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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-1253636

JDK 1.0.2 don't get focus events on WIN32


    • 1.1
    • x86
    • windows_95
    • Not verified

      FOCUS_IN and FOCUS_OUT aren;'t reported on Button, TexField, TextArea at
      least using JDK1.0.2 on Win 32.

      On Solaris they are reported.

      Not sure for the reason for this anomaly but I think they are supposed to be

      Here is a test program.

      import java.awt.*;
      import java.applet.*;
      import java.lang.*;
      import java.io.*;

      public final class eventTest extends Applet {
                     InputTextField inputField; // single-linetype-in area;
                     InputTextArea inputArea; // multi-line type-in area
           public eventTest() {

          public static void main(String args[]) {

              Frame f = new Frame("Event Test");
             eventTest eT = new eventTest();
             f.add("Center", eT);

           public void init() {

             Panel p = new Panel();
             p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());add(p);

             inputArea = new InputTextArea("", 4,20);

             inputField = new InputTextField("", 20);

             InputButton b = new InputButton();
             p.add("North", b);



      class InputButton extends Button {

         public InputButton() {
            super("Press Me");

        public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {

         System.out.println("caught Button event");
         if (e.id == Event.GOT_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("Button Focus In");
         else if (e.id == Event.LOST_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("Button Focus Out");

        return super.handleEvent(e);

      class InputTextField extends TextField {

         public InputTextField(String s, int cols) {


        public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {

         System.out.println("caught TextField event");
         if (e.id == Event.GOT_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("TextField Focus In");
         else if (e.id == Event.LOST_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("TextField Focus Out");
        return super.handleEvent(e);

      class InputTextArea extends TextArea {

         public InputTextArea(String s, int rows, int cols) {


        public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {

         System.out.println("caught TextArea event");
         if (e.id == Event.GOT_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("TextArea Focus In");
         else if (e.id == Event.LOST_FOCUS)
              System.out.println("TextArea Focus Out");
         return super.handleEvent(e);

            tballsunw Tom Ball (Inactive)
            prr Philip Race
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