I recently upgraded from build 114 to build 141
of the Java Workshop 2.0 Beta and I have noticed
the recurrence of a problem which I reported in
build 93 and no loger appeared in build 114. The
last time I encountered the problem, I reported
it directly to Lee Bieber, with whom I had
discussed an earlier problem.
The problem is this: static native methods no
longer work because the call stack appears to
be corrupted -- i.e., the parameters passed to
the native method are corrupted upon entering
the method. On the surface, it appears that the
parameters are shifted -- the first passed
parameter appears within the method in the
second parameter. This problem only occurs when
executing the program via Project/Run. When
debugging the program, it works properly.
Working from the command line, running the
program with "java.exe" does not work whereas
using "java.exe -debug" does.
The last time I reported this problem, I
provided a small test program to demonstrate
it. If necessary, I can provide this program
Additional e-mail:
I've attached the same program I sent last time, along with the
version of java.exe that I was using. Here's the output that I
get from running the test:
C:\example>java main
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 16136808 val2: 5
C:\example>java -debug main
Agent password=3445an
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
Zip file with test code is attached.
sfoster@eng 1997-08-01
of the Java Workshop 2.0 Beta and I have noticed
the recurrence of a problem which I reported in
build 93 and no loger appeared in build 114. The
last time I encountered the problem, I reported
it directly to Lee Bieber, with whom I had
discussed an earlier problem.
The problem is this: static native methods no
longer work because the call stack appears to
be corrupted -- i.e., the parameters passed to
the native method are corrupted upon entering
the method. On the surface, it appears that the
parameters are shifted -- the first passed
parameter appears within the method in the
second parameter. This problem only occurs when
executing the program via Project/Run. When
debugging the program, it works properly.
Working from the command line, running the
program with "java.exe" does not work whereas
using "java.exe -debug" does.
The last time I reported this problem, I
provided a small test program to demonstrate
it. If necessary, I can provide this program
Additional e-mail:
I've attached the same program I sent last time, along with the
version of java.exe that I was using. Here's the output that I
get from running the test:
C:\example>java main
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 16136808 val2: 5
C:\example>java -debug main
Agent password=3445an
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
val1: 5 val2: 10
Zip file with test code is attached.
sfoster@eng 1997-08-01