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  1. Code Tools
  2. CODETOOLS-4964157

jtreg.jar: scratch, out, test.out issues


    • fcs
    • generic
    • generic

      Name: vsR10238 Date: 12/04/2003

      Filed By : J2SE-SQA [###@###.###
      Platform[s] : generic

      jtreg.jar sets the common temporary directory named 'scratch' for all tests of a regression test suite.
      This often leads to conflicts between tests. For example, if processes of a test are not terminated properly,
      the subsequent tests may fail because test.out or some other commonly used files are not released, and so on.

      The suggestion is to create a separate directory in the 'scratch' directory for each test, the same way as for classes and jtr files.
      Not only this will eliminate the impact of tests that do not clean up properly on the subsequent tests, but also will provide
      a separate test.out file for each test facilitating further failure analysis.

      I don't believe this approach wasn't cosidered by the developers of jtreg.jar. But our testing experience displays that
      implementation of the suggestion will really make regression testing much more reliable and easier.


            jjg Jonathan Gibbons
            vshsunw Vsh Vsh (Inactive)
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