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  1. CCC Migration Project
  2. CCC-8175335

Improve handling of module types in javax.lang.model.util.Types


    • behavioral
    • minimal
    • Java API
    • SE


      Update TypeMirror and the Types utility methods to treat a pseudo-type for a module as an illegal argument in the same situations as a pseudo-type for a package is treated as an illegal argument.


      The utility interface javax.lang.model.util.Types has various type-related methods which throw an IllegalArgumentException if given a package or executable type.

      Those methods should also throw an exception if given a module type.


      Update the specification accordingly.


      --- old/src/java.compiler/share/classes/javax/lang/model/type/TypeMirror.java   2017-02-21 23:51:39.596620979 -0800
      +++ new/src/java.compiler/share/classes/javax/lang/model/type/TypeMirror.java   2017-02-21 23:51:39.496570984 -0800
      @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
        * array types, type variables, and the null type.
        * Also represented are wildcard type arguments,
        * the signature and return types of executables,
      - * and pseudo-types corresponding to packages and to the keyword {@code void}.
      + * and pseudo-types corresponding to packages, modules, and to the keyword {@code void}.
        * <p> Types should be compared using the utility methods in {@link
        * Types}.  There is no guarantee that any particular type will always
      --- old/src/java.compiler/share/classes/javax/lang/model/util/Types.java        2017-02-21 23:51:39.916780965 -0800
      +++ new/src/java.compiler/share/classes/javax/lang/model/util/Types.java        2017-02-21 23:51:39.820732970 -0800
      @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
            * @param t2  the second type
            * @return {@code true} if and only if the first type is a subtype
            *          of the second
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given an executable or package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for an executable, package, or module
            * @jls 4.10 Subtyping
           boolean isSubtype(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2);
      @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
            * @param t2  the second type
            * @return {@code true} if and only if the first type is assignable
            *          to the second
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given an executable or package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for an executable, package, or module
            * @jls 5.2 Assignment Conversion
           boolean isAssignable(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2);
      @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
            * @param t1  the first type
            * @param t2  the second type
            * @return {@code true} if and only if the first type contains the second
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given an executable or package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for an executable, package, or module
            * @jls Type Argument Containment and Equivalence
           boolean contains(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2);
      @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
            * @param t  the type being examined
            * @return the direct supertypes, or an empty list if none
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given an executable or package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for an executable, package, or module
            * @jls 4.10 Subtyping
           List<? extends TypeMirror> directSupertypes(TypeMirror t);
      @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
            * @param t  the type to be erased
            * @return the erasure of the given type
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for a package or module
            * @jls 4.6 Type Erasure
           TypeMirror erasure(TypeMirror t);
      @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
            * @param t  the type to be converted
            * @return the result of applying capture conversion
      -     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given an executable or package type
      +     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given a type for an executable, package, or module
            * @jls 5.1.10 Capture Conversion
           TypeMirror capture(TypeMirror t);
      @@ -206,9 +206,14 @@
            * Returns a pseudo-type used where no actual type is appropriate.
            * The kind of type to return may be either
            * {@link TypeKind#VOID VOID} or {@link TypeKind#NONE NONE}.
      -     * For packages, use
      -     * {@link Elements#getPackageElement(CharSequence)}{@code .asType()}
      -     * instead.
      +     *
      +     * <p>To get the pseudo-type corresponding to a package or module,
      +     * call {@code asType()} on the element modeling the {@linkplain
      +     * PackageElement package} or {@linkplain ModuleElement
      +     * module}. Names can be converted to elements for packages or
      +     * modules using {@link Elements#getPackageElement(CharSequence)}
      +     * or {@link Elements#getModuleElement(CharSequence)},
      +     * respectively.
            * @param kind  the kind of type to return
            * @return a pseudo-type of kind {@code VOID} or {@code NONE}

            darcy Joe Darcy
            darcy Joe Darcy
            Jonathan Gibbons
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