Currently jtreg expects zero or non-zero from javac. Since JDK 6, javac has had better defined exit codes.
EXIT_OK = 0, // Compilation completed with no errors.
EXIT_ERROR = 1, // Completed but reported errors.
EXIT_CMDERR = 2, // Bad command-line arguments
EXIT_SYSERR = 3, // System error or resource exhaustion.
EXIT_ABNORMAL = 4; // Compiler terminated abnormally
jtreg should map
0: pass, 1: fail, other:error
EXIT_OK = 0, // Compilation completed with no errors.
EXIT_ERROR = 1, // Completed but reported errors.
EXIT_CMDERR = 2, // Bad command-line arguments
EXIT_SYSERR = 3, // System error or resource exhaustion.
EXIT_ABNORMAL = 4; // Compiler terminated abnormally
jtreg should map
0: pass, 1: fail, other:error
- relates to
JDK-7014715 javac returns different error code for certain failure(s)
- Closed