Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 04:13:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Vishal Mehra" <###@###.###>
Subject: generation of C stubs for arrays of arrays
To: "java" <hotjava-interest@java>
Cc: "Vishal Mehra" <###@###.###>
My Java code looks like:
Package neuralnet;
class Neural {
public native void main_loop(int cell_array[][]);
javah generates the following header file
extern void neuralnet_Neural_main_loop(struct Hneuralnet_Neural *,
HArrayOfInt *,void);
Now I don't now how to access two dimension array because "HArrayOfInt *"
just gives me one dimensional array. Morever what is the meaning of last
argument been void.
Any comments/suggestions regarding how to access arrays of arrays would
be appreciated.
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From: "Vishal Mehra" <###@###.###>
Subject: generation of C stubs for arrays of arrays
To: "java" <hotjava-interest@java>
Cc: "Vishal Mehra" <###@###.###>
My Java code looks like:
Package neuralnet;
class Neural {
public native void main_loop(int cell_array[][]);
javah generates the following header file
extern void neuralnet_Neural_main_loop(struct Hneuralnet_Neural *,
HArrayOfInt *,void);
Now I don't now how to access two dimension array because "HArrayOfInt *"
just gives me one dimensional array. Morever what is the meaning of last
argument been void.
Any comments/suggestions regarding how to access arrays of arrays would
be appreciated.
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