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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4060880

GMT does not take into account DST


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • None
    • 1.1
    • core-libs
    • None
    • x86
    • windows_nt

      Name: el35337 Date: 06/23/97

      Running this code:

        import java.util.*;
        class ttime
            static void dp (String s)
            public static void main(String[] args)
                Date now = new Date();
                dp("now is " + now.toString());
                dp("now is " + now.toGMTString());
                dp("now is " + now.toLocaleString());
                dp("now's TZ offset is " + now.getTimezoneOffset());
                dp("now.getTime is " + now.getTime());
                dp("currentTimeMillis " + System.currentTimeMillis());
                dp("Date.UTC 4/15 4:44 " + Date.UTC(97, 3, 15, 4, 44, 0));
                dp("Date.UTC 4/15 3:44 " + Date.UTC(97, 3, 15, 3, 44, 0));
                dp("Date.UTC 4/14 23:44 " + Date.UTC(97, 3, 14, 23, 44, 0));

      at precisely 11:44:00 PM on 14-Apr-97 in EDT I get this output:

        c:\Howard\Java>java ttime
        now is Mon Apr 14 20:44:00 PDT 1997
        now is 15 Apr 1997 04:44:00 GMT
        now is 14-Apr-97 8:44:00 PM
        now's TZ offset is 240
        now.getTime is 861075840721
        currentTimeMillis 861075840852
        Date.UTC 4/15 4:44 861075840000
        Date.UTC 4/15 3:44 861072240000
        Date.UTC 4/14 23:44 861057840000

      I know that in 1.1.1 Date.toString will now correctly
      print the time in EDT. Someone else tried this code on
      1.1.1 and had the same problems, but I ran this code
      on 1.1 so that's what I'm reporting it under.

      I also know that some of these
      routines are deprecated but I saw worse problems in Calendar
      that I have already reported. We have not switched to 1.1.1
      yet because of problems mostly in AWT, I don't know if the
      other Calendar problems have been fixed yet
      (namely that they don't recalculate fields properly). Also
      since the Date functions are layered on Calendar these problems
      reflect problems in those classes.

      I note the following problems:

        11:44PM EDT is in fact 20:44 PDT, that's fine.

        11:44PM EDT should be 03:44 GMT (the next day), not 04:44
        So I conclude that toGMTString is not tracking DST.

        I don't know where toLocaleString is broken but I know it's
        TZ offset it being computed correctly. In EDT there is
        only a 4 hour difference to GMT. I don't know why the GMT
        routines don't also realize this.

        Both System.currentTimeMillis() and Date().getTime()
        return the same correct value, which it good. However
        all places that convert that to a time string seem to
        get the DST adjustment incorrectly.
        To be clear, if you do the
        math I think you'll find that 861075840 seconds from the
        epoch will be 3:44am Tue Apr 15, 1997 GMT. I did the math by
        hand and with Emacs' Calc package (which seems to do the
        math properly).

        The static routine Date.UTC is also broken in this way.
        That is, I would expect the 2nd call to Date.UTC() to have
        returned 861075840000 (which the first call did).

      Here is some other code I've used to test things:

        // GMT shouldn't have DST set to anything other than 1
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
        Date d = new Date();
        System.out.println("\nA new TimeZone for GMT");
        System.out.println("tz.useDaylightTime() is " + tz.useDaylightTime());
        System.out.println("tz.getRawOffset() is " + tz.getRawOffset());
        System.out.println("tz.getOffset() is " +

      When I run it I get this output:

        A new TimeZone for GMT
        tz.useDaylightTime() is true
        tz.getRawOffset() is 0
        tz.getOffset() is 3600000
        TimeZone IDs for Offset 0

      useDaylightTime should be false and getOffset should return
      zero, not 1 hour.

      Finally, running this code:

        now = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        System.out.println("DST_OFFSET: "+

      Results in this output:

        DST_OFFSET: 1

      and DST should be 0. It seems that parts of the system confuse
      London time which is GMT during "standard" dates and BST during
      "daylight savings" dates with GMT which never changes due to DST.

      company - SilverStream Software , email - ###@###.###

            ssenthilsunw Shanmugam Senthil (Inactive)
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