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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4051958

java.awt.FileDialog can not display non-Latin1 characters on OpenWindows



    • b01
    • generic, sparc
    • solaris_9
    • Not verified



        [katakai 5/145/97 JST]
        The original synopsis is "Japanese messages in some dialogs of HJB
        are garbaged", but the problem is not specific to E-Reg.

        Please see the attachment. I attached two files. "filedialog.rs" is a
        snapshot of HJB file dialog. The japanese filename is garbage.
        "dialog.rs" dialog is brought up from sample applet. The japanese text of
        "Waring: Applet Window" also becomes garbage.

        The reason is java.awt.FileDialog and Dialog depend on
        "fontList" resource, which is defined in CDE but not in OpenWindows.
        Please try to run "xrdb -q" command on OW, you can find that
        no fontList resource is not defined.

        The problem is not only for multibyte locales. In C locale,
        users can find the font of FileDialog is not same with
        awt default font.

        The font of FileDialog should be specified at inside of awt,
        should not depend on X resource.

        [gshibaya@japan 5/14/97]

        This bug occurs in HJB during E-Reg in ja locale in OW.
        All Japanese messages in Open file dialog and Save file dialog are garbaged.
        Japanese messages on OK, Cancel and Update button are also garbaged and customer
        can't distinguish them.

        This bug may not be important, because HJB in other situations doesn't have
        this problem (messages are English).

        janet.koenig@Eng 1998-02-17
        The following test case demonstrates the problem:
        Select Japanese locale from CDE login prompt on Solaris 2.5.1 machine.
        Select OpenWindows session.
        Start IM (% htt &)
        Run the following test case and try to enter something into one of the
        text fields:

        import java.awt.*;
        import java.awt.event.*;

        public class TestFileDialog extends Frame {
          Button loadButton, closeButton;
          public TestFileDialog() {
            super ("Test FileDialog");
            addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}
            Panel p = new Panel ();
            p.add (loadButton = new Button ("Create FileDialog"));
            loadButton.addActionListener( new createFileDialog() );
            add (p, "Center");
          public static void main (String args[]) {
            TestFileDialog f = new TestFileDialog();

          class createFileDialog implements ActionListener {
            public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
              int state;
              String msg;
              FileDialog file = new FileDialog (TestFileDialog.this, "Load File", FileDialog.LOAD);
              file.setFile ("*.java"); // Set initial filename filter
              file.show(); // Blocks


        Garbage characters appear.


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                jkoenigsunw Janet Koenig (Inactive)
                duke J. Duke
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