(This is cut-and-pasted from an API change proposal that was floated for 1.2.
A consensus wasn't reached in time, so I dropped it and changed it into this
RFE. When this comes up, for JDK 2.0 or beyond, I would like to be involved
in any discussions to make sure we don't end up hurting HotJava in the process
of fixing this. bill.foote@eng, June 6 '97)
The ftp: and file: protocol handlers have hard-wired knowledge of
HotJava. They use HotJava icons for displaying directories (via
the doc: protocol, and some hotjava.* system properties).
Bill Foote
Proposed API change:
Add this method to java.net.URLConnection:
* Associates a directory listing generator with this connection. If
* this connection represents a directory, the generator can be used
* to produce application-specific HTML.
* Not all connection types support reading directories (ftp: and
* file: do, http: does not).
public void setDirectoryListingGenerator(DirectoryListingGenerator g) {
And add this interface:
package java.net;
public interface DirectoryListingGenerator {
public void addDirectory(OutputStream out, String name);
public void addFile(OutputStream out, String name);
Change sun.net.www.protocol.file.FileURLConnection and
sun.net.www.protocol.ftp.FtpURLConnection so that their default
behavior is to produce simple HTML with no images. Add the ability
to associate a directory listing generator with a java.net.URLConnection
instance; this instance would be ignored by other flavors of URLConnection.
HotJava (and other clients) would simply keep a singleton instance of
(an implementation of) DirectoryListingGenerator, and associate it
with each connection.
Risk assessment:
Low. It's a change that simply inverts dependencies so that the JDK
does not have hard-wired knowledge of HotJava.
Testing impact:
Tests would have to be written for the JCK. On the other hand, we
_don't_ have to test for the counter-intuitive behavior of the
current JDK, where references to a hidden API (i.e. the system
properties hotjava.file.iconheight et al).
Documentation impact:
The javadoc documentation should suffice.
A consensus wasn't reached in time, so I dropped it and changed it into this
RFE. When this comes up, for JDK 2.0 or beyond, I would like to be involved
in any discussions to make sure we don't end up hurting HotJava in the process
of fixing this. bill.foote@eng, June 6 '97)
The ftp: and file: protocol handlers have hard-wired knowledge of
HotJava. They use HotJava icons for displaying directories (via
the doc: protocol, and some hotjava.* system properties).
Bill Foote
Proposed API change:
Add this method to java.net.URLConnection:
* Associates a directory listing generator with this connection. If
* this connection represents a directory, the generator can be used
* to produce application-specific HTML.
* Not all connection types support reading directories (ftp: and
* file: do, http: does not).
public void setDirectoryListingGenerator(DirectoryListingGenerator g) {
And add this interface:
package java.net;
public interface DirectoryListingGenerator {
public void addDirectory(OutputStream out, String name);
public void addFile(OutputStream out, String name);
Change sun.net.www.protocol.file.FileURLConnection and
sun.net.www.protocol.ftp.FtpURLConnection so that their default
behavior is to produce simple HTML with no images. Add the ability
to associate a directory listing generator with a java.net.URLConnection
instance; this instance would be ignored by other flavors of URLConnection.
HotJava (and other clients) would simply keep a singleton instance of
(an implementation of) DirectoryListingGenerator, and associate it
with each connection.
Risk assessment:
Low. It's a change that simply inverts dependencies so that the JDK
does not have hard-wired knowledge of HotJava.
Testing impact:
Tests would have to be written for the JCK. On the other hand, we
_don't_ have to test for the counter-intuitive behavior of the
current JDK, where references to a hidden API (i.e. the system
properties hotjava.file.iconheight et al).
Documentation impact:
The javadoc documentation should suffice.
- relates to
JDK-4263459 Content type of file: URL connection for directories inconsistent.
- Resolved
JDK-4192854 FTP Content Handler suggestion....
- Resolved
JDK-4317919 sun.net.www.protocol.ftp.FtpDirectoryThread cannot be stopped.
- Resolved