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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1185675

GC is unsafe



    • 1.0alpha
    • sparc
    • generic
    • Not verified


      Last night's low-level threadfest seems to have worked pretty well, but there is
      at least one significant remaining area of unsafety.

      We learned yesterday that we must not try to acquire ANY monitor (or wait on any
      monitor) while the scheduler is locked. That means doing it explicitly or calling
      some libc function like malloc() that uses our monitors under the covers. If you do,
      and someone else owns it, you will wait for the monitor AND OTHER THINGS WILL RUN.
      If this happens you will die some percentage of the time.

      GC thinks it is protected because it is wrapped in a scheduler lock. A hole that we
      failed to plug yesterday is that GC does at least one thing that uses a monitor:
      calls sysMonitorEnumerateOver() to enumerate over the threads, and that locks
      the thread queue monitor. There may be other things too, but some of the usual
      suspects (malloc/free) appear innocent. Things like memset() are used but don't
      lock. We need to inspect this and all SCHED_LOCKED code with a fine-toothed

      The result of this hole will be unpredictable crashes just after GC, with unknown
      frequency. Note that nothing done yesterday makes this worse than before the
      changes -- we just didn't get everything plugged.

      [Addendum:] Incidentally, the issue of avoiding monitors in SCHED_LOCKED() code
      means that any tracing or debugging messages put in that code for debugging
      or monitoring purposes may *significantly* perturb the system and reduce reliabil-
      ity. Things like printf() presumably will do libc stuff that will want mutexes and
      get monitors. It might be good to collect stats when SCHED_LOCKED() and only
      do things like printing messages once you get out.




            tlindholsunw Timothy Lindholm (Inactive)
            tlindholsunw Timothy Lindholm (Inactive)
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