Run Flag VM: Command line: [c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.jdk\\jdk-19\\fastdebug\\bin\\java.exe -cp T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\compiler\\c2\\irTests\\TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.d;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\compiler\\c2\\irTests;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\test\\lib;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\lib;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\javatest.jar;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\jtreg.jar -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=4.16667\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\tmp -Dtest.jdk=c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.jdk\\jdk-19\\fastdebug -Djava.library.path=c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\native -cp T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\compiler\\c2\\irTests\\TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.d;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\test\\lib;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1 -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -XX:LoopMaxUnroll=8 compiler.lib.ir_framework.flag.FlagVM compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling ] [2022-03-31T19:49:13.149177400Z] Gathering output for process 57196 [2022-03-31T19:49:13.519507Z] Waiting for completion for process 57196 [2022-03-31T19:49:13.519507Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 57196 Output and diagnostic info for process 57196 was saved into 'pid-57196-output.log' [2022-03-31T19:49:13.519507Z] Waiting for completion for process 57196 [2022-03-31T19:49:13.519507Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 57196 Run Test VM - [-XX:LoopMaxUnroll=8]: Command line: [c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.jdk\\jdk-19\\fastdebug\\bin\\java.exe -cp T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\compiler\\c2\\irTests\\TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.d;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\compiler\\c2\\irTests;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\test\\lib;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\lib;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\javatest.jar;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\jtreg.jar -Djava.library.path=c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\native -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=4.16667\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\tmp -Dir.framework.server.port=52832 -XX:LoopMaxUnroll=8 -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=log,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::* -XX:CompileCommand=option,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::*,bool,PrintIdeal,true -XX:CompileCommand=option,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::*,bool,PrintOptoAssembly,true -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -DShouldDoIRVerification=true -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=quiet compiler.lib.ir_framework.test.TestVM compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling ] [2022-03-31T19:49:13.519507Z] Gathering output for process 77152 [2022-03-31T19:49:14.853132500Z] Waiting for completion for process 77152 [2022-03-31T19:49:14.853132500Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 77152 Output and diagnostic info for process 77152 was saved into 'pid-77152-output.log' [2022-03-31T19:49:14.853132500Z] Waiting for completion for process 77152 [2022-03-31T19:49:14.853132500Z] Waiting for completion finished for process 77152 Compilation(s) of failed match(es): >>> Compilation of private static int compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.test(long[],long[]): PrintIdeal: 584 AddP === _ 10 589 128 [[ 583 ]] !orig=[488],422,134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 662 ConL === 0 [[ 569 ]] #long:24 691 CmpI === _ 560 688 [[ 693 ]] 623 ConL === 0 [[ 580 ]] #long:32 689 Phi === 172 255 138 [[ 599 ]] #int !orig=599,521,[475],[416],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 583 LoadL === 682 7 584 | 34 [[ 582 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=487,421,136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 569 AddP === _ 10 589 662 [[ 568 ]] !orig=480,134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 692 SubI === _ 560 688 [[ 694 ]] 693 Bool === _ 691 [[ 694 ]] [lt] 712 CmpU === _ 694 695 [[ 713 ]] !orig=[697] 653 ConL === 0 [[ 577 ]] #long:40 580 AddP === _ 10 589 623 [[ 579 ]] !orig=422,134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 599 Phi === 598 689 138 [[ 581 ]] #int !orig=521,[475],[416],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 582 PopCountL === _ 583 [[ 581 ]] !orig=486,420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 568 LoadL === 682 7 569 | 34 [[ 567 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=479,136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 695 ConI === 0 [[ 699 712 ]] #int:8000 694 CMoveI === _ 693 692 23 [[ 699 712 ]] #int 713 Bool === _ 712 [[ 699 ]] [gt] !orig=[698] 577 AddP === _ 10 589 653 [[ 576 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 579 LoadL === 682 7 580 | 34 [[ 578 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=421,136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 581 AddI === _ 582 599 [[ 566 ]] !orig=474,415,138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 567 PopCountL === _ 568 [[ 566 ]] !orig=478,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 626 ConL === 0 [[ 423 ]] #long:48 699 CMoveI === _ 713 694 695 [[ 700 ]] #int:0..8000:www 665 ConL === 0 [[ 480 ]] #long:56 576 LoadL === 682 7 577 | 34 [[ 575 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 578 PopCountL === _ 579 [[ 565 ]] !orig=420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 566 AddI === _ 567 581 [[ 565 ]] !orig=473,138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 423 AddP === _ 10 589 626 [[ 487 ]] !orig=[135] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 602 ConvI2L === _ 561 [[ 590 ]] #long:1..maxint-7:www !orig=[494],[426],[131] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 355 ConvI2L === _ 357 [[ 353 ]] #long:0..maxint:www !orig=[131] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 700 AddI === _ 699 688 [[ 701 ]] 480 AddP === _ 10 589 665 [[ 479 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 575 PopCountL === _ 576 [[ 564 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 565 AddI === _ 566 578 [[ 564 ]] !orig=415,138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 487 LoadL === 682 7 423 | 34 [[ 486 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=421,136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 675 ConL === 0 [[ 422 ]] #long:64 590 LShiftL === _ 602 132 [[ 589 ]] !orig=[490],[424],[133] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 353 LShiftL === _ 355 132 [[ 352 ]] !orig=[133] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 701 CmpI === _ 141 700 [[ 702 ]] !orig=166,[150] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 171 IfTrue === 725 [[ 172 ]] #1 718 IfFalse === 722 [[ 172 ]] #0 !orig=[552],[290],[206] 145 ConL === 0 [[ 146 ]] #long:912 144 ThreadLocal === 0 [[ 146 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:28 (line 55) 616 ConI === 0 [[ 615 ]] #int:-7 558 CmpI === _ 216 615 [[ 559 ]] 479 LoadL === 682 7 480 | 34 [[ 478 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 564 AddI === _ 565 575 [[ 474 ]] !orig=138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 486 PopCountL === _ 487 [[ 474 ]] !orig=420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 422 AddP === _ 10 589 675 [[ 421 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 674 ConL === 0 [[ 134 ]] #long:72 589 AddP === _ 10 10 590 [[ 584 580 480 569 423 577 422 134 ]] !orig=[489],423,[135] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 352 AddP === _ 10 10 353 [[ 351 ]] !orig=[135] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 347 CmpI === _ 348 45 [[ 346 ]] !orig=166,[150] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 132 ConI === 0 [[ 590 228 353 ]] #int:3 230 ConvI2L === _ 232 [[ 228 ]] #long:0..maxint:www !orig=[131] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 702 Bool === _ 701 [[ 168 ]] [lt] !orig=167,[151] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 153 IfTrue === 168 [[ 598 ]] #1 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 172 OuterStripMinedLoop === 172 718 171 [[ 172 598 688 689 ]] 146 AddP === _ 1 144 145 [[ 175 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:28 (line 55) 357 Phi === 354 374 348 [[ 348 355 ]] #int:>=0:www #tripcount !orig=108 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 467 ConI === 0 [[ 560 ]] #int:min 615 AddI === _ 45 616 [[ 560 558 ]] !orig=[557] 559 Bool === _ 558 [[ 560 ]] [lt] 478 PopCountL === _ 479 [[ 473 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 474 AddI === _ 486 564 [[ 473 ]] !orig=415,138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 421 LoadL === 682 7 422 | 34 [[ 420 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 134 AddP === _ 10 589 674 [[ 136 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 351 AddP === _ 10 352 128 [[ 350 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 360 IfTrue === 359 [[ 354 ]] #1 !orig=153 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 378 IfTrue === 723 [[ 354 ]] #1 !orig=[308],[197],[206] 346 Bool === _ 347 [[ 359 ]] [lt] !orig=167,[151] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 228 LShiftL === _ 230 132 [[ 227 ]] !orig=[133] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 168 CountedLoopEnd === 598 702 [[ 169 153 ]] [lt] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 !orig=[152] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 232 Phi === 229 248 223 [[ 223 230 ]] #int:>=0:www #tripcount !orig=108 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 688 Phi === 172 59 141 [[ 561 692 691 700 ]] #int:1..max-7:www !orig=561,[496],428,108 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 598 CountedLoop === 598 172 153 [[ 561 598 599 168 ]] inner stride: 8 main of N598 strip mined !orig=[492],[425],[173],[164],[104] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 166 CmpI === _ 141 560 [[ 167 ]] !orig=[150] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 175 LoadP === 169 7 146 [[ 174 ]] @rawptr:BotPTR, idx=Raw; #rawptr:BotPTR (does not depend only on test) !orig=[147] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:28 (line 55) 143 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 140 [[ 174 ]] { - N140:java/lang/Class:exact+116 * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:28 (line 55) 348 AddI === _ 357 59 [[ 347 357 367 ]] !orig=141,... !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:25 (line 55) 214 ConI === 0 [[ 216 ]] #int:-1 560 CMoveI === _ 559 615 467 [[ 166 678 692 691 ]] #int:<=max-7 !orig=[277] 473 AddI === _ 474 478 [[ 415 ]] !orig=138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 420 PopCountL === _ 421 [[ 415 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 136 LoadL === 682 7 134 | 34 [[ 137 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 350 LoadL === 682 7 351 | 34 [[ 349 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 354 CountedLoop === 354 378 360 [[ 517 354 357 359 ]] inner stride: 1 post of N173 !orig=[173],[164],[104] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 359 CountedLoopEnd === 354 346 [[ 360 361 ]] [lt] P=0.500000, C=101898.000000 !orig=168,[152] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 128 ConL === 0 [[ 584 226 257 351 ]] #long:16 227 AddP === _ 10 10 228 [[ 226 ]] !orig=[135] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 169 IfFalse === 168 [[ 174 175 140 ]] #0 !orig=154 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 223 AddI === _ 232 59 [[ 222 232 ]] !orig=141,... !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:25 (line 55) 561 Phi === 598 688 141 [[ 141 602 ]] #int:1..max-7:www #tripcount !orig=[496],428,108 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 167 Bool === _ 166 [[ 725 ]] [lt] !orig=[151] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 174 SafePoint === 169 1 143 1 1 175 10 1 141 [[ 725 ]] SafePoint !orig=142 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:28 (line 55) 367 Phi === 364 348 141 [[ 274 ]] #int 216 AddI === _ 45 214 [[ 187 558 ]] !orig=[186] 678 CmpI === _ 560 59 [[ 680 ]] !orig=[278] 415 AddI === _ 420 473 [[ 138 ]] !orig=138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 137 PopCountL === _ 136 [[ 138 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 349 PopCountL === _ 350 [[ 344 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 517 Phi === 354 138 344 [[ 344 ]] #int !orig=[345],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 257 AddP === _ 10 10 128 [[ 256 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 242 IfFalse === 372 [[ 364 ]] #0 361 IfFalse === 359 [[ 364 343 ]] #0 !orig=169,154 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 226 AddP === _ 10 227 128 [[ 225 ]] !orig=134 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 140 StoreI === 169 249 26 138 [[ 365 143 343 ]] @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=434 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:22 (line 56) 343 StoreI === 361 140 26 344 [[ 365 ]] @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=140,434 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:22 (line 56) 222 CmpI === _ 223 45 [[ 221 ]] !orig=166,[150] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 235 IfTrue === 234 [[ 229 ]] #1 !orig=153 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 326 IfTrue === 724 [[ 229 ]] #1 !orig=[308],[197],[206] 141 AddI === _ 561 538 [[ 367 166 561 370 374 174 688 701 ]] !orig=[165],... !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:25 (line 55) 370 CmpI === _ 141 45 [[ 371 ]] 725 If === 174 167 [[ 368 171 ]] P=0.999000, C=101898.000000 274 Phi === 270 59 367 [[ 248 244 ]] #int !orig=[243] 244 CmpI === _ 274 45 [[ 245 ]] 187 CmpU === _ 216 45 [[ 188 ]] 29 CmpP === _ 10 28 [[ 30 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 538 ConI === 0 [[ 714 141 ]] #int:8 59 ConI === 0 [[ 688 678 348 684 223 274 ]] #int:1 680 Bool === _ 678 [[ 681 ]] [le] 190 IfTrue === 720 [[ 249 256 681 ]] #1 !orig=[197],[206] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 138 AddI === _ 137 415 [[ 530 599 140 517 689 ]] !orig=437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 344 AddI === _ 517 349 [[ 343 530 517 ]] !orig=138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 256 LoadL === 190 7 257 | 34 [[ 255 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 364 Region === 364 361 242 [[ 364 270 365 530 367 ]] 683 IfTrue === 681 [[ 270 ]] #1 !orig=[267],169,154 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 225 LoadL === 247 7 226 | 34 [[ 224 ]] @long[int:>=0]:exact+any *, idx=6; #long !orig=136 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:17 (line 56) 25 ConL === 0 [[ 26 ]] #long:116 24 ConP === 0 [[ 26 26 ]] #java/lang/Class:exact * Oop:java/lang/Class:exact * 365 Phi === 364 343 140 [[ 271 ]] #memory Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; 249 StoreI === 190 27 26 255 [[ 271 140 ]] @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=140,434 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:22 (line 56) 51 CmpU === _ 45 23 [[ 52 ]] !orig=[208],[179] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 221 Bool === _ 222 [[ 234 ]] [lt] !orig=167,[151] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 229 CountedLoop === 229 326 235 [[ 513 229 232 234 ]] inner stride: 1 post of N173 !orig=[173],[164],[104] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 374 CastII === 373 141 [[ 357 375 ]] #int:<=max-1:www unconditional dependency !orig=[384],[286],[201] 371 Bool === _ 370 [[ 372 ]] [lt] 368 IfFalse === 725 [[ 372 ]] #0 248 CastII === 247 274 [[ 232 323 ]] #int unconditional dependency !orig=[332],[286],[201] 245 Bool === _ 244 [[ 246 ]] [lt] 43 ConL === 0 [[ 44 ]] #long:12 188 Bool === _ 187 [[ 720 ]] [lt] 55 IfFalse === 53 [[ 720 ]] #0 !orig=[212],[184] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 30 Bool === _ 29 [[ 33 ]] [ne] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 714 CmpU === _ 45 538 [[ 716 ]] !orig=[549],[287],[202] 684 CmpU === _ 45 59 [[ 703 ]] !orig=[539],[305],[193] 681 If === 190 680 [[ 682 683 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 !orig=[280] 530 Phi === 364 344 138 [[ 527 ]] #int !orig=[529],[514],[220],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 255 PopCountL === _ 256 [[ 249 689 527 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 270 Region === 270 683 364 [[ 270 246 271 527 274 ]] 224 PopCountL === _ 225 [[ 219 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) 513 Phi === 229 527 219 [[ 219 ]] #int !orig=[220],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 26 AddP === _ 24 24 25 [[ 27 343 140 218 249 ]] Oop:java/lang/Class:exact+116 * !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:1 (line 54) 5 Parm === 3 [[ 27 33 ]] Control !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 271 Phi === 270 249 365 [[ 218 240 ]] #memory Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=[233],[107] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 218 StoreI === 236 271 26 219 [[ 240 ]] @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=140,434 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:22 (line 56) 52 Bool === _ 51 [[ 53 ]] [le] !orig=[210] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 234 CountedLoopEnd === 229 221 [[ 235 236 ]] [lt] P=0.500000, C=101898.000000 !orig=168,[152] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 375 CmpU === _ 374 45 [[ 376 ]] !orig=[305],[193] 372 If === 368 371 [[ 242 373 ]] P=0.500000, C=-1.000000 323 CmpU === _ 248 45 [[ 324 ]] !orig=[305],[193] 246 If === 270 245 [[ 154 247 ]] P=0.500000, C=-1.000000 44 AddP === _ 10 10 43 [[ 45 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 34 IfTrue === 33 [[ 53 479 45 576 136 579 225 256 568 350 421 487 583 ]] #1 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 720 If === 55 188 [[ 191 190 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 33 If === 5 30 [[ 34 35 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 716 Bool === _ 714 [[ 722 ]] [le] 709 IfFalse === 721 [[ 722 ]] #0 !orig=[290],[206] 703 Bool === _ 684 [[ 721 ]] [le] !orig=[707] 682 IfFalse === 681 [[ 579 479 583 421 576 350 568 721 487 136 ]] #0 !orig=[281] 527 Phi === 270 255 530 [[ 513 241 ]] #int !orig=[514],[220],[112] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:12 (line 56) 219 AddI === _ 513 224 [[ 218 241 513 ]] !orig=138,437 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:21 (line 56) 27 StoreI === 5 7 26 23 [[ 249 31 64 159 ]] @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !orig=[102] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:1 (line 54) 240 Phi === 239 218 271 [[ 159 ]] #memory Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; 53 If === 34 52 [[ 54 55 ]] P=0.001000, C=102002.000000 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 154 IfFalse === 246 [[ 239 ]] #0 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 236 IfFalse === 234 [[ 239 218 ]] #0 !orig=169,154 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 376 Bool === _ 375 [[ 723 ]] [lt] !orig=[306],[194] 373 IfTrue === 372 [[ 723 374 ]] #1 324 Bool === _ 323 [[ 724 ]] [lt] !orig=[306],[194] 247 IfTrue === 246 [[ 724 248 225 ]] #1 45 LoadRange === 34 7 44 [[ 323 615 370 51 67 375 347 216 187 222 244 684 714 ]] @bottom[int:>=0]+12 * [narrow], idx=5; #int:>=0 !orig=[412] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 10 Parm === 3 [[ 174 29 480 584 423 422 352 352 351 569 257 257 227 227 226 580 134 589 589 67 577 44 44 ]] Parm0: long[int:>=0]:exact * !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 66 ConI === 0 [[ 67 ]] #int:-138 64 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 27 [[ 67 ]] { - N27:java/lang/Class:exact+116 * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 191 IfFalse === 720 [[ 67 ]] #0 28 ConP === 0 [[ 29 37 ]] #NULL 36 ConI === 0 [[ 37 ]] #int:-10 31 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 27 [[ 37 ]] { - N27:java/lang/Class:exact+116 * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 35 IfFalse === 33 [[ 37 ]] #0 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 722 If === 709 716 [[ 719 718 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 721 If === 682 703 [[ 710 709 ]] P=0.000001, C=-1.000000 23 ConI === 0 [[ 27 67 176 67 694 51 ]] #int:0 241 Phi === 239 219 527 [[ 176 ]] #int 159 Phi === 58 240 27 [[ 17 ]] #memory Memory: @java/lang/Class:exact+116 *, name=v, idx=4; !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 7 Parm === 3 [[ 583 579 64 17 27 31 143 45 136 175 225 421 350 256 479 487 568 576 ]] Memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !orig=[101],[106] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 54 IfTrue === 53 [[ 58 ]] #1 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 239 Region === 239 236 154 [[ 239 58 240 241 ]] 723 If === 373 376 [[ 379 378 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 724 If === 247 324 [[ 327 326 ]] P=0.999999, C=-1.000000 67 CallStaticJava === 191 6 64 8 9 ( 66 10 1 23 23 45 ) [[ 68 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='predicate' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) reexecute !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 3 Start === 3 0 [[ 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]] #{0:control, 1:abIO, 2:memory, 3:rawptr:BotPTR, 4:return_address, 5:long[int:>=0]:exact *, 6:long[int:>=0]:exact *} 37 CallStaticJava === 35 6 31 8 9 ( 36 1 1 1 1 28 ) [[ 38 ]] # Static uncommon_trap(reason='null_check' action='maybe_recompile' debug_id='0') void ( int ) C=0.000100 TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 719 IfTrue === 722 [[ 556 ]] #1 !orig=[553],[291],[207] 710 IfTrue === 721 [[ 294 ]] #1 !orig=[291],[207] 176 Phi === 58 241 23 [[ 163 ]] #int !orig=[161] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:31 (line 58) 9 Parm === 3 [[ 163 67 37 ]] ReturnAdr !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 17 MergeMem === _ 1 7 1 159 [[ 163 ]] { - N159:java/lang/Class:exact+116 * } Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; 6 Parm === 3 [[ 67 37 163 ]] I_O !orig=[100] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 58 Region === 58 239 54 [[ 58 163 159 176 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:31 (line 58) 379 IfFalse === 723 [[ 382 ]] #0 !orig=[309],[198] 327 IfFalse === 724 [[ 330 ]] #0 !orig=[309],[198] 68 Proj === 67 [[ 71 ]] #0 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 8 Parm === 3 [[ 163 294 330 556 41 37 382 71 67 ]] FramePtr !orig=[293] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:-1 (line 54) 38 Proj === 37 [[ 41 ]] #0 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 556 Halt === 719 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 294 Halt === 710 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 163 Return === 58 6 17 8 9 returns 176 [[ 0 ]] 382 Halt === 379 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 330 Halt === 327 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] 71 Halt === 68 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:9 (line 55) 41 Halt === 38 1 1 8 1 [[ 0 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:8 (line 55) 0 Root === 0 41 71 330 382 163 294 556 [[ 0 1 3 23 24 25 28 36 43 59 66 79 92 122 128 132 144 145 214 393 442 444 448 467 509 510 512 538 613 614 616 617 618 623 626 646 653 662 663 665 674 675 676 677 695 711 ]] ----------System.err:(57/6229)*---------- Command Line: c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.jdk\\jdk-19\\fastdebug\\bin\\java.exe -DReproduce=true -cp T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\compiler\\c2\\irTests\\TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.d;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\compiler\\c2\\irTests;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1\\test\\lib;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\lib;T:\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\classes\\1;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\src.full\\open\\test\\hotspot\\jtreg;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\javatest.jar;C:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\jtreg\\6.1\\1\\bundles\\\\jtreg\\lib\\jtreg.jar -Djava.library.path=c:\\ade\\mesos\\work_dir\\jib-master\\install\\2022-03-31-1918051.vladimir.kozlov.jdk_git\\windows-x64-debug.test\\hotspot\\jtreg\\native -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=4.16667\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_open_test_hotspot_jtreg_tier1_compiler_1\\tmp -Dir.framework.server.port=52832 -XX:LoopMaxUnroll=8 -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=log,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::* -XX:CompileCommand=option,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::*,bool,PrintIdeal,true -XX:CompileCommand=option,compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::*,bool,PrintOptoAssembly,true -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -DShouldDoIRVerification=true -XX:-BackgroundCompilation -XX:CompileCommand=quiet compiler.lib.ir_framework.test.TestVM compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling One or more @IR rules failed: Failed IR Rules (1) of Methods (1) ---------------------------------- 1) Method "private static int compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.test(long[],long[])" - [Failed IR rules: 1]: * @IR rule 1: "@compiler.lib.ir_framework.IR(applyIf={"UsePopCountInstruction", "true"}, failOn={}, applyIfAnd={}, applyIfOr={}, counts={"(\\\\d+(\\\\s){2}(PopCountL.*)+(\\\\s){2}===.*)", "10"}, applyIfNot={})" - counts: Graph contains wrong number of nodes: * Regex 1: (\\d+(\\s){2}(PopCountL.*)+(\\s){2}===.*) - Failed comparison: [found] 11 = 10 [given] - Matched nodes (11): * 582 PopCountL === _ 583 [[ 581 ]] !orig=486,420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 567 PopCountL === _ 568 [[ 566 ]] !orig=478,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 578 PopCountL === _ 579 [[ 565 ]] !orig=420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 575 PopCountL === _ 576 [[ 564 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 486 PopCountL === _ 487 [[ 474 ]] !orig=420,137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 478 PopCountL === _ 479 [[ 473 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 420 PopCountL === _ 421 [[ 415 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 137 PopCountL === _ 136 [[ 138 ]] !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 349 PopCountL === _ 350 [[ 344 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 255 PopCountL === _ 256 [[ 249 689 527 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) * 224 PopCountL === _ 225 [[ 219 ]] !orig=137 !jvms: TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling::test @ bci:18 (line 56) >>> Check stdout for compilation output of the failed methods ############################################################# - To only run the failed tests use -DTest, -DExclude, and/or -DScenarios. - To also get the standard output of the test VM run with -DReportStdout=true or for even more fine-grained logging use -DVerbose=true. ############################################################# compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.throwIfNoSafepointWhilePrinting( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.reportFailures( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.applyIRRules( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher.( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.runTestVM( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.start( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.start( at compiler.lib.ir_framework.TestFramework.runWithFlags( at compiler.c2.irTests.TestSuperwordFailsUnrolling.main( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$ at java.base/ JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures. Please check stderr for more information. JavaTest Message: shutting down test