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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4050072

should be able to specify the port number on which a remote object is exported


    • 1.2alpha
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.5
    • Not verified

      Currently, there is no API (in UnicastRemoteObject) to export an object
      on a given port. Some customers wish to export an object on a specific
      port and allow RMI through the firewall on that port.

      From Eric WesterKamp (###@###.###)

      > >> Hi Eric,
      > >>
      > >> Why do you need to specify the port?
      > >>
      > >> -- Ann Wollrath, RMI Development
      > >
      > >Specifically for firewall passing. We need to know
      > >the port our RMI object(s) are on so that we can open
      > >up that port through the firewall.
      > >
      > >The http tunnelling method does not work since they
      > >have http protocol only allowed on port 80.
      > >
      > >The CGI scripting might or might not work. I have
      > >been trying to get it working for about a week.
      > >There is a good chance I have it right now and our client
      > >is going to test it.
      > >
      > >However, they feel that opening up a generic CGI script
      > >that allows ALL access to RMI objects might not be
      > >so secure. Our client is VERY security concious.
      > >
      > >Our prefferred method is opening up communication to
      > >the specific port.
      > >
      > >Also not all of our clients are going to have a web
      > >server that can run the CGI script, so we need another
      > >mechanism.
      > >
      > >Thanks for your reply,
      > >
      > >
      > >Eric Westerkamp
      > >QuickStream Software
      > >
      > >###@###.###
      > >http://www.quickstream.com
      > >

            awollratsunw Ann Wollrath (Inactive)
            awollratsunw Ann Wollrath (Inactive)
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