Invocations summary for 28235 methods: 23420371157 (100%) total 168450697 ( 0.7%) |- interpreted 23251920460 (99.3%) |- compiled 4909449463 (21.0%) |- special methods (interpreted and compiled) 66580202 ( 0.3%) |- synchronized 875639461 ( 3.7%) |- final 3966922715 (16.9%) |- static 106049 ( 0.0%) |- native 201036 ( 0.0%) |- accessor Calls from compiled code: 18355617238 (100%) total non-inlined 10303503398 (56.1%) |- virtual calls 124903538219 (1212%) | |- inlined 0 ( 0%) | |- optimized 11028282221 ( 107%) | |- monomorphic -724778823 ( -7%) | |- megamorphic 2280965920 (12.4%) |- interface calls 6434141530 ( 282%) | |- inlined 0 ( 0%) | |- optimized 2280965920 ( 100%) | |- monomorphic 0 ( 0%) | |- megamorphic 5771147920 (31.4%) |- static/special calls 70732696858 (1226%) | |- inlined Note 1: counter updates are not MT-safe. Note 2: % in major categories are relative to total non-inlined calls; % in nested categories are relative to their category (and thus add up to more than 100% with inlining) Histogram of call arity (incl. rcvr, calls to compiled methods only): 0: 2176269 ( 0.0%) 1: 3082641713 ( 12.6%) 2: 6394421759 ( 26.0%) 3: 6744075846 ( 27.5%) 4: 4307664637 ( 17.5%) 5: 1822383505 ( 7.4%) 6: 1754346330 ( 7.1%) 7: 132082357 ( 0.5%) 8: 59538774 ( 0.2%) 9: 123881287 ( 0.5%) rest: 125646208 ( 0.5%) (avg. arity = 3.1, max = 26) (total # of compiled calls = 24548858685) (max # of compiled calls = 1503082457) Histogram of parameter block size (in words, incl. rcvr): 0: 2176269 ( 0.0%) 1: 3077336347 ( 12.5%) 2: 6153072348 ( 25.1%) 3: 6678293577 ( 27.2%) 4: 4520549234 ( 18.4%) 5: 1810225354 ( 7.4%) 6: 1824397955 ( 7.4%) 7: 65621741 ( 0.3%) 8: 76867761 ( 0.3%) 9: 166594608 ( 0.7%) rest: 173723491 ( 0.7%) (avg. size = 3.2, max = 29) (total # of compiled calls = 24548858685) (max # of compiled calls = 1503082457)