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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4028268

jump scrolling skips parts of a page


    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5

      Jump scrolling does not work right.

      To recreate:

          Find yourself a Sparc 5. I can get it to reproduce fairly easily on
          Tom Corson's machine facula (SS5, OpenWindows Motif), and with more
          difficulty on Amy Pearl's (amos, an SS5, OpenWindows Motif). We have not
          managed to reproduce
          this bug on an Ultra -- it looks like some kind of race condition (?)

          Physically go to the slow machine. We weren't able to reproduce
          it via rlogin to the Sparc 5.

          Run hotjava file:/usr/sqe/doc/hotjava1.0fcs_testplan.html

          Wait for the page to load completely, then scroll down a page at a
          time by clicking in the scrollbar area. When you get to the
          bottom, start scrolling up in the same way. It's OK to wait for
          the paint to complete with each page increment, although it
          seems to happen more frequently if you don't.

      Once you've gone through about three cycles of scrolling to the bottom
      then the top, you should definitely see the bug. For one of your
      scrolling requests, your should see it scroll down by a page, then
      quite quickly scroll down another page. Sometimes it will keep going
      until it hits the bottom.

      I checked HotJava, and we are not calling ScrollPane.scrollTo().

            rraysunw Richard Ray (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
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