The line number information in debugging line table of class file is
wrong for the instruction generated from final constant fields.
Actually the line number of declaration is used instead of the line
number of reference (see example below).
The instruction "iconst_2" (address 18) has lineno 2
in line table. It should be line 8.
public class t {
public final int TWO = 2;
void f() {
int a = 1;
a += 1;
a += TWO;
a += 3;
> /usr/local/java/1.0/bin/javac -g
> /usr/local/java/1.0/bin/javap -c -l t
Line numbers for method void f()
line 4: 0
line 5: 2
line 6: 5
line 7: 12
line 8: 15
line 2: 18<----????
line 8: 19
line 9: 22
line 3: 25
Method void f()
0 iconst_1
1 istore_1
2 iinc 1 1
5 getstatic #8 <Field java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;>
8 iload_1
9 invokevirtual #6 <Method>
12 iinc 1 2
15 getstatic #8 <Field java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;>
18 iconst_2
19 invokevirtual #6 <Method>
22 iinc 1 3
25 return
wrong for the instruction generated from final constant fields.
Actually the line number of declaration is used instead of the line
number of reference (see example below).
The instruction "iconst_2" (address 18) has lineno 2
in line table. It should be line 8.
public class t {
public final int TWO = 2;
void f() {
int a = 1;
a += 1;
a += TWO;
a += 3;
> /usr/local/java/1.0/bin/javac -g
> /usr/local/java/1.0/bin/javap -c -l t
Line numbers for method void f()
line 4: 0
line 5: 2
line 6: 5
line 7: 12
line 8: 15
line 2: 18<----????
line 8: 19
line 9: 22
line 3: 25
Method void f()
0 iconst_1
1 istore_1
2 iinc 1 1
5 getstatic #8 <Field java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;>
8 iload_1
9 invokevirtual #6 <Method>
12 iinc 1 2
15 getstatic #8 <Field java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream;>
18 iconst_2
19 invokevirtual #6 <Method>
22 iinc 1 3
25 return