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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1240720

fp.bugs 3369 TextField class- example of selection, cpu usage, cursor and tab...


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5

       From: Scott Comer <###@###.###>
      This does not look like form output to me.

      This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

      this is a reporting of bugs in the TextField class of the java developers
      kit 1.0.

      these bugs appear on the sparc-sun-solaris2.4 system.

      source code attached.

      use the following commands:

      javac tsi.java
      appletviewer tsi.html

      in the resulting display, please note the following problems:

      1) note that the insertion point only blinks while the mouse is moving.
      in particular, if the cursor is hidden when the mouse stops, then it
      remains hidden until you move the mouse some. but don't move it too long!

      2) while mouse is within the frame of the applet, note that cpu
      utilization goes to 100% if there are text fields present.

      3) try double clicking on the word foo. note that double clicking in a
      text field has to be very fast to actually select a word.

      4) double click on the word foo and then click once after the word cough.
      note that foo is not deselected.

      5) click after the word cough and move the cursor up to the word foo,
      then wiggle it just enough so that you can see the insertion point after
      cough while keeping the cursor centered over foo. without moving the
      mouse, double click on foo. note that foo is hilited but that there is an
      insertion point artifact left on cough.

      6) now press the tab key. note that it cycles through the text fields,
      not moving the selection as it moves from field to field. you can get in
      the curious state of having a blinking insertion point and a hilited
      selection at the same time.

      7) note the text fields are more than one line tall. they should not
      allow themselves to be taller than one line.

      some text field requests:

      1) macintosh rules: tabbing to a field selects text if non-empty.

      scott comer

      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
      Content-Disposition: inline; filename="tsi.java"

      import java.util.*;
      import java.awt.*;
      import java.applet.Applet;

      public class tsi extends Applet
              public void init()
                      String one = getParameter("one");
                      String two = getParameter("two");
                      String three = getParameter("three");
                      String four = getParameter("four");

                      setLayout(new BorderLayout());

                      Panel p = new Panel();

                      add("Center", p);

                      p.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2, 40, 5));

                      int i = 0;
                      if (one != null) addField(p, i++, "one", one, true);
                      if (two != null) addField(p, i++, "two", two, false);
                      if (three != null) addField(p, i++, "three", three, true);
                      if (four != null) addField(p, i++, "four", four, false);

              public void addField(Panel p, int row, String label,
                      String value, boolean editable)
                      Label l = new Label(label, Label.RIGHT);
                      p.add(l, row*2);

                      TextField t = new TextField(value, 20);
                      p.add(t, row*2+1);

              public void start()

              public void stop()

              public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)
                      return false;

      Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
      Content-Disposition: inline; filename="tsi1.html"

      <BASE HREF="/export/home/wert/tsi/tsi1.html">

      This is a sample applet which does some cool stuff.
      <applet code="tsi.class" width=400 height=200>
              <param name=one value="foo">
              <param name=two value="bar">
              <param name=three value="cough">
              <param name=four value="sputter">
      This is the end of the sample applet which did cool stuff.


            amfowler Anne Fowler (Inactive)
            bhagen Benjamin Hagen (Inactive)
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