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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1240530

Compiler will not compile a method with more than 63 local variables, it should


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.4

      Compiler should allow more than 63 local variables.

      Steps to reproduce
      Compile the attached code

      class LocalVarTest
         public static void main(String argv[])
            int i1 = 1;
            int i2 = 2;
            int i3 = 3;
            int i4 = 4;
            int i5 = 5;
            int i6 = 6;
            int i7 = 7;
            int i8 = 8;
            int i9 = 9;
            int i10 = 10;
            int i11 = 11;
            int i12 = 12;
            int i13 = 13;
            int i14 = 14;
            int i15 = 15;
            int i16 = 16;
            int i17 = 17;
            int i18 = 18;
            int i19 = 19;
            int i20 = 20;
            int i21 = 21;
            int i22 = 22;
            int i23 = 23;
            int i24 = 24;
            int i25 = 25;
            int i26 = 26;
            int i27 = 27;
            int i28 = 28;
            int i29 = 29;
            int i30 = 30;
            int i31 = 31;
            int i32 = 32;
            int i33 = 33;
            int i34 = 34;
            int i35 = 35;
            int i36 = 36;
            int i37 = 37;
            int i38 = 38;
            int i39 = 39;
            int i40 = 40;
            int i41 = 41;
            int i42 = 42;
            int i43 = 43;
            int i44 = 44;
            int i45 = 45;
            int i46 = 46;
            int i47 = 47;
            int i48 = 48;
            int i49 = 49;
            int i50 = 50;
            int i51 = 51;
            int i52 = 52;
            int i53 = 53;
            int i54 = 54;
            int i55 = 55;
            int i56 = 56;
            int i57 = 57;
            int i58 = 58;
            int i59 = 59;
            int i60 = 60;
            int i61 = 61;
            int i62 = 62;
            int i63 = 63;
            int i64 = 64;


      Actually, 32 doubles do the same thing.

            fyellinsunw Frank Yellin (Inactive)
            kasmithsunw Kevin Smith (Inactive)
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