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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4074852

String.toUpperCase might return a bigger String


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 1.1.2
    • core-libs
    • x86
    • windows_95

      The original bug report is at the bottom. The gist of this bug
      is that JLS 20.12.36 reads:

      "Otherwise, this method creates a new String object
      representing a character sequence _identical in
      length_ ..."

      [emphasis mine].

      But if you skim String.java, if the character is a "sharp s"
      (\u00DF) the uppercase translation of that is the string
      "ss". I am told Character.toUpperCase() returning a single
      character for \u00DF is okay -- because when you do the
      toUpperCase on a String, you are doing the translation in
      terms of a particular locale (with Character.toUpperCase()
      you are doing a search on the Unicode table -- a set of truths
      for all locales).

      So String.toUpperCase might return a bigger string. Note that
      this is not a problem with toLowerCase.

      anand.palaniswamy@Eng 1997-10-14

      Original report:

      Name: joT67522 Date: 08/27/97

      There is a problem with String.toUpperCase which does not
      always return a String of the same length as the original.
      Due to a special case in String.java, the sharp s ('\u00DF')
      will always be converted into "SS".

      While this is not a bad idea (at least for Germany :-), there
      are two problems with that approach:

      1. The current documentation says "... a new string is allocated,
         whose length is identical to this string, ..."

      2. During the constructing of a filter Writer class which
         performs upper case conversion, Strings containing at least
         one sharp s have been truncated by mistake. This was due to
         the fact that write(String, int, int) cuts the String which
         increased in length after conversion. Unfortunately, write cannot
         predict whether it is allowed to increase the length of the
         resulting String as needed due to sharp S conversions or not.

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