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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4083270

ResourceBundle.getBundle() does not check for subclass of ResourceBundle



    • beta
    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_nt


      Name: joT67522 Date: 10/01/97

       * filename: test.java
       * Cut out this code, compile and run it.
       * OUTPUT description: The constructor gets called repeatedly.
       * The reason for this lies in ResourceBundle.getBundle().
       * In ResourceBundle class, getBundle() uses findBundle()
       * first to look for a class with the given argument string
       * and it tries to instanstiate it. It does not check whether
       * it is a subclass of ResourceBundle before instantiating it.
       * Since the constructor for class test is public, there is
       * no problem with trying to instantiate it, and it will,
       * however ResourceBundle.getBundle() will be called
       * repeatedly.

      import java.util.ResourceBundle;

      public class test
          String message = null;
          ResourceBundle rb;
          // remove the public access modifier for the constructor
          // and this code will work fine.
          public test()
              System.out.println( "constructor called" );

                  rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "test" );
                  System.out.println( "read properties file" );
              catch( Exception e )
                  System.err.println( "test.properties not found" );
                  System.exit( 1 );

                  message = rb.getString( "message" );
                  System.out.println( message );
              catch( Exception e )

          public static void main( String args[] )
              test t = new test();

      // Cut below the next line and remove the comments and save as test.properties

      The bug actually covers two problems, only one of which is corrected by this fix:

      Problem 1: ResourceBundle.getBundle does not find a .properties file. This occurs if you try to load a .properties file that has the same name as a class (and the class file does not descend from ResourceBundle). Ex. you have a class named MyClass (which does not descend from ResourceBundle) and a properties file named MyClass.properties. Resource bundle will try to return an object of type MyClass, fail when casting it to a ResourceBundle, and throw a ClassCastException. The .properties file is never looked for.

      Problem 2: ResourceBundle.getBundle can cause an infinite recursion. This occurs when you meet the conditions of problem 1 AND you try to load the properties file from the class constructor or initialization code. ex. MyClass tries to load MyClass.properties from its constructor.

      Problem 1 is corrected by this fix. Problem 2 is not.

      johnfz@eng 1999-03-16


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