Name: el35337 Date: 01/07/97
I'm working with the Java Beans, and I was trying to
use jdb to learn to debug a Java Bean, and I've hit some
problems. I recompiled JellyBean with
the -g flag (I edited to include the -g flag)
created a new jar file, decanted the new jar file into
beans/beanbox/unjar, and started jdb by entering 'nmake jdb'
in beans/beanbox. I hope all this setup is clear, feel free
to call 512-838-3409 or email ###@###.### if
you can't follow. Here are the problems I found:
1) I can't set a breakpoint on the constructor. I've tried
both 'stop in JellyBean.JellyBean' and 'stop in
JellyBean.<init>', but it won't take either one. It
has no problem with any other method.
2) I can't get the 'use' command to find the source. In
the beanbox setup, it sets CLASSPATH to look at the
decanted jar file, which, of course, only contains the
.class files. When I tried to get the 'use' command to
reset the path to look for the source so jdb would
also look in the development directory so it could find the
.java files, I never could get it to work. The only way
I can get jdb to find the source is to copy the .java files
over to where the decanted .class files are, so the source
is in the original setting of CLASSPATH.
3) 'locals' doesn't show the private data fields for the class.
This may be as designed, but I never could figure out how to
see the values of the class data fields.
4) 'dump JellyBean' consistently causes jdb to core dump.
I put a breakpoint in JellyBean.paint, and dropped the
JellyBean into the beanbox so I would stop at the breakpoint.
While at the breakpoint, I enter 'dump JellyBean' and
I always get an application error that terminates jdb.
Karalee LeBlanc, ###@###.###
- duplicates
JDK-4030811 JDB: dies on most 'dump' and 'print' commands
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-4029080 JDB: can't "stop in" a constructor
- Closed
JDK-4029088 JDB: can't get the 'use' command to find the source
- Closed