Consider this global variable declaration:
int ints[2][3][4];
Currently, jextract only generates an accessor for the segment slice corresponding to `ints`. As such, it is rather hard to access individual elements of the underlying array.
A better solution would be, for array variables/fields, to generate (in addition to the usual slice accessors), a way to access individual elements, given access coordinates - e.g.
int ints(long x0, long x1, long x2)
int ints(long x0, long x1, long x2, int varValue)
int ints[2][3][4];
Currently, jextract only generates an accessor for the segment slice corresponding to `ints`. As such, it is rather hard to access individual elements of the underlying array.
A better solution would be, for array variables/fields, to generate (in addition to the usual slice accessors), a way to access individual elements, given access coordinates - e.g.
int ints(long x0, long x1, long x2)
int ints(long x0, long x1, long x2, int varValue)