- (!) uncheck "Known Failures" report in GUI mode
- set jck.knownFailuresList.needKfl=No and jck.knownFailuresList.customFiles=
- exit from JT GUI
- generate JT report from CLI with "-kfl" option (command example: java -Xmx256m -jar z:/javatest.jar -wd c:/workdir -kfl z:/kfl-file.kfl -writeReport -type html c:/report)
-- check the generated report
---- section "Known Failure Analysis" should present
---- KFL file should be listed
---- KFL report should be created
JT 4.4 b14: does not generate KFL report but should be if -kfl is presented in CLI
- (!) uncheck "Known Failures" report in GUI mode
- set jck.knownFailuresList.needKfl=No and jck.knownFailuresList.customFiles=
- exit from JT GUI
- generate JT report from CLI with "-kfl" option (command example: java -Xmx256m -jar z:/javatest.jar -wd c:/workdir -kfl z:/kfl-file.kfl -writeReport -type html c:/report)
-- check the generated report
---- section "Known Failure Analysis" should present
---- KFL file should be listed
---- KFL report should be created
JT 4.4 b14: does not generate KFL report but should be if -kfl is presented in CLI
- relates to
CODETOOLS-7045547 KFL support: unable to open existed workdir with specified KFL by -kfl option
- Closed