From ###@###.### Thu Nov 2 03:41:09 1995
From: Doug Lea <###@###.###>
To: ###@###.###
Subject: javac suggestion (was: I want to shoot myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Even if you do choose to use RunTimeExceptions, you can/should still list
them in the throws clauses of method declarations to advertise to
class users that they can be thrown. (I do this in my
collections package (
It would be nice if there were javac compiler option that reports the
declared exceptions that could be generated yet aren't required to be
caught (i.e., RunTimeExceptions) to help people decide whether they
want to catch them anyway and/or take other evasive action. I believe
that this would have to be limited to declared exceptions of nominal
classes since javac cannot possibly know all of the RunTimeExceptions
that could be thrown by all possible subclasses. But more often than
not, this would still be useful enough to help class users better deal
with the sometimes-subtle distinctions that lead class writers to
declare RunTime vs other exceptions.
PS Why is javadoc not included in the JDK-beta-1.0 (sparc version at least)?
(The script is in bin/, but the code is not in bin/sun4/ or classes/.)
Can the prebeta version be spliced into the beta bin/sun4 and classes
Doug Lea | ###@###.### | ###@###.### | 315-341-2688 | FAX 315-341-5424
Computer Science Dept, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 |
Also: Software Eng. Lab, NY CASE Center, Syracuse Univ, Syracuse NY 13244
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From: Doug Lea <###@###.###>
To: ###@###.###
Subject: javac suggestion (was: I want to shoot myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Even if you do choose to use RunTimeExceptions, you can/should still list
them in the throws clauses of method declarations to advertise to
class users that they can be thrown. (I do this in my
collections package (
It would be nice if there were javac compiler option that reports the
declared exceptions that could be generated yet aren't required to be
caught (i.e., RunTimeExceptions) to help people decide whether they
want to catch them anyway and/or take other evasive action. I believe
that this would have to be limited to declared exceptions of nominal
classes since javac cannot possibly know all of the RunTimeExceptions
that could be thrown by all possible subclasses. But more often than
not, this would still be useful enough to help class users better deal
with the sometimes-subtle distinctions that lead class writers to
declare RunTime vs other exceptions.
PS Why is javadoc not included in the JDK-beta-1.0 (sparc version at least)?
(The script is in bin/, but the code is not in bin/sun4/ or classes/.)
Can the prebeta version be spliced into the beta bin/sun4 and classes
Doug Lea | ###@###.### | ###@###.### | 315-341-2688 | FAX 315-341-5424
Computer Science Dept, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 |
Also: Software Eng. Lab, NY CASE Center, Syracuse Univ, Syracuse NY 13244
This message was sent to the java-interest mailing list
Info: send 'help' to ###@###.###
- duplicates
JDK-4128179 # Add a lint-like facility to javac
- Closed