jdec output doesn't preserve the name of the module at the start of the
$ cat module-info.jcod
module foo.bar {
0; // minor version
53; // version
[] { // Constant Pool
; // first element is empty
class #8; // #1
Utf8 "SourceFile"; // #2
Utf8 "module-info.java"; // #3
Utf8 "Module"; // #4
Module #9; // #5
Module #10; // #6
Utf8 "9-ea"; // #7
Utf8 "module-info"; // #8
Utf8 "foo.bar"; // #9
Utf8 "java.base"; // #10
} // Constant Pool
0x8000; // access
#1;// this_cpx
#0;// super_cpx
[] { // Interfaces
} // Interfaces
[] { // fields
} // fields
[] { // methods
} // methods
[] { // Attributes
Attr(#2) { // SourceFile
} // end SourceFile
Attr(#4) { // Module
#5; // name_index
0x0000; // flags
#0; // version
[] { // requires
#6 0x8000 #7;
} // requires
[] { // exports
} // exports
[] { // opens
} // opens
[] { // uses
} // uses
[] { // provides
} // provides
} // end Module
} // Attributes
} // end module foo.bar
$ java -jar asmtools.jar jcoder -d out module-info.jcod
$ java -jar asmtools.jar jdec out/module-info.class > module-info.jcod.after
$ diff module-info.jcod module-info.jcod.after
< module foo.bar {
> module {
Note that the module name in the end comment ("end module XXX") is
The name given at the start of the module doesn't seem to have any effect on the .class output, but it would be nice to preserve it for readability reasons.
$ cat module-info.jcod
module foo.bar {
0; // minor version
53; // version
[] { // Constant Pool
; // first element is empty
class #8; // #1
Utf8 "SourceFile"; // #2
Utf8 "module-info.java"; // #3
Utf8 "Module"; // #4
Module #9; // #5
Module #10; // #6
Utf8 "9-ea"; // #7
Utf8 "module-info"; // #8
Utf8 "foo.bar"; // #9
Utf8 "java.base"; // #10
} // Constant Pool
0x8000; // access
#1;// this_cpx
#0;// super_cpx
[] { // Interfaces
} // Interfaces
[] { // fields
} // fields
[] { // methods
} // methods
[] { // Attributes
Attr(#2) { // SourceFile
} // end SourceFile
Attr(#4) { // Module
#5; // name_index
0x0000; // flags
#0; // version
[] { // requires
#6 0x8000 #7;
} // requires
[] { // exports
} // exports
[] { // opens
} // opens
[] { // uses
} // uses
[] { // provides
} // provides
} // end Module
} // Attributes
} // end module foo.bar
$ java -jar asmtools.jar jcoder -d out module-info.jcod
$ java -jar asmtools.jar jdec out/module-info.class > module-info.jcod.after
$ diff module-info.jcod module-info.jcod.after
< module foo.bar {
> module {
Note that the module name in the end comment ("end module XXX") is
The name given at the start of the module doesn't seem to have any effect on the .class output, but it would be nice to preserve it for readability reasons.
- blocks
CODETOOLS-7903458 Umbrella: Preparations for switching to Asmtools 8.0
- In Progress