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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4071593

(reflect) Method.invoke() throws spurious IllegalAccessException


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 1.1.3, 1.3.0
    • core-libs

      Name: rlT66838 Date: 08/13/97

      I am using JDK 1.1.3 with the JDK 1.1.3 VM on NT 4.0.
      I am trying to use invoke() to call hasMoreElements()
      on the Enumeration (java.util.VectorEnumerator) that I
      obtained from a Vector. I am getting an llegalAccessException,
      although I clearly have access to call this function
      through the Enumeration interface.
      I believe that the problem is related to the fact that
      the class VectorEnumerator is not accessible to me,
      even though I can call its public functions when it
      is passed to me as an Enumeration. I think that invoke()
      may be checking to see if the VectorEnumeration class
      is accessible, and complaining when it discovers that
      it is not. I don't know if this is true (invoke() is native,
      so I can't check the source.)

      (Speculation follows: ) If this is the problem, I recommend modifying
      java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeinvoke(Object obj, Object args[])
      so that it only checks to see if I have access to
      the class in which Method is defined if the
      Method is static, and if it is non-static then
      it just checks the function that I am calling,
      to better mimic the security behaviour that the VM
      uses for a regular function invocation.
      (End of speculation.)

      Sample code is below.

      import java.util.*;
      import java.lang.reflect.*;
      import java.io.*;

      // Tries to use the reflection APIs to invoke Enumeration.hasMoreElements(),
      // and fails miserably. Sample output:
      // >java test
      // java.lang.IllegalAccessException: java/util/VectorEnumerator
      // at test.main(test.java:46)

      class test
      final static boolean HACK = false;

      public static void main(String[] argc)
      throws NoSuchMethodException,
      Vector myVector = new Vector();
      //foo myFoo = new foo();

      Enumeration myEnum;
      if (HACK)
      myEnum = new enumerationWrapper(myVector.elements());
      myEnum = myVector.elements();

      // Create the Vector & Enumeration
      // If HACK, then we wrap it with out (accessible) Enumeration

      Class[] theArgTypes = new Class[0];
      // hasMoreElements() takes 0 parameters

      Class enumClass = myEnum.getClass();
      // get the class

              Method hasMoreElements =
      enumClass.getDeclaredMethod("hasMoreElements", theArgTypes);
      // create the Method from the class & param list

      Object[] theArgs = new Object[0];
      // create the parameters (there are none of them)

      Object result = hasMoreElements.invoke(myEnum, theArgs);
      // try to invoke Enumeration.hasMoreElements()

      System.out.println("m_Method.invoke(myEnum, theArgs); == " + result);
      // we never get here unless HACK == true

      public final static class enumerationWrapper implements Enumeration
      Enumeration java_util_VectorEnumerator;
      // The Enumeration we're wrapping

      public enumerationWrapper(Enumeration java_util_VectorEnumerator)
      this.java_util_VectorEnumerator = java_util_VectorEnumerator;

      public boolean hasMoreElements()
      return java_util_VectorEnumerator.hasMoreElements();

      public Object nextElement()
      return java_util_VectorEnumerator.nextElement();



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