Resolution: Fixed
Not verified
The java compiler generates bad code for
try{...}finally{return;} This is only noticed when the
code is verified, as when an applet is loaded via http,
because the bad code cannot be reached by program execution.
Here is an example source file. Note especially method foo().
class finallyBug extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable{
boolean v;
public void run(){
v = true;
static boolean foo( finallyBug b ){
Thread t;
t = new Thread( b );
} finally {
return b.v;
public finallyBug(){v = false;}
public void init(){
System.out.println("foo() "+(foo( this )?"succeeded":"failed") );
public static void main( String ignore[] ){
System.out.println("foo() "+(foo( new finallyBug() )?"succeeded":"failed") );
And here is part of the output of javap -c finallyBug. Note
that the goto at 20 references offset 35, which is past the
end of the method!
Method boolean foo(finallyBug)
0 new #10 <Class java.lang.Thread>
3 dup
4 aload_0 0
5 invokenonvirtual #11 <Method java.lang.Thread.<init>(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V>
8 astore_3
9 aload_3 3
10 invokevirtual #21 <Method java.lang.Thread.start()V>
13 aload_3 3
14 invokevirtual #19 <Method java.lang.Thread.join()V>
17 jsr 29
20 goto 35
23 astore_1
24 jsr 29
27 aload_1 1
28 athrow
29 astore_2
30 aload_0 0
31 getfield #20 <Field finallyBug.v Z>
34 ireturn
Method finallyBug()
try{...}finally{return;} This is only noticed when the
code is verified, as when an applet is loaded via http,
because the bad code cannot be reached by program execution.
Here is an example source file. Note especially method foo().
class finallyBug extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable{
boolean v;
public void run(){
v = true;
static boolean foo( finallyBug b ){
Thread t;
t = new Thread( b );
} finally {
return b.v;
public finallyBug(){v = false;}
public void init(){
System.out.println("foo() "+(foo( this )?"succeeded":"failed") );
public static void main( String ignore[] ){
System.out.println("foo() "+(foo( new finallyBug() )?"succeeded":"failed") );
And here is part of the output of javap -c finallyBug. Note
that the goto at 20 references offset 35, which is past the
end of the method!
Method boolean foo(finallyBug)
0 new #10 <Class java.lang.Thread>
3 dup
4 aload_0 0
5 invokenonvirtual #11 <Method java.lang.Thread.<init>(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V>
8 astore_3
9 aload_3 3
10 invokevirtual #21 <Method java.lang.Thread.start()V>
13 aload_3 3
14 invokevirtual #19 <Method java.lang.Thread.join()V>
17 jsr 29
20 goto 35
23 astore_1
24 jsr 29
27 aload_1 1
28 athrow
29 astore_2
30 aload_0 0
31 getfield #20 <Field finallyBug.v Z>
34 ireturn
Method finallyBug()
- relates to
JDK-1224280 Incorrect warning about exception not caught
- Closed