The JLS section 17.4 describes that doubles and longs may be observed
to be assigned as two 32 bit pieces, except if the variable in question
is volatile. The VM does not align data items and use single instructions
to make sure that assignments to volatile variables are atomic. Ideally,
all such assignments could be atomic, not just variables declared
volatile. Such a VM would pave the way for eventual removal of section
17.4, which is a canker on the language.
to be assigned as two 32 bit pieces, except if the variable in question
is volatile. The VM does not align data items and use single instructions
to make sure that assignments to volatile variables are atomic. Ideally,
all such assignments could be atomic, not just variables declared
volatile. Such a VM would pave the way for eventual removal of section
17.4, which is a canker on the language.
- duplicates
JDK-4023233 Memory accesses for doubles are not atomic.
- Closed