Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
1.1, 1.1.4
generic, x86
solaris_10, windows_nt
On win32, if you set the scrollbarDisplayPolicy to SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS and
you resize the scrollpane such that it is larger than it's child, the
scrollbars should still be visible (filling their entire size so they can't
be moved), but they arn't. It seems to behave like AS_NEEDED.
Reproduce by:
1 cd src/share/test/awt
2 java ScrollPaneTest
3 select "always" in choice and click on "Clone Scrollpane.." button
4 stretch the new scrollpane out larger so that it's content is entirely
visible (may be only possible in the vertical direction)
Note the the vertical scrollbar disappears when it should remain visible.
This is reproducible on winNT, 1.1beta3.
Another report from Supriya Godbole:
We are using ScrollPane class to create an applet
There we can specify Scrollbar display policy
by using appropriate constructor. I am using it as
SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS. I want to have the scrollbar
there thought it is not needed. (It hide the drawing
in background). So instead of using Scrollbar
as needed I am using ALWAYS. The problem is
horizontal scrollbar is not displayed if there is
no need.
brian.klock@eng 1997-11-25
you resize the scrollpane such that it is larger than it's child, the
scrollbars should still be visible (filling their entire size so they can't
be moved), but they arn't. It seems to behave like AS_NEEDED.
Reproduce by:
1 cd src/share/test/awt
2 java ScrollPaneTest
3 select "always" in choice and click on "Clone Scrollpane.." button
4 stretch the new scrollpane out larger so that it's content is entirely
visible (may be only possible in the vertical direction)
Note the the vertical scrollbar disappears when it should remain visible.
This is reproducible on winNT, 1.1beta3.
Another report from Supriya Godbole:
We are using ScrollPane class to create an applet
There we can specify Scrollbar display policy
by using appropriate constructor. I am using it as
SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS. I want to have the scrollbar
there thought it is not needed. (It hide the drawing
in background). So instead of using Scrollbar
as needed I am using ALWAYS. The problem is
horizontal scrollbar is not displayed if there is
no need.
brian.klock@eng 1997-11-25