Resolution: Won't Fix
1.2.0, 1.4.0, 5.0
It would be cool if, in addition to transforming String.operator+() calls into calls to StringBuffer.append(), the compiler would correctly size the StringBuffer.
E.g. the compiler currently turns
String s = x + y + z;
into something like
String s = new StringBuffer().append(x).append(y).append(z).toString();
which causes reallocation of the StringBuffer as the various append method calls are made. The compiler could transform that to
String s = new String(x.length()+y.length()+z.length()).append(x).append(y).append(z).toString();
(and, of course, it would be able to replace the lengths for constant Strings with a constant int). That would size the StringBuffer appropriately before the appends.
Then, of course, we'd want to measure some real program, like javac, to see if it makes any difference.
This RFE was suggested by Sanjoy Ghosh <sanjoy@bhopal>.
peter.kessler@Eng 1997-06-16
The following is copied from 4398094:
String s1, s2;
s1 += s2;
we can generate slightly better code by using
s1 = s1.append(s2);
which allocates twice: a String and a byte[] once, compared to what we currently
new StringBuffer().append(s1).append(s2).toString();
which allocates at least thrice: a StringBuffer, a byte[], a String, and possibl
e more byte[] arrays during buffer expansion. An intermediary would be
new StringBuffer(s1).append(s2).toString();
which would at least avoid expansion for the first append.
Apparently the old compiler performed this optimization.
neal.gafter@Eng 2001-07-13
Even more fundamental optimizations are now missed:
the method
static String x;
static void foo(int n) {
x = "" + n;
compiles to
0 iload_0
1 invokestatic #13 <Method java.lang.String valueOf(int)>
4 putstatic #14 <Field java.lang.String x>
7 return
under 1.1.x and 1.2 but to
0 new #2 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer>
3 dup
4 invokespecial #3 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer()>
7 ldc #4 <String "">
9 invokevirtual #5 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(java.lang.String)>
12 iload_0
13 invokevirtual #6 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(int)>
16 invokevirtual #7 <Method java.lang.String toString()>
19 putstatic #8 <Field java.lang.String x>
22 return
under 1.3 or later. The longer version is about twice as slow with the same
VM, and "" + n is a pretty common idiom for converting numbers to strings.
###@###.### 2001-11-01
E.g. the compiler currently turns
String s = x + y + z;
into something like
String s = new StringBuffer().append(x).append(y).append(z).toString();
which causes reallocation of the StringBuffer as the various append method calls are made. The compiler could transform that to
String s = new String(x.length()+y.length()+z.length()).append(x).append(y).append(z).toString();
(and, of course, it would be able to replace the lengths for constant Strings with a constant int). That would size the StringBuffer appropriately before the appends.
Then, of course, we'd want to measure some real program, like javac, to see if it makes any difference.
This RFE was suggested by Sanjoy Ghosh <sanjoy@bhopal>.
peter.kessler@Eng 1997-06-16
The following is copied from 4398094:
String s1, s2;
s1 += s2;
we can generate slightly better code by using
s1 = s1.append(s2);
which allocates twice: a String and a byte[] once, compared to what we currently
new StringBuffer().append(s1).append(s2).toString();
which allocates at least thrice: a StringBuffer, a byte[], a String, and possibl
e more byte[] arrays during buffer expansion. An intermediary would be
new StringBuffer(s1).append(s2).toString();
which would at least avoid expansion for the first append.
Apparently the old compiler performed this optimization.
neal.gafter@Eng 2001-07-13
Even more fundamental optimizations are now missed:
the method
static String x;
static void foo(int n) {
x = "" + n;
compiles to
0 iload_0
1 invokestatic #13 <Method java.lang.String valueOf(int)>
4 putstatic #14 <Field java.lang.String x>
7 return
under 1.1.x and 1.2 but to
0 new #2 <Class java.lang.StringBuffer>
3 dup
4 invokespecial #3 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer()>
7 ldc #4 <String "">
9 invokevirtual #5 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(java.lang.String)>
12 iload_0
13 invokevirtual #6 <Method java.lang.StringBuffer append(int)>
16 invokevirtual #7 <Method java.lang.String toString()>
19 putstatic #8 <Field java.lang.String x>
22 return
under 1.3 or later. The longer version is about twice as slow with the same
VM, and "" + n is a pretty common idiom for converting numbers to strings.
###@###.### 2001-11-01
- duplicates
JDK-6326080 javac fails to recognize common idiom for converting to string
- Closed
JDK-6507034 Performance enhancement with string concatenation using +
- Closed
JDK-4398094 Request improved code for string concatenation
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-6429744 (str) Hardcoded StringBuilder default capacity causes too many extendCapacity calls
- Open
JDK-4947460 better code for ("" + expression) please
- Closed
JDK-8014432 Throwable.printStackTrace does unnecessary String concatenation
- Closed
(1 relates to)