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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1232061

Show an empty choice control then fill it, overlaps other controls


    • x86
    • windows_nt

      Win32 only: Empty choice controls that are shown then filled with data overlap adjacent controls.

      Steps to reproduce
      Compile the attached code
      Save attached FontTest.html
      Run appletviewer FontTest.html

      // note location of choice controls

      /* Font test routines
       * %W% %G% %U%
       * @author Kevin A. Smith

      import java.awt.*;
      import java.util.Properties;
      import java.applet.Applet;

      public class FontTest extends Applet
          // class variables
          private Choice fontNameList;
          private TextField fontSize;
          private TextArea textArea;
          private TextField fontInfo;
          private Checkbox fontBold;
          private Checkbox fontItalic;
          private Choice fontInfoChoice;
          private Choice fontMetricsList;
          private TextField metricInfo;

          private final int DEF_FONT_SIZE = 12;

          private final String infoTypes[] =

          private final String metricTypes[] =

          // create screen objects
          public FontTest()
             // local variables
             Panel fontsPanel = new Panel();
             Panel tempPanel = new Panel();

             fontsPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(3, 1) );

             // create first panel
             tempPanel.add( new Label("Font Name:") );
             tempPanel.add( fontNameList = new Choice() );
             tempPanel.add( new Label("Size:") );
             tempPanel.add( fontSize = new TextField(
                                     3) );
             tempPanel.add( new Label("Style:") );
             tempPanel.add( fontBold = new Checkbox("Bold") );
             tempPanel.add( fontItalic = new Checkbox("Italic") );
             fontsPanel.add( tempPanel );

             // create second panel
             tempPanel = new Panel();
             tempPanel.add( new Label("Font") );
             tempPanel.add( fontInfoChoice = new Choice() );
             tempPanel.add( fontInfo = new TextField("Unknown method", 40) );
             fontsPanel.add( tempPanel );

             // font metrics stuff
             tempPanel = new Panel();
             tempPanel.add( new Label("Font Metrics") );
             tempPanel.add( fontMetricsList = new Choice() );
             tempPanel.add( metricInfo = new TextField("Unknown metric", 40) );
             fontsPanel.add( tempPanel );

             // place panels into applet
             setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
             add( "North", fontsPanel );
             add( "Center", textArea = new TextArea(100, 10) );

          // initialize screen objects
          public void init()
             // local variables
             Properties properties = new Properties();
             int i;
             String fontNames[];

             /* Notes
              * If you addItem() to the choice controls in
              * the constructor, the problem does not appear.
              * The appletviewer shows these controls before
              * calling applet.init().

             // get list of fonts and populate choice list
             fontNames = getToolkit().getFontList();
             for (i = 0; i < fontNames.length; ++i)
                fontNameList.addItem( fontNames[i] );

             // add additional font choices
             fontNameList.addItem("Default Font");
             fontNameList.addItem("Current Font");

             // set font method names
             for (i = 0; i < infoTypes.length; ++i)
                fontInfoChoice.addItem( infoTypes[i] );

             // set Metrics info choice
             for (i = 0; i < metricTypes.length; ++i)
                fontMetricsList.addItem( metricTypes[i] );

             // set the initial values

              // default properties
             properties.put("Default Test Font", "Courier-bold-16" );

             resize(600, 400);

          public boolean action(Event evt, Object obj)
             // check type of event
             if ( (evt.target instanceof TextField) ||
                  (evt.target instanceof Checkbox) )
                return true;
             else if (evt.target instanceof Choice)
                if ( evt.target.equals(fontNameList) )
                else if ( evt.target.equals(fontMetricsList) )
                else if ( evt.target.equals(fontInfoChoice) )
                   return false;

                return true;
                return super.action(evt, obj);


          private void setTextFont()
             // local variables
             Font font;
             String fontName;
             int iFontSize;
             int fontStyle;

             // Get fontName
             fontName = fontNameList.getSelectedItem();
             if ( fontName.equals("Default Font") )
                font = ( Font.getFont("Default Test Font") );
             else if ( fontName.equals("Current Font") )
                font = ( Font.getFont("Current Font", textArea.getFont() ) );
             // create a font from scratch
                // get font size
                   iFontSize = Integer.parseInt( fontSize.getText() );
                catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   iFontSize = DEF_FONT_SIZE;
                // get Font Style
                if ( fontBold.getState() )
                   fontStyle = Font.BOLD;
                   fontStyle = Font.PLAIN;

                if ( fontItalic.getState() )
                   fontStyle = fontStyle | Font.ITALIC;

                // create the new font
                 font = new Font(fontName, fontStyle, iFontSize);
             } // end else create new font

             // set the text area font
             if (! font.equals( textArea.getFont() ) )
                fontSize.setText( Integer.toString( font.getSize() ) );

             // now report back the info from this font


          private void getFontInfo()
                fontInfo.setText("Unknown method call");

          private void getMetrics()
                metricInfo.setText("Unknown Font Metric");


      ----- FontTest.html -----
      <APPLET CODE = "FontTest.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 400>

            tballsunw Tom Ball (Inactive)
            kasmithsunw Kevin Smith (Inactive)
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