Consider this C function:
int foo(int n, ...);
This generates the following:
public static foo$invoker foo$makeInvoker(MemoryLayout... layouts) { ... }
public static int foo(int n, Object... x1) {
MemoryLayout[] inferredLayouts$ = foo_h.inferVariadicLayouts(x1);
return (int) foo$makeInvoker(inferredLayouts$).foo(n, x1);
The second static method contains a redundant cast for the return value of foo$makeInvoker.
Also, the use of a dollar in the foo$invoker name is probably no longer consistent with the other generated names.
int foo(int n, ...);
This generates the following:
public static foo$invoker foo$makeInvoker(MemoryLayout... layouts) { ... }
public static int foo(int n, Object... x1) {
MemoryLayout[] inferredLayouts$ = foo_h.inferVariadicLayouts(x1);
return (int) foo$makeInvoker(inferredLayouts$).foo(n, x1);
The second static method contains a redundant cast for the return value of foo$makeInvoker.
Also, the use of a dollar in the foo$invoker name is probably no longer consistent with the other generated names.