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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4009961

java.sql.DriverManager.setLogStream() should emit categories of diagnostics


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5.1

      alok.rishi@Eng 1996-10-17

      Would like the java.sql.DriveManager to have a capability to emit a classification of diagnostics (rather than just turning logging/trace on/off).

      Borland's RFE:

      JDBC DriverManager setLogStream() could be useful for a SQL monitor
      tool. Unfortunately there is no categorization of diagnostics that can
      come out from a driver. This makes it difficult to filter out classes
      of diagnostics. Is there another existing or planned interface to allow
      for categorization of diagnostics? Here are the categories we provide
      in our SQL Monitor tool in Delphi:

      1) Prepared Query Statements. Any diagnostics used in the preparation
      of a statement and setting of paramaters (open, set, close)
      2) Executed Query Statements. Actual execution of statements, return
      result etc
      3) Statement Operations. Result set operations, (ie next, get field
      value, etc).
      4) Connect /Disconnect. (Connection operations.)
      5) Transactions.
      6) Blob I/O.
      7) Miscellaneous. Option settings for a connection, etc
      8) Vendor Errors.
      9) Vendor Calls. Much like how the odbc bridge echos odbc calls being

            jellissunw Jon Ellis (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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