Playing with Javatest Report converter tool resulted in following issues:
1. Not selecting a merged reports format (second step in wizard)
- all fields are nullified. No modal dialog. All reports to be used for
merging will be forgotten.
Default way of passing the wizard must lead to successful result.
By now, it forces the user to restart the wizard and manually reopen all input files.
2. In UI standards, "..." in focusable controls' caption mean: "activating this control
leads to a dialog". This is not true for Tools/Report Converter menu item -
While activating this item at first time leads to a wizard dialog,
consequent calls lead to nothing. Instead of that, one need to activate appeared
"Settings/new..." menu item.
3. Why "new.." and report menu items are in "Settings" menu?"
4. Menu items "New..." and "Open": both lead to dialogs, second caption doesn't contain options.
5. It is possible to activate
"Settings/New..." and "Settings/Open" menus concurrently.
In particular, it means that it is possible read and write to same xml object by means of GUI.
6. Expectation is: providing in "Create files to be converted" dialog
a pair of xml files
and providing
must lead to same result. By now, first case grays "Next" button,
second case allows
7. Closing report tool does not dismiss "create a report" dialog.
(When to perform "create a report" actions in this dialog and create a report,
tool is being shown, and _new_ "create a report" dialog appears.
8. "Report directory" field in report dialog is not being checked for correctness
(must be r/w directory).
- Entering existing file name leads to unexpected FileNotFoundException.
- entering "c:\..\..\helloworld.txt" as output directory
leads to strange
"Merge Report failed due to following exception: Premature end of file." prompt.
9. Activate "Settings/Open" menu item.
In the dialog, enter "c:\..\..\hello.txt"
Prompt appears:
Error while loading file (file:/c:/../../helloworld.txt) c:\..\..\helloworld.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Press OK.
Picture_1.jpg shows "c:\..\..\helloworld.txt" file contents :-).
10. Opening "C:\..\hello.txt" through settings/open menu shows "C:\hello.txt".
Thats strange, because captions says that it's c:\..\hello.txt.
See Picture_2.jpg
11. I was unable to open 20M report file which was previsusly produced by reporter
(generated for JDTS 2.0.4 in testing purposes).
See attached report.xml.
1. Not selecting a merged reports format (second step in wizard)
- all fields are nullified. No modal dialog. All reports to be used for
merging will be forgotten.
Default way of passing the wizard must lead to successful result.
By now, it forces the user to restart the wizard and manually reopen all input files.
2. In UI standards, "..." in focusable controls' caption mean: "activating this control
leads to a dialog". This is not true for Tools/Report Converter menu item -
While activating this item at first time leads to a wizard dialog,
consequent calls lead to nothing. Instead of that, one need to activate appeared
"Settings/new..." menu item.
3. Why "new.." and report menu items are in "Settings" menu?"
4. Menu items "New..." and "Open": both lead to dialogs, second caption doesn't contain options.
5. It is possible to activate
"Settings/New..." and "Settings/Open" menus concurrently.
In particular, it means that it is possible read and write to same xml object by means of GUI.
6. Expectation is: providing in "Create files to be converted" dialog
a pair of xml files
and providing
must lead to same result. By now, first case grays "Next" button,
second case allows
7. Closing report tool does not dismiss "create a report" dialog.
(When to perform "create a report" actions in this dialog and create a report,
tool is being shown, and _new_ "create a report" dialog appears.
8. "Report directory" field in report dialog is not being checked for correctness
(must be r/w directory).
- Entering existing file name leads to unexpected FileNotFoundException.
- entering "c:\..\..\helloworld.txt" as output directory
leads to strange
"Merge Report failed due to following exception: Premature end of file." prompt.
9. Activate "Settings/Open" menu item.
In the dialog, enter "c:\..\..\hello.txt"
Prompt appears:
Error while loading file (file:/c:/../../helloworld.txt) c:\..\..\helloworld.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
Press OK.
Picture_1.jpg shows "c:\..\..\helloworld.txt" file contents :-).
10. Opening "C:\..\hello.txt" through settings/open menu shows "C:\hello.txt".
Thats strange, because captions says that it's c:\..\hello.txt.
See Picture_2.jpg
11. I was unable to open 20M report file which was previsusly produced by reporter
(generated for JDTS 2.0.4 in testing purposes).
See attached report.xml.