Issue | Fix Version | Assignee | Priority | Status | Resolution | Resolved In Build |
CODETOOLS-7900679 | jcov_2.1.5 | Leonid Mesnik | P4 | Closed | Fixed | jt2.1.5 |
Name: kbR10066 Date: 08/06/2000
Merger utility fails to merge jcov data files containing coverage data
for the same class when the order of its methods in one jcov file is
different from that order in the other jcov file. For example,
while merging two jcov data files A.jcov and B.jcov (see below) :
> java javasoft.sqe.jcov.mergeMain A.jcov B.jcov
merger produces the following output :
Different sections for class a
and coverage data for the class 'a' is not actually merged.
Here are A.jcov and B.jcov (the order of methods 'main' and '<init>'
is inversed) :
---- A.jcov ----
CLASS: a [public]
SRCFILE: /export/home/work/jcov/
TIMESTAMP: 965622312981
#kind line position count
METHOD: <init>()V [public]
2 1 13 0
3 1 13 0
METHOD: main([Ljava/lang/String;)V [public static]
1 2 37 1
3 3 67 1
---- B.jcov ----
CLASS: a [public]
SRCFILE: /export/home/work/jcov/
TIMESTAMP: 965622312981
#kind line position count
METHOD: main([Ljava/lang/String;)V [public static]
1 2 37 1
3 3 67 1
METHOD: <init>()V [public]
2 1 13 0
3 1 13 0
When the order of the methods 'main' and '<init>' is the same in both
files, merger works OK.
- backported by
CODETOOLS-7900679 merging methods differently ordered in jcov files
- Closed