Section "Using a Known Failures List" in javatestGUI.pdf (b13) contains many errors:
(1) Still used old report titles in many places:
"Fail to Pass", "Fail to Error", "Fail to Fail", etc.
(2) Sentence "A known failures list (KFL) is list of tests or test cases that are expected to fail."
should say "... that are known to fail" as used in help text.
(3) SGML artifacts left: "--index:KFL report bug prefix -->"
(4) In context "Sample scenario:
6. A product under development has a defect described in bug 1234..."
Bullet numbering is confusing: 6,7,8,9
At least the point #1 above must be fixed.
-kfl option is not described in javatestCLI.pdf
In section Writing Reports With writeReport in Using the -type Option subsection COF report should be described.
(1) Still used old report titles in many places:
"Fail to Pass", "Fail to Error", "Fail to Fail", etc.
(2) Sentence "A known failures list (KFL) is list of tests or test cases that are expected to fail."
should say "... that are known to fail" as used in help text.
(3) SGML artifacts left: "--index:KFL report bug prefix -->"
(4) In context "Sample scenario:
6. A product under development has a defect described in bug 1234..."
Bullet numbering is confusing: 6,7,8,9
At least the point #1 above must be fixed.
-kfl option is not described in javatestCLI.pdf
In section Writing Reports With writeReport in Using the -type Option subsection COF report should be described.