Name: rlT66838 Date: 08/05/97
By the way I am using Solaris Intel not SPARC.
1) SimpleTimeZone (text.util)
The built in simple time zone for NST seems to have incorrect
daylight savings. ie (java.util.TimeZone):
SimpleTimeZone( '+1200', APRIL,1,SUNDAY, 2am,
OCTOBER,-1, SUNDAY, 2am );
In fact looking in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/australasia at
the NZ definition:
# New Zealand
Rule NZ 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
Rule NZ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 S
(Wouldn't it be good if Java could pick up these time zone files?)
2) Locale for New Zealand. (java.util)
Also their is no Locale for New Zealand, but their is a time
zone; their needs to be two Locale's for New Zealand:
Locale_en_NZ : English (New Zealand)
Locale_mi_NZ : Maori (New Zealand)
The New Zealand (en_NZ) Locale is very simular to the UK except
we use dollars. I have attempted to make my own Resource files
if you want them.
3) TimeZone and Formatting. (java.text)
Because there is no Locale for New Zealand in JDK1.1.1 these
functions don't work out to well. But I think there is also a
bug even if the Locale's are added, this is because the time
zone names fail a string match; the SimpleTimeZone is called
NST but in Unix(Solaris) there is only NZST and NZDT and these
are correct; their is no NST. To prove this my System properties
gives me a timezone of NZST. Passing in NST into
Will compare with fields [2] & [4] which contains 'NZST' and
'NZDT' thus the compare will fail (not NST). I could be wrong
company - R.A.Ward Ltd. , email - ###@###.###
- duplicates
JDK-4069784 TimeZone.getDefault() returns incorrect time zome.
- Closed