Resolution: Approved
Java API
JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
There is no standard API to traverse selected frames on the execution stack efficiently and access the Class instance of each frame.
Existing APIs that provide access to a thread's stack include: 1. Throwable::getStackTrace and Thread::getStackTrace return an array of StackTraceElement objects, which contain the class name and method name of each stack-trace element.
- SecurityManager::getClassContext is a protected method, which allows a SecurityManager subclass to access the class context.
There is no standard API to walk the stack until the immediate caller's class is found to avoid snapshot the entire stack.
Existing framework/library depends upon the JDK-internal sun.reflect.Reflection::getCallerClass method to get access to Class instance as well as for performance reason.
The CCC proposes the stack-walking API for JEP 259 [1]. It provides the replacement for sun.reflect.Reflection::getCallerClass methods.
[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/259
Define a standard API for stack walking that allows easy filtering of, and lazy access to, the information in stack traces.
* A stack walker.
* <p> The {@link StackWalker#walk walk} method opens a sequential stream
* of {@link StackFrame StackFrame}s for the current thread and then applies
* the given function to walk the {@code StackFrame} stream.
* The stream reports stack frame elements in order, from the top most frame
* that represents the execution point at which the stack was generated to
* the bottom most frame.
* The {@code StackFrame} stream is closed when the {@code walk} method returns.
* If an attempt is made to reuse the closed stream,
* {@code IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
* <p> The {@linkplain Option <em>stack walking options</em>} of a
* {@code StackWalker} determines the information of
* {@link StackFrame StackFrame} objects to be returned.
* By default, stack frames of the reflection API and implementation
* classes are {@linkplain Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES hidden}
* and {@code StackFrame}s have the class name and method name
* available but not the {@link StackFrame#getDeclaringClass() Class reference}.
* <p> {@code StackWalker} is thread-safe. Multiple threads can share
* a single {@code StackWalker} object to traverse its own stack.
* A permission check is performed when a {@code StackWalker} is created,
* according to the options it requests.
* No further permission check is done at stack walking time.
* @apiNote
* Examples
* <p>1. To find the first caller filtering a known list of implementation class:
* <pre>{@code
* StackWalker walker = StackWalker.getInstance(Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
* Optional<Class<?>> callerClass = walker.walk(s ->
* s.map(StackFrame::getDeclaringClass)
* .filter(interestingClasses::contains)
* .findFirst());
* }</pre>
* <p>2. To snapshot the top 10 stack frames of the current thread,
* <pre>{@code
* List<StackFrame> stack = StackWalker.getInstance().walk(s ->
* s.limit(10).collect(Collectors.toList()));
* }</pre>
* Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a
* constructor or method in this {@code StackWalker} class
* will cause a {@link NullPointerException NullPointerException}
* to be thrown.
* @since 1.9
public final class StackWalker {
* A {@code StackFrame} object represents a method invocation returned by
* {@link StackWalker}.
* <p> The {@link #getDeclaringClass()} method may be unsupported as determined
* by the {@linkplain Option stack walking options} of a {@linkplain
* StackWalker stack walker}.
* @since 1.9
* @jvms 2.6
public static interface StackFrame {
* Gets the <a href="ClassLoader.html#name">binary name</a>
* of the declaring class of the method represented by this stack frame.
* @return the binary name of the method represented
* by this stack frame
* @jls 13.1 The Form of a Binary
public String getClassName();
* Gets the name of the method represented by this stack frame.
* @return the name of the method represented by this stack frame
public String getMethodName();
* Gets the declaring {@code Class} for the method represented by
* this stack frame.
* @return the declaring {@code Class} of the method represented by
* this stack frame
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this {@code StackWalker}
* is not configured with {@link Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
public Class<?> getDeclaringClass();
* Returns the name of the source file containing the execution point
* represented by this stack frame. Generally, this corresponds
* to the {@code SourceFile} attribute of the relevant {@code class}
* file as defined by <cite>The Java Virtual Machine Specification</cite>.
* In some systems, the name may refer to some source code unit
* other than a file, such as an entry in a source repository.
* @return the name of the file containing the execution point
* represented by this stack frame, or empty {@code Optional}
* is unavailable.
* @jvms 4.7.10 The {@code SourceFile} Attribute
public Optional<String> getFileName();
* Returns the line number of the source line containing the execution
* point represented by this stack frame. Generally, this is
* derived from the {@code LineNumberTable} attribute of the relevant
* {@code class} file as defined by <cite>The Java Virtual Machine
* Specification</cite>.
* @return the line number of the source line containing the execution
* point represented by this stack frame, or empty
* {@code Optional} if this information is unavailable.
* @jvms 4.7.12 The {@code LineNumberTable} Attribute
public OptionalInt getLineNumber();
* Returns {@code true} if the method containing the execution point
* represented by this stack frame is a native method.
* @return {@code true} if the method containing the execution point
* represented by this stack frame is a native method.
public boolean isNativeMethod();
* Gets a {@code StackTraceElement} for this stack frame.
* @return {@code StackTraceElement} for this stack frame.
* */
public default StackTraceElement toStackTraceElement();
* Stack walker option to configure the {@linkplain StackFrame stack frame}
* information obtained by a {@code StackWalker}.
* @since 1.9
public enum Option {
* Retains {@code Class} object in {@code StackFrame}s
* walked by this {@code StackWalker}.
* <p> A {@code StackWalker} configured with this option will support
* {@link StackWalker#getCallerClass()} and
* {@link StackFrame#getDeclaringClass() StackFrame.getDeclaringClass()}.
* Shows all reflection frames.
* <p>By default, reflection frames are hidden. This includes the
* {@link java.lang.reflect.Method#invoke} method
* and the reflection implementation classes. A {@code StackWalker} with
* this {@code SHOW_REFLECT_FRAMES} option will show all reflection frames.
* The {@link #SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES} option can also be used to show all
* reflection frames and it will also show other hidden frames that
* are implementation-specific.
* Shows all hidden frames.
* <p>A Java Virtual Machine implementation may hide implementation
* specific frames in addition to {@linkplain #SHOW_REFLECT_FRAMES
* reflection frames}. A {@code StackWalker} with this {@code SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES}
* option will show all hidden frames (including reflection frames).
* Returns a {@code StackWalker} instance.
* <p> This {@code StackWalker} is configured to skip all
* {@linkplain Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES hidden frames} and
* no {@linkplain Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE class reference} is retained.
* @return a {@code StackWalker} configured to skip all
* {@linkplain Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES hidden frames} and
* no {@linkplain Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE class reference} is retained.
public static StackWalker getInstance();
* Returns a {@code StackWalker} instance with the given option specifying
* the stack frame information it can access.
* <p>
* If a security manager is present and the given {@code option} is
* it calls its {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission checkPermission}
* method for {@code StackFramePermission("retainClassReference")}.
* @param option {@link Option stack walking option}
* @return a {@code StackWalker} configured with the given option
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and its
* {@code checkPermission} method denies access.
public static StackWalker getInstance(Option option);
* Returns a {@code StackWalker} instance with the given {@ocde options} specifying
* the stack frame information it can access. If the given {@ocde options}
* is empty, this {@code StackWalker} is configured to skip all
* {@linkplain Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES hidden frames} and no
* {@linkplain Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE class reference} is retained.
* <p>
* If a security manager is present and the given {@code options} contains
* it calls its {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission checkPermission}
* method for {@code StackFramePermission("retainClassReference")}.
* @param options {@link Option stack walking option}
* @return a {@code StackWalker} configured with the given options
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and its
* {@code checkPermission} method denies access.
public static StackWalker getInstance(Set<Option> options);
* Returns a {@code StackWalker} instance with the given {@ocde options} specifying
* the stack frame information it can access. If the given {@ocde options}
* is empty, this {@code StackWalker} is configured to skip all
* {@linkplain Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES hidden frames} and no
* {@linkplain Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE class reference} is retained.
* <p>
* If a security manager is present and the given {@code options} contains
* it calls its {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission checkPermission}
* method for {@code StackFramePermission("retainClassReference")}.
* <p>
* The {@code estimateDepth} specifies the estimate number of stack frames
* this {@code StackWalker} will traverse that the {@code StackWalker} could
* use as a hint for the buffer size.
* @param options {@link Option stack walking options}
* @param estimateDepth Estimate number of stack frames to be traversed.
* @return a {@code StackWalker} configured with the given options
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code estimateDepth <= 0}
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and its
* {@code checkPermission} method denies access.
public static StackWalker getInstance(Set<Option> options, int estimateDepth);
* Applies the given function to the stream of {@code StackFrame}s
* for the current thread, traversing from the top frame of the stack,
* which is the method calling this {@code walk} method.
* <p>The {@code StackFrame} stream will be closed when
* this method returns. When a closed {@code Stream<StackFrame>} object
* is reused, {@code IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
* @apiNote
* For example, to find the first 10 calling frames, first skipping those frames
* whose declaring class is in package {@code com.foo}:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>{@code
* List<StackFrame> frames = StackWalker.getInstance().walk(s ->
* s.dropWhile(f -> f.getClassName().startsWith("com.foo."))
* .limit(10)
* .collect(Collectors.toList()));
* }</pre></blockquote>
* <p>This method takes a {@code Function} accepting a {@code Stream<StackFrame>},
* rather than returning a {@code Stream<StackFrame>} and allowing the
* caller to directly manipulate the stream. The Java virtual machine is
* free to reorganize a thread's control stack, for example, via
* deoptimization. By taking a {@code Function} parameter, this method
* allows access to stack frames through a stable view of a thread's control
* stack.
* <p>Parallel execution is effectively disabled and stream pipeline
* execution will only occur on the current thread.
* @implNote The implementation stabilizes the stack by anchoring a frame
* specific to the stack walking and ensures that the stack walking is
* performed above the anchored frame. When the stream object is closed or
* being reused, {@code IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
* @param function a function that takes a stream of
* {@linkplain StackFrame stack frames} and returns a result.
* @param <T> The type of the result of applying the function to the
* stream of {@linkplain StackFrame stack frame}.
* @return the result of applying the function to the stream of
* {@linkplain StackFrame stack frame}.
public <T> T walk(Function<? super Stream<StackFrame>, ? extends T> function);
* Performs the given action on each element of {@code StackFrame} stream
* of the current thread, traversing from the top frame of the stack,
* which is the method calling this {@code forEach} method.
* <p> This method is equivalent to calling
* <blockquote>
* {@code walk(s -> { s.forEach(action); return null; });}
* </blockquote>
* @param action an action to be performed on each {@code StackFrame}
* of the stack of the current thread
public void forEach(Consumer<? super StackFrame> action);
* Gets the {@code Class} object of the caller invoking the method
* that calls this {@code getCallerClass} method.
* <p> Reflection frames, {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle} and
* hidden frames are filtered regardless of the
* and {@link Option#SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES} options
* this {@code StackWalker} has been configured.
* <p> This method throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}
* if this {@code StackWalker} is not configured with
* This method should be called when a caller frame is present. If
* it is called from the last frame on the stack;
* {@code IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
* @apiNote
* For example, {@code Util::getResourceBundle} loads a resource bundle
* on behalf of the caller. It calls this {@code getCallerClass} method
* to find the method calling {@code Util::getResourceBundle} and use the caller's
* class loader to load the resource bundle. The caller class in this example
* is the {@code MyTool} class.
* <pre>{@code
* class Util {
* private final StackWalker walker = StackWalker.getInstance(Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
* public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String bundleName) {
* Class<?> caller = walker.getCallerClass();
* return ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, Locale.getDefault(), caller.getClassLoader());
* }
* }
* class MyTool {
* private final Util util = new Util();
* private void init() {
* ResourceBundle rb = util.getResourceBundle("mybundle");
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* An equivalent way to find the caller class using the
* {@link StackWalker#walk walk} method is as follows
* (filtering the reflection frames, {@code MethodHandle} and hidden frames
* not shown below):
* <pre>{@code
* Optional<Class<?>> caller = walker.walk(s ->
* s.map(StackFrame::getDeclaringClass)
* .skip(2)
* .findFirst());
* }</pre>
* When the {@code getCallerClass} method is called from a method that
* is the last frame on the stack,
* for example, {@code static public void main} method launched by the
* {@code java} launcher or a method invoked from a JNI attached thread.
* {@code IllegalStateException} is thrown.
* @return {@code Class} object of the caller's caller invoking this method.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this {@code StackWalker}
* is not configured with {@link Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is no caller frame, i.e.
* when this {@code getCallerClass} method is called from a method
* which is the last frame on the stack.
public Class<?> getCallerClass();
* Permission to access {@link StackWalker.StackFrame}.
* @see java.lang.StackWalker.Option#RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE
* @see StackWalker.StackFrame#getDeclaringClass()
public class StackFramePermission extends java.security.BasicPermission {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2841894854386706014L;
* Creates a new {@code StackFramePermission} object.
* @param name Permission name. Must be "retainClassReference".
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code name} is invalid.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code name} is {@code null}.
public StackFramePermission(String name) {
if (!name.equals("retainClassReference")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name: " + name);
- csr for
JDK-8140450 Implement JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
- Resolved