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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1188740

oak search can't scroll a node to the exact place where a word is found


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.3

      When I'm using Oak search to find things in the documentation it takes me to the top of
      the node where the word is found. From there I have to search the node to find the
      word I was looking for. This is less than ideal. In fact, many of the searches I did were
      abortive because I couldn't find the word I was looking for. This is a serious problem that
      limits the utility of oak search.


      And I thought I was being so precise. Let me try again:

      When oak search takes me to a page it always takes me to the top of
      that page, even if the word I was searching for is at the bottom of
      the page. I then have to scroll the page hunting for the word I wanted.
      This is less than ideal and results in fruitless searches.

      When oak search takes me to a page that has the word I'm looking for
      it should scroll the page so that the "hit" is contained in the first
      line that's displayed in the window.

      Is that better?

            duke J. Duke
            duke J. Duke
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