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  1. CCC Migration Project
  2. CCC-6226715

(ann) java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException could not be serialized


    • behavioral
    • low
    • See discussion in Solution section.
    • Java API
    • SE


      Add null-handling to specification of the serial protocol for AnnotationTypeMismatchException.


      The instance of the java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException class could not be serialized because the AnnotationTypeMismatchException class has non-transient and non-static field 'element' of non-serializable class java.lang.reflect.Method.


      Mark the offending field as transient and explicitly allow nulls.

      Discussion of the approach copied from core-libs thread:

      The analysis of why is patch is valid requires a bit of explanation.

      Like all other exceptions, AnnotationTypeMismatchException is serializable. However, its state contains a non-serializable element field of type Method. Therefore, previously an AnnotationTypeMismatchException with a non-null element field threw an exception when serialized. Therefore, the only persisted AnnotationTypeMismatchException objects have null element fields in the serial output.

      The patch changes element to be a transient field, removing it from the serial output, without changing the serialVersionUID. This would not usually be a valid transformation, but limits on what can be serialized make it acceptable in this case.

      If an old serialized form of an AnnotationTypeMismatchException object with a null value for element is deserialized after the patch, the now extraneous element information is ignored, yielding a semantically correct object (with a null value for element).

      If a new serialized form is deserialized against the previous version of AnnotationTypeMismatchException, the information for the element field is missing, but it gets defaulted to be null, again giving the correct semantics.

      I've verified this cross-version behavior.

      While subtle, I think this change is preferable to introducing readObject/writeObject methods to do something like explicit write out a null value for the element field in the serial form even if element is non-null, etc.

      The specification updates make the possibility of nulls explicit.


      --- old/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchException.java 2016-06-30 09:53:08.335033457 -0700
      +++ new/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchException.java 2016-06-30 09:53:08.223033453 -0700
      @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
            * The {@code Method} object for the annotation element.
      -    private final Method element;
      +    private final transient Method element;
            * The (erroneous) type of data found in the annotation. This string
      @@ -57,10 +57,12 @@
            * Constructs an AnnotationTypeMismatchException for the specified
            * annotation type element and found data type.
      -     * @param element the {@code Method} object for the annotation element
      +     * @param element the {@code Method} object for the annotation
      +     * element, may be {@code null}
            * @param foundType the (erroneous) type of data found in the annotation.
            *        This string may, but is not required to, contain the value
      -     *        as well.  The exact format of the string is unspecified.
      +     *        as well.  The exact format of the string is unspecified,
      +     *        may be {@code null}.
           public AnnotationTypeMismatchException(Method element, String foundType) {
               super("Incorrectly typed data found for annotation element " + element
      @@ -71,8 +73,11 @@
            * Returns the {@code Method} object for the incorrectly typed element.
      +     * The value may be unavailable if this exception has been
      +     * serialized and then read back in.
      -     * @return the {@code Method} object for the incorrectly typed element
      +     * @return the {@code Method} object for the incorrectly typed
      +     * element, or {@code null} if unavailable
           public Method element() {
               return this.element;
      @@ -81,7 +86,8 @@
            * Returns the type of data found in the incorrectly typed element.
            * The returned string may, but is not required to, contain the value
      -     * as well.  The exact format of the string is unspecified.
      +     * as well.  The exact format of the string is unspecified and the string
      +     * may be {@code null}.
            * @return the type of data found in the incorrectly typed element

            darcy Joe Darcy
            darcy Joe Darcy
            Roger Riggs
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