: 2 - app_class_paths_start_index: 1 - app_module_paths_start_index: 2 - num_module_paths: 0 - max_used_path_index: 1 - verify_local: 0 - verify_remote: 1 - has_platform_or_app_classes: 1 - requested_base_address: 0x0000000800000000 - mapped_base_address: 0x0000000000000000 - allow_archiving_with_java_agent:0 - use_optimized_module_handling: 1 - use_full_module_graph 0 - ptrmap_size_in_bits: 1466 [mc region 0x0000000800ba2000 - 0x0000000800ba2150 336 bytes] [rw region 0x0000000800ba3000 - 0x0000000800ba3fd8 4056 bytes] [ro region 0x0000000800ba4000 - 0x0000000800ba4df0 3568 bytes] [bitmap 0x0000000000000000 - 0x00000000000000b8 184 bytes] [End of CDS archive map]